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Posts posted by r1crusher

  1. Hey Ben.  I have a co-worker that just might be willing to lend a hand.  He's done some freelance work with another co-worker on projects and such.  Let me ping him and see what he says and then I'll get you two love birds together if he's game.

  2. I think my father might still have the ones I took off his King Quad about a month ago but I don't know if they'll fit your rims.  It think they are 25x8x12 and 25x10x12 if I remember correctly.  He lives up north also on the far west side burbs of Cleveland.  But I can have a buddy pick them up and work out a pick up / meet point if they'll work and he has them still.

  3. As Jeff (c7xf) has stated, I'd check the battery first.  This was exactly the same issue I was having at Nelsons when I was taking my race school a couple years ago. It got so bad that I did not run the last 2 session because it was getting dangerous for me and others.  To test it I simply charged the battery for 24 hours, pulled it off that and check the voltage 14.4v and looked great. Then I started the bike and check it again at idle and again at RPM to check that it was charging.  Every single time the charge fell way low when the bike was running and the charging system just couldn't keep up with the bike needs and charging the battery.


    Swapped out the battery for a new one, problem solved and it's been a champ ever since.

  4. Kev.....damn, didn't know you had contact with Lockett.  Was surpriesed when I lapped you since I don't remember seeing you in the first 600 race.


    Yea...he was making good progress learning the track this weekend and knocking down his times.  I pulled into the pits immediately after hit me on my left rear setting up for T10.  I just wanted to make sure nothing was hanging off, broken, etc. before I came back on track to at least finish the race but my head was not in it before I started the race and the incident just finished me off.  I was just riding around doing :15's I think and staying out of everyone's way.

  5. I had an oops moment mid-late race 1.  Was heading into T1 and down shifted in 2nd gear but bumped the shifter again accientally and went into neutral.  I grabbed the clutch popped it back into 2nd and failed to bring the RPMs back up.  Thing hopped side to side several times barking the rear tire so I let off the brakes just a tad and it came back in line just before I ran out of room to turn in.  I was puckered up a little bit I'll say.

  6. I was happy with things on Saturday but not so much on Sunday.  Wasn't running my normal times from last year on Saturday but still had some :09's tossed in here and there with all the traffic in I group helping Craig.  I got some good starts in both races on Sunday and I was able to hold off Brian Lockett in race 1.  I think we ran some :07's that first race.  Then the wheels fell off...just felt like crap for race 2.  It was so bad that I was only able to run a :12 I think the first two laps when Brian and I got together resulting in him going down in 10.  I knew I was slow, over breaking for everything, just not able to ride like I should.  I was expecting to get passed by him just not on the outside of 10 going in.  We did talk afterwards and we're good but it still has me thinking about what I was doing or did that might have caused it.  It is still racing and shit happens to all of us so I'll just have to shake it off and concentrate on things to go faster.

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