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Posts posted by r1crusher

  1. this is exactly what i was thinking ill jsut be patient and then save my money for the whole setup tuning and all now where does air filter fit into this?

    It simply allows for better air flow into the combustion chamber. If you make the bike better breathing on the exhaust side it makes sense to let it breathe better on the intake side. Some OE filters tend to flow just as well as aftermarket so you may or may not need to change the air filter.

  2. I agree. let's remember what debate is...

    OEM headers vs. Aftermarkets.

    Cat converters, exhaust cans, PCIII, etc aren't in the debate.

    Now, I'm going to say that aftermarkets can make a difference with weight. They can probably make a difference in air flow if they have different bends in them.

    They can probably make a difference in air flow with drag resistance...maybe the insides are smoother than stock.

    However I cant agree that if they're bigger in diameter you'll notice a gain...simply because hole is the same as OEM at the mount point. I feel it's like a chain...chain is only as strong as the weakest link. If there's a small diameter...you can still only fit so much air through a small hole...regardless of the size of the pipe AFTER the small hole.

    There are many other things like exhaust scavaging and what not to concider in aftermarket pipes which most OEM's don't worry about. Tapered headers are still used today by some aftermarket pipe manufacturers. So I think your thoughts are not entirely accurate.

  3. A full exhaust system is meaningless if you don't tune it properly. I don't know of any that come tuned. In fact...after you buy a full system...you still need to allow more air flow and adjust the fuel with the Power Commander or something else.

    What I should have said is they are tuned when they are designed. Meaning that the companies making the pipes are working with the fuel delivery and dynoing to validate the results of the pipes design.

    But you and I are on the same page.

  4. Stock systems are tuned for emissions and reasonable performance. Full systems cost more because they're tuned and designed to make the most performance. Change one thing in a header design and you'll change any number of characteristics. Slipons do nothing more than add some noise to your ride. They may give you a scant amout of ponies (maybe 1-6), but not like a full system which would be well into the teens.

    Saves your moneys for a proper setup and you'll be rewarded for your patients.

  5. Brennan...if you were driving the truck when it got rear ended YOU should be entitled to some form of compensation for any physical pain, suffering, etc. It doesn't matter what kind of ins. your dad had on the truck. The ins. of the lady that hit you should be paying you something. Let the truck go, make a claim against her ins. and get paid. You'll have a little coin to get some beater of your own.

    I just had a friend get paid from a rear end accident as a passenger in the car. He got over $5000 if I remember! Keep a daily record of you physical health and go to the physician for ANYTHING that might be related to the accident. Get with the ins. that lady had and start a claim.

  6. Well your still allowed to carry your penis right? Even if you have no idea how to use it. :beating:

    Sorry I'm not a gung ho wanna kill everyone and anyone who pisses me off kinda guy, but I assure you if I had to, I would, but I'd seriously consider all other available options first. I didn't get my CCW with dreams of vigilante justice or an 'I can't wait to shoot at someone' attitude, I got it because I can. Mainly for my drive to work, I go through some pretty sketchy neighborhoods on my way and when I'm on the bike I get lots of less than desierable members of socity checking it out a little more than they should be and I feel safer with it.

    I'll tell you what, you leave my penis out of this discussion and I'll leave your vagina out of it. :nono: Kids

    Take it how you want, call me a vigilante, Rambo, whatever. I fully understand that if I have no way out of a situation and I'm forced to squeeze the trigger I will not shot to wound. You wanna get backed into a corner and shoot arms and legs, knock yourself out. I don't think anyone wants to kill another person, but if it's me or him....he's going to lose.

  7. see, now I'm not John Rambo, I don't know how well I'd take to knowing that I ended someones life. I'll take the 'neutralize' option first, and leave the 'terminate' option until last :(

    Well, if that's how you feel I'd suggest not carrying at all. There's obviously a huge responsibility that comes with carrying and the biggest one is the fact that you just might have to take the life of another.

    You could just as easily 'neutralize' your attacker with a lamp if you're worried about killing them. I'm sure once the second attacker sees how you've taken out his partner he won't stick around.

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