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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. hhhmmmm....I didn't think it was but I've been known to be wrong.....rarely.....very rarely.
  2. I think all of the ones on closeout at the Bell Store are the SNELL 2005 ones. Bell changed the fit when the went to the SNELL 2010 cert. That's why I wanted to make sure to get the latest one. And no Day of the Dead models either. Still, pretty good deals nonetheless!
  3. I just came back from Iron Pony with RVT. Ever since Nick (aka The Dick ) chewed me out for my helmet at tech several weeks ago I've been on the hunt for a new lid. I wanted to pick up a Bell Star but needed to find some place to try them on first. My first stop was a strike out, all they had were the old SNELL 2005 ones. So off to Iron Pony since there were the only other ones stocking them and close (1 hour close ). We got in the store and RVT had never been there so we did the tour around then over to the helmets. When I got over to the Bells there were probably half a dozen all marked down from $599 to $329!!! These were the SNELL 2010 models on top of that also! Every place I priced them online was $399 and up. They had one Day of the Dead model left and believe it or not was a small which fit fairly snug. The mediums were pretty loose on me. So, seeing how they are a site sponsor. If anyone is looking for a new lid and aren't too picky about what's left there, these are a very good deal. They were even good enough to ship it to me for free. I even picked up a dark tinted visor to go with it and was still cheaper than online. That is all.
  4. I have a suggestion. Try to be in first and you won't need a pit board.
  5. Nice...Brent looks like he's doing better but still needs to get off the bike more. Upper body looks good also. Where's the videos of Beaver ya bum?!?!?
  6. This image....it.....looks familiar to me.....I can't quite.....place it..... ....oh yeah, now I remember. Those are the backs of a couple bikes I was lapping at Beaver not too long ago. Be safe today fellas and have a good time. You'll enjoy Mid-O A LOT!! And remember.....GET OFF THE BIKE MORE!!
  7. You're lucky to get them hot enough to stick on a race track ya goon. I kid, but I am surprised about 5k on a set of Q2'a also.
  8. I'd really like to look at getting a 1.4x TC, but even those little bastards are not cheap. I just need to concentrate on getting my lenses in order and getting proficient with them before I start getting little extras that I can for now live without. This whole week will be a good time for me to give the camera a good workout. Kiawah Island, SC....lots of shit to shoot here.
  9. No where have I said the L lenses suck, they kick ass IMO. I'd kill to have a couple of them. It's that the quality of some of the regular lenses has gotten pretty damn close to some of the more expensive L lenses. So if you don't want to drop $1500 on a 70-300 L lens, just get the regular IS USM version and save $1000. As for your preferred Sigma's, not going to knock them entirely. They have some good stuff as well, but when your camera starts doing some funky shit like not AF'ing and eventually kills your DSLR you'll be glad you saved some money on those knock off lenses. You get what you pay for.
  10. Here's the latest update from Cheryl: "FRIDAY, JULY 1, 2011 11:21 PM, EDT Hello - sorry for the late update. I got home late had to move our cars down to my sisters house because I got a letter taped to my door today that they are working on our street and our driveway will be unusable for the next 2-3 days. They are starting at 7:00am tomorrow morning. Surprised they are doing this on a holiday weekend. I just hope it is only for 2-3 days. My younger sister lives 8 streets down so I can just ride my scooter down to her house to the car. Today Jeff had a frustrating day. His back spasms are back so today in therapy the therapists met with the doctor to figure out the best treatment for the spasms. They put him in a motorized wheelchair to take some of the stress off his back and to get him sitting up straighter. He used the bicycle machine, they stretched him and they put heat packs on his back. He was in bed when I got there and he looked pretty good considering how his day went. He is just frustrated that he has this set back. This weekend he is to rest to give his back a break. They don't think the spasms are related to the surgery or injury it is just how he utilizing different muscles. His determination is there to work his hardest, he just has to wait for his body to catch up. Enjoy your holiday weekend and please be safe. Cheryl"
  11. DSLR bodies are one expense but you'll shit bricks when you start getting into good glass. Some of Canon's non-L glass is getting pretty damn good. Canon...enough said. Also, if you really want to learn some stuff that will make your head spin sign up and take a gander around this site. Very good information and users. Fred Miranda Photog Site
  12. I currently have a T2i and after seeing the T3i I wish I'd of waited for it. Either way, you're going to get many years of use out of a good quality DSLR. There isn't a lot of difference between the 60D and new T3i. Not enough for me to spend the extra $100 MSRP on it personally. Head over to the Canon website, find those two models, and do a comparison of them to see what I mean. You'll probably never reach the full potential of a any D series or T series for that matter. I know I won't with mt T2i.
  13. And a case of condums he was going to use on 1000rrrider. He tried to sell them to me but my wife is fixed. Just trying to help you get rid of them bro.
  14. You just want a bunch of pictures of you not getting off the bike enough. Save your money, GET OFF THE BIKE MORE!
  15. Check their website. If you're racing it only, 4 cell but if it's a street/track bike I think they say to go up to the 8 cell.
  16. Well, it's good to hear Jinu didn't throw it away in turn one again. I still can't understand how he did that. I'll have to see how Nick did also with his mad fast off green tape job.
  17. I'm still sticking with my previous prediction of a 4th place finish for you Craig. I'll be checking for results today.
  18. That clip actually made G4's Attack of the Show today.
  19. You go Brent! Yo might as well leave the street stuff off permanently now. LOL!
  20. Going to need a table for way more than 6 it looks like. I just got up myself, was a long day at the track yesterday and I'm still beat. Still going to try to make it up.
  21. Finally home. Unpacked the truck but just didn't have it in me to unload the bike off the trailer. And it can be put to rest that Hutch indeed would not register with a lap timer. I kid, Hutch and Brent did a great job learning the track and working on their skills. It was def. harder and harder to get past them each session. Keep it up guys! Sorry if I stuff you guys too many times, it was the only way to get around since you pulled me every damn time on the straights with those 1000cc bikes. It wasn't fun for me to be on that receiving end when Craig did it to me. As for the Jinu, Brandon, and Craig....it was great to get out and hang with you guys as always. Nick, you a douche and the tape on your bike doesn't match. I'm out and off to bed.
  22. Wow! Let the trash talkin' begin already! I foresee some lap timers being borrowed just to see who's trash stands up.
  23. You have little to fear. Jinu explained kicking him in the junk akin to kicking a soccer ball that's half full of air. This is because his vag is soft supposedly.
  24. It's obvious you've never been to a real track day. There's plenty of help going around, it's one of the most respectable things I've seen. Everyone helps out, no matter if they know you or not. If we get your shit in the truck, it will get out and put back in at the track with or without us being there.
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