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Posts posted by Mc_spirited

  1. So I was driving my car down 480 to work. There was this 95~ish monte carlo that comes and passes me before the off ramp. I see it says "Ninja" on the back window. First thing I thought was Kawasaki, but I was like no, probably just some ICP fan. I end up behind the car and I am lookin at the license plate (Which was rusty) and the plate cover says "My other ride is a sportbike". I couldn't help but laugh. The "Ninja" wasn't even a decal, it looked to be written with a large marker or something of the sort. It might have been a decal guess, but it wasn't in the font that Kaw uses. So if it was a custom made decal that is some serious dedication, I guess I shouldn't make fun. I still got a kick out of it.

    Ive got some MSF decals that I've been meanin to put on my car. Anyone else put motorcycle related stickers on their other vehicles?

  2. Okay, I've been wanting to get something for a while now. It all comes down to what you need it for. There are two types, Intercom's which are for rider/passenger or a FM radio style which is for bike to bike. Depending on your riding habits or plans you can easily decide what to get. If you ride with groups(4+) and you want to be able to communicate as a group, the choice is a chatterbox. Im sure there are other brands which can do more than 3, but i would bet most people would have the chatterbox. The chatterbox can also be used for a rider/passenger intercom (Wires). There are also models which vary in range and functions. They also have a bluetooth/wireless rider passenger intercom if talking with others isn't a selling point.

    If all you want to do is talk to your friend on his bike next to you while you ride, or talk to your passenger there are many choices less expensive than a chatterbox.

    With some of these there may be a PTT (Push to talk) button that is used to transmit, or VOX (Transmits when you speak). depending on the quality of the microphone VOX may not work due to wind noise.

    Throat mic's are excellent and do not pick up wind noise.

    I think i am going to go with the Chatterbox unit because eventually I want to ride with a good size group and would like to keep that an option. I will use cords to speak with my lady when we ride.

  3. My question is will it hurt my battery if i keep it in my room and put it on the trickle charger every week or so? will that strain it more than just having it on the charger constantly? I just dont want to keep it plugged in. I know that part of what hurts the battery is the cold, so if it is kept warm is it not as much of an issue? another reason i am wondering is because if i can save my friend from gettin a charger it will help him out, so i am hopin that puttin each one on for a few minutes each week will suffice.

  4. I swapped out my tires last year for a set of Pirelli Diablo Supercorsa 3's (im pretty sure). The rear is a triple compound, and the front is a dual. ive got more than 7 thousand on them i think, I dont remember at what point I replaced them. The rear is starting to go flat. I liked them, but I might switch to some pilot powers next year.

  5. Poor guy. Everyone made him shy. I've seen a couple street tires on bikes. I think it all depends on the bike. I saw either a BMW or a VFR with a street tire on the back, but it was that way because of the sidecar (which was fully enclosed and looked pretty trick, kind of like a escape capsule). I saw it at mid ohio vintage days last year.

    What I wanna know is how do I get motorcycle tires on my Cavalier? Im still working on those damn chicken strips....

  6. Ive been having other bikes on my mind as of late. Rode my 250 for 2 seasons and 12k miles. Got my F4i this past spring and put a bit more than 10k on it. The F4i has insane power compared to my 250. I know I havnt even wrung all it has out of it yet. On the freeway I feel like there isnt enough power, I don't like having to screw with dropping a gear. I always thought that the 600 was more power than I need and now I want more.

    If I was to buy a inline liter I would want to check out the ZX10 for sure. I really want to ride more bikes so I can get a feel for what I really want. I want to get on a Honda 929 or 954RR. The RC51 also has been picking my brain. The V twin really has me interested. I would mind checking out a 1000RR either. I wouldnt mind rinding any bike actually. hah...

  7. Damn, I just read this shit, and not all the pages at that. I was hoping it wouldnt be you InyaAzz. Hope you heal up well man. I just had a double hernia operation so I hope to be back on the bike ina a week or two.

  8. I have mine on all the time. I hate hearing about my busted headlight. I turn it off or am more aware of it being a bother to others right at dusk or dawn. I also turn it off a stoplights and sometimes I leave it off for others if I am in a pack of traffic. I turn them off if it is a dark back road at night so it doesnt bother their eyes too much. I run in on the street at night all the time when I am at the front of the pack or when there is no pack.

    Edit after reading Zero's post: You are very smart man. I feel very much the same when it comes to whos fault it is in an accident. If a car pulls out infront of me, It is my fault if I go down. It is the riders responsibility in the end to operate the motorcycle and pay attention to dangers.

    And the only bad part about flashing your lights is that some may interpret that as a signal for you telling them to make the turn.

  9. +1 on Kinzu Dam. I want to go back there, but I think it will wait until next year.

    The metroparks is okay, there is one really good section and that is between 480 and berea, but I rarely ride through there without seeing a ranger.

    On the 26th there is a Benifit/Rally for that cop that just got killed from Twinsburg. It leaves Southeast harley davidson and it rides to the Oakwood/Twinsburg. I will probably be doing that.

  10. I dropped my F4i in the garage, luckily there was little damage, it went over too much the opposite way of the kickstand. That learns ya to not move the bike unless you are sitting on it.

    Last Saturday I took my friends car to Taco Bell and left my bike at my buddies house. He though it would be funny to move my bike the opposite way. It got dropped on the right side and busted my mirror. It scratched my decals also. So the lesson of that is: DON'T TRUST YOUR FRIENDS!

  11. I called there, they said they diddnt have anything. Most people that work in parts are morons. I ended up going out to Honda of Avon and they had a matching replacement. I really want those bar end mirrors. I noticed riding to avon that if you had a mirror on the clipon you would have to look down to see it. Where with the stockers it is right in your periphial(SP?) vision.

  12. Of course the day you always need a part the dealers are closed. My awesome friends thought it owuld be funny to turn my bike around while I was gone. Now I need a mirror. I need two because I doubt they will match. I would rather just get bar end mirrors. I dont want to ride around with one mirror, Id rather take the other one off. Does anyone know a shop that is open today where I can get a set? Of course state 8 only has one mirror in stock from what they told me. I dont think ill be getting bar ends, I want the CRG Hindsights. I dont feel like waiting for them. I will ride to sandusky today if I have to. Hopefully I can get them somewhere.

  13. im confused :confused: wtf do you mean

    This thread started with a comment on fresh gas, then people started bragging about all the weak pale beers they drink. hahah... That was the fastest ive ever seen a thread go off topic.

    If im gonna drink somethin that I can see through id rather have it be Steel Reserve. Make it count.

  14. I've noticed that when I go over a speedbump or a seam in the asphalt that got thrust up over the winter that my bike bounces up off of it. I am about 175-185 with gear id imagine. All settings are stock. I know I need to dial this thing in, but I figure I can do change this and see if it does anything for me.

  15. Yeah, looking to upgrade. I just would rather find a private party that is close than wait for something to ship to me.

    Ive got SS lines and new pads. Dont think im going to screw with the calipers. I figure might as well get a new MC while im at it.

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