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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Shoot me your name and address and I'll get it in the mail tomorrow. Edit: you just need the clip right? I can send the entire link/o-rings/side plate and clip if you need all of it.
  2. I have a spare clip type link for a 520V. The biggest difference is in the o-ring type, as the one I have is a standard o-ring where you're is different I think. It should still work though.
  3. Okay, so the front plate did not play any significant part in the initial stop of the suspect vehicle. I'm also guessing that if the suspect was BOLO'd as armed and dangerous the officer making the head on stop did not call out a plate number on the vehicle. He more than like went into action, calling out for backup on a suspect vehicle matching a description. Sorry, but I'm still not seeing this from an officers point of view on how the front plate is really that helpful.
  4. I'm curious...having a front plate makes it possible to locate people without having to 'flip' on every vehicle? Hhhmmm...when you get your BOLO popping up on your computer screen, don't you have more than just a plate number? Given this, do you not instinctually pick out vehicles matching the description by their year, make, model, and color FIRST? Then you might start looking at a plate once a generally matching one is found. It's like getting a BOLO on a person. Sure you have their name, but do you go around asking every person you see their name or make them all show you their ID? No, you start by matching the easiest things to narrow down your search first. Sex, weight, appearance, features, etc. The same goes for vehicles, does it not? I'm not exactly buying into the thought that front plates really help with catching rapists, murderers, etc. Just sayin'.
  5. Still trying to stalk the girls in the novice class I see. I'm trying to convince RVT to sign up so we can get in and have some fun with the rest of the addicts.
  6. I've run clip style links and never had an issue. But, I'm just one person.
  7. I particularly like the ones on the east side out to the burbs, especially those on 32. I truly wish I had a stupid beater truck because I'd use it to play bumper cars with all the asshats that drive in the fast lane when the right one is wide open. THEN THEY get all bent because you passed them on the right! I had one fucktard even go so far as to call the OSP and got me pulled over. Cop couldn't do anything anyway and I had my wife with me to back up the real story. Edit: per Bubba the snarky westsider.
  8. More than likely elementary school cheerleaders. All the hot high school ones are working at the hoe shacks for the summer.
  9. Great, now Parks will be on here flapping his dick smacker lips about "Triumph....oh.....this.....and.....that....and...."
  10. I'll give you three 5 gram packets of smack, 1 pass to MT's favorite midget strip club (was given to me by MT personally), and the change under the cushions of my couch. Do we have a deal?
  11. How ironic....the chicks last name is Justus. And the boyfriend I think needs to visit the range more and work on his accuracy because the only good thug robber is a dead one.
  12. r1crusher

    My wife :(

    You can keep her and I'll just give her what you can't from time to time.
  13. Did Ringo give you the information for this guy?
  14. I finally did some digging for my spare parts. Unfortunetly, I don't have the upper but the ram air piece for the nose. Sorry!
  15. I've been hording some neg rep and I guess I'll be dishing it out to a few lucky fucks. I'd say you're in the top 2 on the list right behind the bluecacksucker.
  16. He would be referring to me. And you don't have to wait to get on the track, pack up that garage queen and let's see what it's got!
  17. Error checking would have caught it at some point. But thanks.
  18. Add another 20 lbs. and change the gender and you have the fat fuck that was on the plane with me in his seat AND mine.
  19. Hhhhmmm....I've not had a chance to work on the suspension just yet but everything else is ready to go now on the tracker. I'm in VA right now and will be home on Wed. evening. I'll have to see if I can work this out.
  20. I can always count on my midget to cheer me up.
  21. What fucking state do you live in!?!?!? One day of sun proceeded and followed by 5-7 days of rain does not make for ridiculously nice riding. Just sayin'.
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