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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. I have no horse in this race BUT there's more to this than what you merely replied to, Steve. If I read what you posted correctly, you're not disputing the OP's statements at all. The auction ended minutes after the final bid of $10k but the OP said that his deal was agreed to prior to that time. I'd like to know the exact timeline of the events as they occurred as that would shed some additional light on the matter. I guess the question I have is: is it the practice/policy of IM to verbally agree to the purchase of an item it has for sale and advertised in any number of publications both in print and online, including auctions, and not immediately apply the purchasers deposit upon having all that is required to do so? Now I know what everyone is thinking and they are 100% right. If you do not have money in your hands (meaning IM) then a verbal deal doesn't mean jack squat.
  2. There were some subtle outside changes even between version of the same model years. One way to tell is that the little LEDs for the computer and thumbs up/down are in the bottom corners on the newer ones where on the older ones they are both in the upper right area. The other (and probably the best way to tell) is when they turn on, the older models when turned on will show at the bottom from left to right: temp, storage, battery. The newer models the very bottom will rotate/scroll the display of the temp, storage, battery.
  3. B....if you would stop crashing them they might last longer. BOOM! I kid.
  4. It's probably painted orange so deduct accordingly for that.
  5. Depending on condition, $100 or less is the most I've paid. You'll probably pay a little more but I'd say $125 tops.
  6. You won't have time to get on the track. I'm thinking we could turn your "skills" into some cash. I bet there would be a nice line at trailer door for you're services. You sure have a purdy mouth, son!
  7. We decided to only let you come out for your "tent skills", not because you have a gixxer.
  8. You're not foolin' me. That's Andy.
  9. I'll put enough holes in that bike that it will take a tub full of JB Weld to seal it up.
  10. I do and I gave you my opinion about that. So suck it up, take some meds and get your ass out there. Zip it zipperhead.
  11. I have a golf scramble that day but I'm considering coming out for most of the day and then going to my outing.
  12. Bring your ass to the track and you'll be the one whining about being passed twice a session by me. BOOM! /thread
  13. Neg Rep going out to Mike! I got your back man.
  14. His suit size is probably like a 40 but his helmet size is XXXXXXL.
  15. Well, no matter. I got a replacement that I'll get cleaned up and put back on again. I was just pissed at the stupidness resulting from the jacktard that put this motor in has caused me. Needless to say, that bolt and speed rotor did not go back on.
  16. Yup...well...the previous knucklehead did. Blow me.
  17. Fine is an awefully high compliment there. He might be an okay gentlemen, but fine is a stretch.
  18. Nope, I believe this was a different guy. The one from Nelsons lives out near Grafton by me and hauls his in the back of his truck. This guy had an enclosed trailer and he was younger. Mike (Jen's (wo)man ) said he was behind him and figured he got in too hot for his comfort into the kink and grabbed a handful of brake thusly starting the series of events that lead to one $15k pile of scrap. He said it started out just sliding on it's side on the track but once it hit the grass it started it's gymnastics routine. It was nice to meet you, now that I know it was you pitting across from us at the pit in entrance. I was the one stuck working on the red gixxer. But I did get it fixed and made a good day out of it! And you freak me the hell out when you rolled out onto the track with that VT as I came through T1. I actually roll off momentarily because I wasn't sure how quickly you were going to try to "merge".
  19. BOOM! There it is...what he said.
  20. You plan other things AROUND MS events. Get that straight so you're events with your peeps. GLWS!
  21. Funny, I've only seen you at the damn track one time this year. But I'm starting to feel the same way with my other gixxer sitting in the garage.
  22. At least he didn't have to look at your sour puss face and that skittle you ride.
  23. Why the hell aren't you here yet?!?! It's like a ghost town at the track this morning.
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