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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. We have a discount code!?!? I just called and the offices are closed. I just would hate to drive down and not get into a spot. You wanna try to hit it Tuesday? Might actually work out better for me honestly.
  2. Think anyone is in at Mid-O still? Would like to call to see if there's anything available for walkups in I/O on Monday. Peer pressure bastards!!
  3. Sure...in an enclose and confined space. Hell yeah....FIRE! FTL!
  4. I have pulled some funds to try to go. Just need to decide on the day and see if they have openings in O/I group.
  5. And there it is....even before my post no less!!! Dick.
  6. Wait for it......... wait for it..........
  7. Funny Nick, I don't see your name in the list yet.
  8. A little JFGI and here you go! Read the PDF and you should have all you need to know. Removing raccoon latrine
  9. I wonder if they would still charge a late fee for walk ups. What am I thinking....I can't skip out on the family activities anyway. Damn these kids growing up!
  10. Not according to their website. $190 for guest (i.e. not a member) and $165 for members. Nothing about any late fees. Besides, even if I did pay the $25 to be a member plus the $160 it's still only $5 shy of going to Mid-O. Not to mention it's so late in the season I'd never really take advantage of the membership depending on when it expires. It's great that you get those extra perks for being a member. Maybe I'll sign up early next year and take advantage of it.
  11. Ha-ha.....touche ya bastard. I'm pretty sure Steve and I will be attending the 10th. That is if HE doesn't get another speeding ticket.
  12. I have my nieces graduation party this Sat. and I'm not blowing $190 for Beaver. I'd rather spend it at.........yup........you guessed it, Mid-O. I'm all over Beaver with Motoseries prices and no "guest" fees.
  13. Don't get the story confused please. Nick repainted his bike to match the duct tape, even if it's not exactly the same shade of green.
  14. Just found this on Newegg and it's pretty cheap compared to what I found elsewhere. Passing it along in case anyone is interested. Newegg - Barask Green Laser Sight
  15. I'm all too aware of you schedule and conditions. Abi is in good hands. Double bump for Jeff.
  16. Recently had a couple minor issues with two new helmets I recently purchased. The first wasn't really that big a deal but I mentioned it in my email to them. My issue was that the tiny torx screw that holds the latch lever on became very loose. I noticed that it had some locking material on it (i.e. Loctite) but not enough to work effectively. So, my real problem was with the clear shield on the second new helmet I bought. There apparently was a problem during the application of the Nutrafog II coating on the inside of it. If you wiped it off with a damp towel the coating would start cracking and then rub right off. So I sent them an email and a couple days later I got a reply. The girl said that she would immediately send me out a new shield and forward the issue with the latch on to her supervisor to see if she could anything about it. Well, yesterday I got not one but two boxes from Bell. One contained a new clear shield and the other was a new side plate replacement kit. I'm quite happy with the time they took to reply and get me the replacement parts (one of which I didn't really need in all honesty). Props to the Bell Customer Service group!
  17. Don't you have a 20 hour shift to go work or something!?!? Quit post whoring up the man's forsale thread!!
  18. I'm glad I took back my box of zip ties now. Jbot....if you're out there....Harbor Freight FTW!!
  19. How about you keep the changer and I will do the tire changes for people with all the proceeds going right back to you. No strings attached.
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