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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Still...people like that need to know they crawled out of a different gene pool than 'normal' people. $1.2 million for a custom painted bike....com' on....silly people. I would be funny if he did post it though!
  2. We all should start posting questions like...'Does it include 100 hookers and 20 kilos of blow for $1.2 million?' Now that shit would be funny to watch!
  3. I'm calling BS on this one. Unless your 'bosses' office is in all actuality your wifes office. On and welcome to the board!
  4. Nice rebuild! I am curious on one thing though, why put the old plugs back in? I mean I understand about saving a few bucks but nothing like an old fouled plug to keep your freshly rebuilt engine from starting or running properly.
  5. Yeah....I don't think I could live here with out a cost of living adjustment (like that would happen). But speaking of Stone...I just finished up some early dinner at a TGiF's and I had a tall Stone Pale Ale. Very very yummy and I could have easily sat there and a had several more of those.
  6. ...after being in North San Diego (Carlsbad to be exact) for the past week I could so damn easily see my self making a cross country move to here. The farthest west I've ever made it was Las Vegas but DAYUM!! This place is pretty fuggin' nice. Good weather, nice roads, micro breweries...what more could a man want!?!?! Sucks I'll be heading back to a cold Ohio tomorrow morning.
  7. I said earlier that he'd be okay for another season on them. But they're gone so it doesn't matter now.
  8. IMO...stock filter. Pick an oil you like and pour it in.
  9. You're problem is def. the age of the tires. Dry rot is obviously setting in and that means the tires have started losing their flexibility and softness. Under harder use those cracks will worsen and possibly cause the tire to fail. It's not really bad right now but those need to go soon. You could get by one more season on them.
  10. Kind of looks like Jinx, no?
  11. Poor Buells...always getting beat down by the man.
  12. No....I'm going to spend some time with the wife and then I have to fly to Vista, CA. on Monday.
  13. I'll be in Cinci where it'll be closer to 80.
  14. There's a perfect example of too much front brakes applied while leaned over. The CHP spooked him and he naturally tried to brake to reduce his speed and then the poo in the shorts occurs......along with a ticket.
  15. Define half as fast and what parts of the phone are we talking specifically? This is all relative you understand. If you come back with "well my Moto does this in 5 seconds and the crappy Eris only did it in 10 seconds" then I don't think there's much to argue about. I'm not going to waste my hard earned money just to save 5 seconds. Can't really say why it wasn't shipped with it, I don't work for HTC. But I will say that the OS is skinny enough that it could probably run on my silly LG Touch if I could port it over. There's enough power to run 2.X on the Eris.
  16. I'm a PLM Consultant....(P)roduct (L)ifecycle (M)anagement. I mainly work with companies using a product call SmarTeam by Dassault. More people are probably familiar with Dassault's SolidWorks CAD software but they actually offer many other products as well. Our client list includes some rather large companies, one here in Ohio is Goodyear but we have a LOT.
  17. Who doesn't like a red head with a nice rack and pink undies getting spanked by a dog. Okay...strike the dog part, but the rest still applies!
  18. You got any good clean e-fans you wanna get ride of? LOL!
  19. My wife has the Eris and loves the damn thing. I played with it for a couple hours and found nothing wrong with it except it was running an older version of the OS. But they're due to release an update to bring it up to 2.X in the next month or so from what I found several months ago (when I bought it for her) and recently. Not sure what you think the Motorola is going to get you over the HTC except a lighter wallet. We played with both for about an hour in store and I couldn't find a substantial reason to spend $100 more for the Moto. Knock the Eris if you want but they're still a better smartphone than others.
  20. Hopefully mamma nature will be nice to me when I'm in Cali for a week. I saw a week of 60's for here so that should mean good temps down in Cinci for me starting the middle of this week.
  21. You beat me to it....he's good but def. not Tom Knapp. They do both shoot with Benelli's though....as do I.
  22. If I thought I could fit into it I'd seriously consider it. I have a 44 Fieldsheer now and I think Teknic's run a little smaller.
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