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Posts posted by r1crusher

  1. Shit, I could have fixed that for ya....I've got a Makita and some drywall screws in the garage along with a staple gun. Throw on some Neosporin and you're good to go!

    You'll be back in action in no time...bang out that rehab and get back in the saddle.

  2. I got two words for TurboKnobber and Walther_g(otta)s(uck)p(enis)....:thefinger:

    Justin, we're all here to do the same thing...ride and help out fellow riders in need. Like I said before just give me a call when you're headin' out for a ride and the debt is considered paid. We'll get you out on some real good roads once it warms up and Walther gets his act together....not that RT60 junk either.

  3. If I ride tomorrow, it depends on A) how bad this cold is kicking my ass in the morning B) if my suspension gets here.
    want to borrow my tiara? :D

    :eek: SNIZAP!! I think some one just got pwned.

    I don't think your tiara will fit his ego inflated melon any way.

  4. Look...if you're looking for a do everything shotgun, and I mean do everything, is so easy to break down to clean, has no stupid o-rings that will rot away, is one of the lightest semi-autos made today, SAVE YOUR MONEY AND GET THE SBE!

    I'll prove it to you on Sat. Then you go into Gander and ask them to field strip an 870 or 500 then make your decision.



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