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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. r1crusher


    You can move it from car to car as you please, no problem. For the PA version you actually can register multiple vehicles for the EZPass. So, if you're inclined to you could put all three cars in and go with it. I recently used mine when we drove to Charleston, SC and we took the wife's truck. It wasn't registered on my account but it doesn't matter at all.
  2. THIS!!!! I'm in the same boat. Although I have just enough to pay off my 1000 so it's a hard decision but I think I'll just let it ride and pay it off in April on time. That will leave me enough for at least 4 track days next year easily.
  3. r1crusher


    I recently picked one up in PA when I was at Beaver. They have EZPass Go Paks that you can buy right in Giant Eagle grocery stores (and some of their gas stations). It's like $43, but once registered you get the full $35 credit on your account. And you can use it immediately to boot! You'd have to run the numbers yourselves but I figured it out and the PA one is cheaper than the OH one. OH charges you like .75 cents / mo. if you don't use it and like $12 / year annually. Again I'm going off the top of my head on the numbers but anyone can find them. The PA one is a flat $6 / year and that's it...no extra monthly charges if you don't use it for a while. Now as far as using it on a bike, the easiest way I've found to use it is in my tank bag which has a clear map pocket on top. Throw in there right side up and never had a problem with it.
  4. Uuuhhmm....I think you have to GO TO THE TRACK to get your times down first. You can magically be faster by suiting up and clicking your boots together three times while saying Brian's name backwards twice.
  5. Speak for yourself B. That little turd bailed on both me and Twizted this week! But I will have one on you though.
  6. ftfy. I figure I might as well throw my name onto the pile as well since I'm only a few seconds off Andy's times.
  7. I'm honored and privileged to have my quote in your sig. Mike just barely missed me, but I swear he rubbed elbows with the jacktard on the KTM. He honestly made me pucker up a little bit with his foolish move.
  8. You have one, it just happens to be a street bike also. I hear ya, I tracked mine a couple of times last year then bit the bullet and bought a full time tracker. You can still ride your street bike but leave your ego at the gate is all. I enjoyed riding the gixxer on the track a lot.
  9. Understandable, but you don't only go to KTM days to get on the track.
  10. I see you and Justin are on the KTM boat. I'll probably be dead and gone before either of you show up to a track day with your own bikes. Can't we all just get a track day together.
  11. The show's title is quite funny, "Tattooed in the Wild". Coshocton isn't exactly what I'd be calling "wild". Unless their talking about Kawi's wild escapades with the local sheep....then it might have some merit.
  12. THIS! I was trying to set him up for a pass out of the last turn and when he let off I ran right up his ass on the left where I was going to pass. He was breaking fairly early into T1 and I knew I could carry a bit more speed than him so that was my plan anyway. Fuckin' idiot. You guys really have no idea how pissed I was about that whole situation at all. Trust me, if I'd of seen him in the pits you would have seen make making double time after his ass.
  13. Don't be mad. I would have at least paid you to be my pit bitch.
  14. I'm just bustin' your balls mang. It's all good....this wouldn't be OR if someone didn't get their daily dose of ball busting. Brian, you will have to learn sooner or later that you can't turn bus window lickers into Matt Mladins.
  15. Not super into the IP sleuthing but I did get this on the IP, City: Bowling Green, OH
  16. Home, unpacked, and going to hit the rain locker. Then BED! OMG am I fookin' tired! Steve and Mike, super nice to meet you two, glad we could all hang out and you're welcome on the garage. I was glad to hear the advise I gave Mike helped a little. OSUYZF, thanks for stopping over to say hey! And it was def. good to see Brent again and his pit bitch for the day, Hutch. I'm pretty stoked to have turned a paltry 1:51. But shaving 3 seconds off after the session before is pretty inspiring. A really BIG thanks to Predator (aka Chris from Asphalt Junkies) for the tow. I only have one thing to say for anyone getting a tow from Chris....DO NOT....I REPEAT....DO NOT....try to follow him into T5 at the end of the back straight! You WILL end up playing in the sand and using your plastics as your pail and shovel. MY LORD!! And I guess Brent will have to up his game now also. LOL! But I do have one HUGE bitch about the whole day though. Where in the hell was ANDY! Twizted, don't feel bad....the turd bailed on us too and the weather couldn't have been his excuse! It would have been so sweet watching Steve (SJC) lapping Andy all day long. In all though, FUCKING SWEET ASS PERFECT DAY!!
  17. Yes, and on the back of it write "I'm slower than Jbot!"
  18. I'll believe this when I see it.
  19. Sweet! It'll be good for us to work with each other on the track, Brent! Now the big question mark is Andy...will he go Monday or will he go Tuesday. Tick tock, tick tock , tick tock....
  20. Okay, well if Andy is going to bail on me on Tue. then we should have room for 2 at least in the garage. Donations welcome to partake.
  21. Sooo, is Andy going both days now? If you are....bastard!
  22. I also forgot to mention that we (i.e. me, RVT1000, and Dub) will have a garage. We squeezed in a couple more bikes the last time and I'm not opposed to doing it again if anyone else would like to hang with the cool kids.
  23. Okay, it's official. Myself and Steve (RVT1000) are in for Tue. Will be signing up this morning. We both will be running in the "I" group as well. I was really hoping to see Brent again to see how he's improved from Beaverun. But there's one more day at Beaver next month that I will be at for sure. Maybe I can catch him there.
  24. No problem B. Next time I catch ya at the track maybe you can give me some pointers. But you'll have to slow WAY down so you don't run me over.
  25. How much is the discount for by the way??
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