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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. No offense my meximerican friend, but you can buy brand new v-nose single axle 6x12s all day long for $2k. Hell, non v-nose ones are selling new for $1600. You do have some stuff in it already, but I don't know if it's $400 worth of extras. Good luck though!
  2. SOLD! To me. It was great to meet Drew. Super nice guy. I kept him standing out in the cold BS'ing about the usual bike/tracks shit. Hope he's able to get back out soon so I have someone else to tow me around. I do have say that I'm sorry for him though. Once he said that he's friends with Brian I started feeling a little depressed for him.
  3. He is pretty used....so trust him. +1 on the PBs.
  4. I shoot with a T2i and love the thing. The T3i is better yet as it has a fully adjustable view finder which I wish I had. Lenses will be the deal breaker with most SLRs as they can be quite pricey if you want "the good stuff".
  5. And this is why you ride a Honduh. Canon. /end thread.
  6. Blow me you bikeless fairy.
  7. Does this mean you'll be going to the range one time and then entering into the IDPA Nationals? Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  8. You lazy ass...you don't know how to post a link!?!?
  9. Thanks for coming out of the closet to let us know that.
  10. Come'on Hob...you know the Strada needs a roommate.
  11. They said HOT CHICKS Sapphy. (I kid of course)
  12. It's okay, you can tell us exactly where you live. No one would want to steal that POS of a bike you have.
  13. I think (this is just my opinion) that crb's point(s) make sound logical sense. As a matter of fact I know of a divorce attorney who told me one time almost verbatim what crb has been stating. "Marriage" is nothing more than a contract between two people and the government should not be involved in such contracts. But unfortunately, the government is involved and I agree that they should get the hell out trying to control aspects or benefits of "marriages" (which will never happen in my lifetime if ever because they make money from it). Does it really matter where the term "marriage" came from? What is it in it's most basic form? It's a piece of paper proclaiming something, specifically that two people have made a commitment to one another. The government should not care who the people are, simply they should provide the same RIGHTS to anyone hold that paper. Rep for you crb.
  14. Very very very very very very temping.
  15. Then remove the damn thing from your bike list ya dork.
  16. There's some holes in his track plastics also.
  17. Grape did one and went right to racing. I say your fine and don't need any more novice days.
  18. I can't believe that everyone has let mattm distract them from the point of this thread.... MEGAUPLOAD WAS TAKEN DOWN BY MATTM!! Disclaimer: I have no real proof of this but it makes for a good story. So leave jbot out of this and lets have a good clean fight.
  19. What do you want to know? I bought one for my pops in '08, 450axi with a winch and cycle country snow plow.
  20. Word suggestion app failure.
  21. Looks like Ridgetucky is representin'. Welcome to the board. Live right next to you in Sheffield Lake.
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