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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. That's because the Amish have to had deliver your forecast down there in NoWhereville.
  2. Probably not now that the weather is looking like rain.
  3. ...the pics will explain it all as well as the description. 2002 Track Bike w/ NOS
  4. Not sure how I missed this. But I will thank Justin (JRMMiii) for not letting me know about it.
  5. Oh wait. I just saw Mike was going. I am out now. LOL!
  6. This sounds interesting if I can find some funds and change the oil in the bike. Besides this will guarantee Craig going to Mid O next year.
  7. That's what I eventually did to both of them. Blue turds buddy in the black leathers wasn't bad and he eventually got me back but by that time we both had left numbnuts behind so he wasn't a concern for me.
  8. Do you have the exact model and/or specs on it? Read/Write speeds, sustained speed, etc. or just list model and I'll do the leg work.
  9. On thing is certain. When I go back to Beaver next year, I will be on the look out for those two knuckle heads. IF.....they don't show any improvements (which I'm betting they won't) I'll be heading right to see Todd. LOL!
  10. I hacked your voicemail for being a douche. Where's my shock also!?!?
  11. That explains a lot. I don't know how they got into the open group. I'll let someone else take care of this one.
  12. That pic is nothing. I wish I had a gopro because you'd of seen a whole lot worse. And he's more likely to drag his toe than a knee in that shot since he likes to ride around on the arches of his foot instead of the ball.
  13. I do not think either of them got moved down. His buddy with the black leathers wasn't nearly as bad as the chump in the blue leathers. I think he took a slide while out during a damp session in open. All I know was they packed up early and I saw him moving what were supposed be solidly mounted tail parts.
  14. I think it might be the opposite, but hell I don't remember either to be sure. LOL! And I think everyone can agree that TWC sucks tiny hairy Jbot balls. Unless you're 03636 then they're tasty. I've always been a fan of The AVS Forum. Some seriously smart shit going on in there most of the time. If you want answers about really technical stuff on any AV equipment you'll find them there.
  15. I did, unfortunately he's now suffering a random bullet wound as well as his bike.
  16. Total fabrication! I never once even saw you online, EVAR!
  17. True Hellmutt, but it's easier to replace throttle by wire components. It's one of three things with these systems: the throttle sensor, the servo on the throttle bodies, or the ECU. Unplug a connector and replace basically. Cables are a pain to get off, install new ones, and hook back up. That's just my take on them of course.
  18. I am personally going to set ablaze you're bikes you fucker....after I remove a shock from one of them. The issue with them is they had no business being in the open group. The shorter of the two is the one with all the problems (photo link provided). Not getting off the bike, parking in the corners, leaning the wrong way into turns, causing problems for other riders. He tanked going into 10 so bad that he cause 2 other riders to check up and me to tighten up my line and go off into the grass to keep from (as Jbot calls it) asspacking someone. I'm no riding expert but I damn well know right from wrong. So I brought it to the staffs attention early on and some fellow rider took it upon himself to say something. Hence, the reply "I got this." was all the midget kept saying. Well he got it alright. I normally don't wish anyone to have an accident but it was coming for him.
  19. I for one am calling BS on those images of the Honda being the real deal. And here's why: If that is a "spy" shot of the 2012 then why are there throttle cables showing? True throttle by wire is just that, no cables. I never really paid attention to the R6 or R1 to see if they have cables off the throttle tubes or not because....well I don't like them.
  20. They certainly do Mike. There's plenty of pros/cons to each style so you're basically picking the lesser of two evils based on you're needs and use.
  21. According to the BBoGV I'd say it's worth $220-260 given it's condition as it's 70-90% tops...and 90% is pushing it with the barrels condition. They were made from 1972-1984. Just giving you a range though. If it were 100% condition it would still only fetch $350. If it were a Super 12 it's be worth more.
  22. This is a big problem with broadcasts today. Just about every channel you watch will have their stupid little logo in some corner of the screen which is present there about 90% of the time. There's no avoiding them and if you're partial to news channels like Fox News, the ticker at the bottom will ruin a plasma in a matter of time. This is why I just avoid plasma. No offence to those that own them, I just won't be taking the chance with them.
  23. If you and/or kids ever plan on playing any kind of console games on it, I'd stick to an LCD. I personally don't care what manufacturers say about plasma not burning in on today's models. There will always be a chance that they will burn in, period. And if I'm dropping $800 on a TV, I won't mind spending another $200 for the peace of mind that I or my kids can never hurt it playing games on it. By the way, you can easily get BD players as well as other things bundled with sets today. HHgregg will just about bend over to get you where you need to be price wise so do not be afraid to push any sales guy to the limit. Now, for TV's I have owned Sharps, Toshibas, and LGs. The best pictures I've seen were on the LG and it's more than likely because of the 240Hz refresh rate when watching sports. The Sharp is a close second but not as good as the LG because it's only a 120Hz. Lastly the Toshiba was okay but I don't know that I'd buy one again. RVT has a pretty much top of the line Sharp Quattron 3D 60". Beautiful TV and it's 240Hz as well. When shopping in the store keep the features in mind more than the picture you're seeing. The feeds to the sets are split dozens of times and you WILL NEVER get the full effect of the sets picture quality until you get it home. Just do your homework, find a couple models you like then start your shopping for a good deal.
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