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Everything posted by mseebs

  1. I'm selling a universal muffler I had on my car. I just got a brand new megan put on. So I have this taking up room. The muffler is a tad rusted but it works and sounds awesome. I loved it on my car. I got a new one for something brand new and for something louder. As this was pretty quiet on my car. This thing is pretty beat up though. It's been on a car for at least past 3 years or so. It worked fine when I took it off though. It didn't sound as well on my car when I made it a single, do to my lack of resonator. http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m61/mseebs/0418072318.jpg http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m61/mseebs/0418072319.jpg These are the pics as of now, I'll probably clean the muffler up a little bit, I'm just too tired today. Here's some pics of when it was on my car, notice, you can't see any of the rust. All you got is the nice shiny tip. :-) http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m61/mseebs/bbscarshot.jpg Brand new price is like $130 ish. So I figure $30 obo as is, I'm in Columbus Ohio.
  2. ttt. $90 obo. need these gone asap before i leave for school.
  3. I've heard that many times too. Like I told you on OH. Basically, go where the job you want is. It's ok to make choices based on other things. But don't join the Air Force if you wanna do infantry. Or the Army if you wanna fly a jet. Go where the job you want is. My brother is Navy as a Helicopter Mechanic. He loves most of it, cept he hates the boat. He's stationed in Japan and actually has life going pretty well. On the other side, I got a friend who's in Iraq with the Marines. Myself, I'm doing Army ROTC. So I'm in a bit of a different boat. I got a 4 year scholarship for college along with a monthly pay. In return I just got to take a couple classes, do pt, and some labs. I couldn't decide on college or the military, so this worked out well for me. Though I wish we at least went through OCS like Marine ROTC. Final thing. Like I said on OH. My bro says, choose your rate, seal your fate. He's been trying for 2 and a half years to make E-4 and hasn't got it yet. One of his other friends is in Afghanistan with the Marines as Corpsman. He's had 2 news articles written about him and he is still an E-3. Goodluck.
  4. Pray that don't happen. . But if it stops some overgrown asshole from punching me in the face for no reason. Then yes, I would do it. Regardless, the thing still hurts like hell to be shot with.
  5. That's why I have a BB gun that looks exactly like a hand gun in my car. I fuckin hate that. We were at the church playing basketball once and after we left I drove down the street. I was going 35mph in a 35mph. I had a guy yell, slow down and point at the speed limit sign. I actually slowed down and told him I was going the limit.
  6. Ya I know him too. He use to work at Advance in Hilliard but they fired him cause he is a dbag. He was running open headers for a while and use to rev his way everywhere. My buddy raced him in his beat to shit stock 240 and won cause the kid couldn't shift worth shit.
  7. We were having this discussion when I was getting my tattoo. And while we're having it, we look out the window. In comes a young girl with short shorts and a tank top along with her mom and little brother. The girl had just turned 15 and her mom got her her belly button pierced. I blame MTV.
  8. 35k for a car with 62k miles? I'd rather just buy a new evo. The cars cool, but not worth it.
  9. Since I got the new rims, I don't really need these. They are just kind of taking up space in my garage. This is an old pic from when they were on my car. http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m61/mseebs/07-23-06_2010.jpg One rim has a pretty bad curb rash in the middle. The rest are alright. They were on the car for 80k miles, so can't expect them to be perfect. Do not include tires either. $125 picked up. bolt pattern is 114.3 x 5 Great Winter Rims.
  10. My friend got a ticket for rapid acceleration from Hilliard cops. But he has a prelude with a huge can on it. I've had cops follow me before. I had a Hilliard cop follow me all the way from my house to work (in Dublin). Then I had another one follow us along a similar road when it was me and a friend of mine. Face it, you're young, a guy, and drive (somewhat) of a modded car. So cops are going to focus on you more, cause statistically you're more prone to drive like an ass.
  11. We had WOW for awhile. We hated it. The internet was absolute crap, not to mention the cable system was annoying. Whenever we checked info to see what was on next. Instead of whats on next, you got whats on in a 2 and half hours. I mean, Time Warner sucks. But WOW just seemed to suck so much more. But we ended up getting a kick ass deal from Time Warner where we paid the same as Wow and they gave us more, plus a free DVR deal. Yay dvr.
  12. Uh. I'm pretty sure Zach's accord would rape a auto 4 banger eclipse n/a, bad. Those things can barely beat civics.
  13. I think it's more for the older/rich as shit guys who don't feel like modding a Vette themselves. That thing is pretty sweet though. That's one of those cars you drive on your last day of driving. Cause you'll be dead or in jail by the end of that day.
  14. Compared to how many STIs are out on the road. The Elise is quite a jewel. They're nice cars, but probably not something I'd rock. Just not big enough.
  15. Ha, some of those are pretty good.
  16. mseebs

    1988 BMW m5

    Ya, that's my neighbors that I was just talking about. His daughter goes to Miami and he lets her drive the car usually. It's prolly the one you guys have been seeing on High Street too.
  17. random guess is cause like any board, they hate spotted threads. . but i'm new, so what do i know?
  18. my buddy just got caught on 270 by sawmill by a bike
  19. mseebs

    1988 BMW m5

    Me neighbor has one (go figure on the 11 in ohio). They're sweet cars and pretty quick. Bump. :woowoo:
  20. I'd like a 95ish BMW M3. I've always liked them.
  21. I hate arguing this shit. So I'll make my response short and sweet. I think most people are upset with Iraq cause the president lied on his initial reason to go into Iraq. That their were weapons of mass destruction there. None have been found, or atleast publicized. The next reason is that the primairy insurgants we are fighting in Iraq are just pissed off Iraqi citizens who want us out of Iraq. We are not exactly fighting terrorists there. The terrorists responible for 9/11, the Britian train station bombing, and sadly maybe other future attacks are scattered throughout the middle east. While I don't think their are no Alkita in Iraq, I believe the majority have probably fled Iraq since the huge US military presence. Since most of these terrorists seem to be, for lack of better terms, pussies. I agreed with the initial reason to go in, which was to take down Sadaam and end the dictatorship of Iraq. But now that is all done and past. Sadaam is dead and Iraq is a "democracy". We have done what we said we were gonna do. Now we should be out.
  22. Slowmotion does some good work, they did a few custom stuff on mine and it came out great.
  23. Delta is pretty sweet. The best of the best of the best. I wish I had the mental/physical strength to go special forces. That's just too much for me.
  24. Ya. Weird though, figure the car would be awd then if its set up for rally. I've never seen an awd srt4. Must be nice.
  25. Ya. I'll do the same. Just let us know.
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