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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. I hope you didn't wreck that nice clean R6 ya got. kawi kid is onto something.
  2. 1 and 4 Your main and slow jet. And yes then just screw them back in and snug. I'm not sure on your bike, but sometimes 3 is removable and there is a screen behind it that I've seen crap in before. That is the float needle seat. Also the air/fuel screw can come out. inside number 6. But there is most likely a plug on top of it that needs to be removed. A drill is needed for that. That will allow you to clean that passage as well.
  3. dustinsn3485


    There ya got it... Some guys think they're funny...
  4. There is a float needle for each carb and a jet needle for each carb. The float needle is part of the float. The jet needle can be removed by pulling the diaphram cover off of the top of the carb. I'm not going to do a very good job of explaining this, I'm heading out of town in -5 min. Basically you need to remove all the jets (they have slots for a flat blade screwdriver) then use carb cleaner and spray them out and then using carb cleaner and compressed air spray every single passage you see on the carb assembly itself. Common knowledge should tell you that if you spray into one side of the passage something should come out the other side... Hopefully someone else will jump on here and try to answer questions as you go.. One other idea. Take pictures at each dissassembly step to help you remember where stuff goes if you are unfamiliar with what you see. Sorry I can't hang around longer.
  5. Yes and no. It's a good idea whenever the carbs are off the bike to check the sync. Just because it's easy to and there's no reason not to. If you are having a rough running issue the sync could be partly to blame. If you break the bank apart then definitely though.
  6. There is a sister shop to Honda Northwest in Columbus. Click here That is the preferred shop on this site and I can only assume the shop in Cleveland is a good. But I wouldn't have any personal idea as I've never been there.
  7. Synch is easy. There was a thread on it a few days ago. Satan has a method of using paper clips and I use a feeler guage. Click this for the thread There's no reason to break them apart. Pull them off the bike and leave the bank together. You might be able to take them to a dealer off the bike and have them rebuild them and soak them in a carb tank to make sure to get anything that is in the passages. If it wasn't such a far drive for you, I'd help you out.
  8. dustinsn3485


    I've tried for 30 min to get something...new word
  9. Long as you turn 'em inside out you can wear 'em twice...
  10. Yeah so I'm not gonig to be there. I'm leaving town for the weekend. I don't think anyone was counting on me too much anyways, but now it's official. Have a good ride and everyone be safe.
  11. Those make me laugh. My favorite has gotta be #19. He just screams guilty
  12. dustinsn3485


    And just because I think this thread needs some humor...
  13. dustinsn3485


    FWIW http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sone
  14. I just use the Kawi 10-40 it's $15 for a gallon. works just fine for me.
  15. dustinsn3485


    I got Brads (xtremef4i) tires put on last night. So he can't use that excuse for not riding now!
  16. That's crazy with that kind of traffic around and his position and well all of it! I've texted on a completely deserted US35, but it was just a message or two not a conversation.
  17. No problem. I hope my initial surprise when you two pulled up wasn't too obvious.
  18. Added into the original post. Should have had that in the first place. Sorry.
  19. It's a Metzler M1. 180/55/17 I guess it's pretty much brand new from what I understand and it looks like. The guy bought the bike and wanted a different tire than what was on it stock so he bought new tires and didn't want the old one. Anyways I've got it. I'm not going to use it...basically someone come take it off my hands. Far as money, give me a tip for it. I'm not really putting a price on it.
  20. But you saved the bike man, that's what's important! Hey btw good meeting yesterday with Danielle. Wish I could have gotten to ride with you a bit. One of these days soon.
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