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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Regardless, it's still something I think should be implemented.
  2. I think people should be able to kick their representatives square in the junk/snatch when they fail to listen to their constituents.
  3. HA!! That reminds me of something else but it's not a picture..... Turn the sound up!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhwbxEfy7fg
  4. Yet another great perk of working from home....... .....the boss doesn't know that for me, today 'home' is the local pub with WiFi!! I L O V E M Y J O B ! ! ! ! ! ! And the beer is good also.
  5. I was referring to console by the way as if that really matters.
  6. I like both games actually. I like MW2 for the online play (short of all the bullshit glitches) and I like BC2 for the more realistic physical characteristics of environment. I think BC2 is easier to play purely based on my experience doing the campaign on 'normal' at the moment. I can't argue what most critics say about either game. I don't plan on letting either one leave my console anytime soon. Knowing you Justin, wait and find it on sale for $40. There's been plenty of places selling it for that price lately.
  7. Pick up BC2 last week and have been playing the campaign for a couple nights now. Did anyone notice the developers knock on MW2 near the beginning of the campaign where they're flying in the chopper? They made a joke about a bunch of pussies running around with heartbeat sensors. It made me chuckle.
  8. Just got this from our HSA provider: Health Reform Bill Has Little Impact on HSAs The passage of HR 3590 will have little impact on Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), but here are two changes to be aware of: 1. Effective January 1, 2011, tax free HSA dollars may no longer be used to purchase over-the-counter drugs not prescribed by a doctor. 2. Effective January 1, 2011, the tax on HSA distributions that are not used for qualified medical expenses will increase to 20% from 10%.
  9. Oh...look what the cat drug in! Where you been hidin' boy!?!?
  10. HA! He said 'work'...now that funny.
  11. Meh...bowling ball...cock holster...you head would still serve a useful purpose.
  12. I just bought a 5x10 from Lowes actually. Nicer trailer for the money IMO and the extra space can be used to mount a storage box to haul tool, tire warmers, etc. and you'll still have a good 8' for bikes.
  13. I'm sending a letter to the 'gub'mint' in support of RVT's request under the new healthcare bill to have a sex change.
  14. No, there should be a small button that you can remove to get to the bolt. (circled in red)
  15. Time to jump in the ring: 1) the posts comparing health ins. to car ins....all I'm going to say is the great state of Ohio makes everyone pay something called Uninsured Motorist which I didn't see anyone mention. So they kind of have a leg up on healthcare there from a state level and I'm paying for the day when some retard isn't insured and hits me. 2) Working off of Red and UP's comments: Let's stop for a moment and take money out of the equation and let's roll the clock back a couple year.....thousand years say. During the day's of the caveman, everyone was independent but worked as a group for the better of the whole. If some cave whore spit out a one armed and one legged cave baby because she was smoking leaves soaked in tar from a pit, do you think the rest of group is going to help her? Hell no. So why should the group be forced to care for the cave whore's tar baby? They probably didn't and more than likely stuffed it in a hole somewhere for T-rex to find. Point is don't force health insurance on me, regulate the damn insurance companies, hospital's and Dr's who created this disaster.
  16. You are correct, it's a small piece that slips inside the end cap.
  17. That is specific to your year bike, it looks like there might be a plug covering a hole that you'd need to get access to in order to remove the little hex bolt and then you could pull out the restricter.
  18. It will look like this:
  19. I know for sure my Akro's came with a restrictive internal cap. If you have not looked, check to see if you have one and simply remove the little hex bolt and yank it out. It will make a big difference in sound.
  20. Justin....F U Gary....F U Steve....F U The beast prefers full sun and 60 degrees or better to come out. If not it just throws a fit spinning the tire everywhere.
  21. UP is so scared of Zuk's that he won't come within 20' of mine or Justin's bikes.
  22. More than likely, but never under estimate the possibility that the asshat lives in N.R.
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