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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. I'm glad to see he didn't hold back at all.
  2. Funny you posted this. I'm working for a client just down the street from SuperTrapp's headquarters and manufacturing. I know it doesn't help you but I thought the timing was wild.
  3. You're not fooling me! You ran mid 30's at Mid-O and with that I'd suspect you'd run single digits at Beaver and low teens at Nelsons. Just when Craig gets all pumped up with a 2nd place season finish the real competition is showing up this year and his hopes of a repeat just keep getting smaller and smaller like his Asian friend.
  4. Taxes are estimated to be in the bank on Feb. 14th!! Plenty of time to get signed up for the rest of my track days at a discount.
  5. r1crusher

    Tire sales

    STG usually runs some deals on tires plus free shipping typically. In any case JFGI!
  6. When the hell are you going to upgrade that damn dyno to an AWD model so you can tune my TBSS!?!?!??!?!?!??!
  7. Steve's the last person you should be worried about. The guy you should be scared of has a name that starts with "B".....and he's old so you know he's fast.
  8. Did he force you to be the little spoon? Nick gets mad when he does it to him.
  9. Wow....with that coming from Captain Sundial, I might have to give Keith some credit then.
  10. This. I have a Savage model 12 BVSS in .243 and it's easy to manage varmint at ranges out toward 300+ yards. It can even play double duty if you want to hunt larger game in states that allow rifle hunting.
  11. Interesting, according to Nick you'll accept limp and warm ones also.
  12. Yes, those are what's being discussed. I personally like them better then my Q2's....but that's just me.
  13. that's subject to how may times you make it to the track in a given season, as well as the relative group you are in. I'm just guessing they would based on how grape rides. I can say with certainty that 6 track days running mid I/O group they WILL last.
  14. I had a set of 003's that I used on the street. Good tire IMO, but they def. didn't last very long. I've run Pures and Q2's on the track. I prefer Pures as I feel they offer better grip. The Q2's will last you a good while, probably the whole season. Just pick up a set of Pures, you won't be disappointed.
  15. He-he....you don't know the grape that well.
  16. That'll be the last time I stick up for you and one of your beat to shit for sale threads.
  17. THIS coming from a hood rat, goon, crackhead, dealer of a landlord. QUE "THE JEFFERSONS" THEME SONG!!
  18. Lets not turn this into a "LCD is better than plasma" or "Plasma is better than LCD" thread. We all know the pros and cons of each type and it boils down to personal taste. Lets sell these two beat to shit units and then we can talk about which is better.
  19. Good, only one more pile of shit before this stupid thread is locked up.
  20. Just one more reason to kick you straight in the vag when I see you.
  21. I have a BBoGV, so the exact models as well as pictures will help determine condition and get you into the ballpark.
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