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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Sounds like you two have a volunteer for the slap and tickle part.... ...cmoosego shoot them your address.
  2. I have to do my best to derail already out of control threads....come on now. :D

  3. Last time I checked a ghey dude starting a thread about Corey Haim and a ghey chinese chipmunk doesn't equal anything straight. You can't keep gheyness in check with more gheyness.
  4. All I know is I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, they're not much bigger than two meters.
  5. Thanks....my only dislike is there isn't a dump box like on Remingtons. I hate unloading rounds from it manually.
  6. I own a Savage 11BVSS w/ the accutrigger in .243 (similar to the 12BVSS). I also have a Bushnell 6-18 x 50 AOJ scope on it with Millet bases and rings. It's good well out to 300 yards plus with good ammo. The trigger setup is pretty simple, you'll need to removed the trigger guard to access the screw that sets the amount of pull. I love mine, you'll do the same.
  7. I think SCJ has a different viewpoint than we do base on his duties on OSU campus. He might know more about it's students and staff than you or I do. I don't think he's saying he's 100% opposed to the idea but that it is uncertain of what the outcome would have been even if someone near the accident was armed. Just my opinion like anyone else's that made a post here today.
  8. Stainless or blue (kind of difficult to tell for sure but looks stainless) and what's your price in terms of cash?
  9. SJC...I'm by no means asking you to break policy. I was just making a point and it was nothing directed at you personally. Also, when I said 'citizen' I was referring to anyone licensed to carry who is not an LEO so this would include the staff on campus as well. But I think we're on the same page.
  10. I somehow sense some sarcasm there, but I will say that unless there's an officer with me as a personal escort 24/7 I will never think of them as an entity which is there to 'protect' me. No offense to those officer out there of course.
  11. Define 'enclosed area'....are we talking a closet? Are we talking an average sized office space? I would have to disagree with your statement though. If there would have been an armed citizen (hypothetically of course because universities are too PC to allow their students and staff to carry) with the proper training there at that time I'd be willing to be that the perp would be taken to the hospital before being hauled off to jail. Of course this topic has been and will be beat to death for a long time and will only end when this country takes the last steps needed to completely disarm it's people.
  12. Dibs! Would like more info and pics please.
  13. Are you looking for straight man hours or are you looking to barter with some of those sheep?
  14. You can head over to Rainbow Row and have some fun with ur 'buddies'.
  15. Bite me. The douche that won it beat me by what 2 ponies all the while having had some engine work done. I ain't disappointed one bit....but thanks for reminding me.
  16. This is a true statement. I remember a time when this Cleveland Brown's baby shit orange turd rolled in to a bike show dirty as hell. Within about 45 min. it was a nicely polished turd all with a small can of Honda polish and microfiber rag. (ps....it didn't win by the way)
  17. But that would mean he'd have to somehow get it up that long twisty steep ass drive way of yours. If shit gets stuck in the winter what's it gonna be like in the summer!?!?
  18. Happy B-Day you wick wick girl!! (just tell Shitty you want it like my avatar)
  19. Some might say you still act like a 'DBAG'.
  20. No way! Seriously though, I personally build every engineering workstation at my previous company for well over 8 years as well as build numerous others for friends and family and I have NEVER worn any anti-static devices. During that time I've never had a problem with a single piece of hardware related to a discharge. The trick is to always ground yourself before you touch the PC. This will discharge any build up of static you might be carrying. They also have ESD carpet tiles now that don't build up static which they very well could have installed in the back areas where the Geeks work. I'm still glad you were able to work up a BB customer before leaving! LOL!
  21. BWAHH!! Fuggin' Schweet!! I love some of the comments left.... "J Cubed said: { Feb 23, 2010 - 02:02:43 } by the smile he has I bet she’s sucking the bed sheets right into his butt cheeks, what a good girl, Mikey taught her well"
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