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Everything posted by mseebs

  1. i got her in hot tub, couch, jeep, and bed. go me.
  2. I've looked at GTPs and the liking but I just don't feel the size of them. I prefer something with a little more decent handling. Once in a blue moon, I auto X and its hard enough in my car.
  3. Ah. Ya well I'm not huge on lowering anyway. I lowered the accord just cause the gap was hideous but even with that it was a light drop. I'll take a look at the F-bodies and talk to insurance companies. Firebirds always gave me a hard on. So we'll see. I can appreciate a well done A4/A6 but visually they have never been my own cup of tea. Though I would consider an older S4 just cause of the sleeper factor. Oh and for the record. The lower the mileage the better. My neighbor as an A4 with higher mileage and is always dealing with shit with it. So that kind of turned me off a bit.
  4. I don't know a ton about insurance. But this car will have to be a daily. I can't afford another car and I need it to get me to work and class. So what would happen pursue if I did that and still drove it?
  5. For the most part I've been considering Cobalt SS/Redlines. But I wanted to take a look at any other offers and thoughts. All the Audis and the WRX i won't find in my mileage range. I want something under 100k miles preferably. Main problem I've gotten with GTs/F bodies is insurance rates. I've driven a couple f-bodies before. They're fun cars for the most part but I think the insurance would bite me on these too. Considering I would be looking more likely at the V8 versions. Unless anyone is having good luck with these? I am 20 so that bites me but my record is decently clean, just 2 tickets and no accidents.
  6. As the title says. Looking for a decently quick car with low(er) miles 10k or under in price. Must be reliable. No heavily modded cars as I don't have the patience or time for a project. Basically looking for a good daily I can also enjoy on the weekends. Something my bitches will enjoy. -Will consider any cars though-
  7. He was 19. I grew up with Ryan and knew him all the way through high school. When I was young we hung out quite a lot, I remember swimming in his pool the days back. As we got older, the talks turned to cars. Ryan, like many of us, was a HUGE car buff. He had a turbo gsr, a ford lightning, a modded 06 accord v6, and ended with a corvette c5. He was an amazing kid and really showed perseverance and many amazing traits as the days went on. He accepted his fate and went with an open heart enjoying his days. A month ago, I had a chance with death and spent time in the hospital. To remember it I got a tattoo yesterday that said 'How we survive is what makes us who we are'. As of today, I also dedicate this tattoo to my friend Ryan. They put him into an enduced coma in which he wouldn't wake up. This was a direct quote from him. He inspired thousands of people and was an amazing guy. And I, along with many others, will miss him dearly.
  8. nbc4 said its around reynoldsburg area. all the east of 71 places.
  9. mseebs

    The Term Ricer

    dont you come a revving. i know where you work. :ninja:
  10. i'm pretty desperately in need of a job right now. any good paying part time or even a full time job, hours need to be steady and decent though. none of the work once a week type deals. i have high school diploma and some college. im 20. any good places with decent money and good hours hiring?
  11. mseebs

    The Term Ricer

    steve youre just jealous i make better canadian jokes.
  12. mseebs

    The Term Ricer

    Nothing. Just drove away. My friend flipped them off though.
  13. mseebs

    The Term Ricer

    I can agree there. And I have to admit as lame as it sounds. Almost every girl I've met absolutely loves my car. I hardly would say I was 'crying'. It was more of bring up the discussion while venting a bit. I didn't cry or whine really. I know it will happen. In truth, I could give a shit less. To each his own. I was frustrated at the time, I've had a shitty week with family situation. So if it came out as 'crying' then whatever. And as stated. You don't pay for friends. You pay for the things the fraternity (and usually yourself) are involved in. You make the friends on your own just like everything else. I said decently quick. I know its no evo or by gods sake your car. But it does pretty good in the 'slower car' category.
  14. mseebs

    The Term Ricer

    My first car was a Hyundai Accent. When the chance came where I could get the accord. I jumped right on it. I got a good deal, it had leather, power everything, a sunroof, and its decently quick. That's all I really wanted. As far as the fact that you are now bashing fraternities. This just shows how much of a fucking retard you are. My fraternity does not haze its members AT ALL. My entire pledging process I was not hazed once and any members who actually do haze are usually kicked out right away. The money we pay goes towards the events we hold from doing community service, philanthropy, and to parties. Maybe if you weren't such a fucking idiot and sat down and really figured out what good fraternities are about, you wouldn't have this retarded stereotype in your head.
  15. mseebs

    The Term Ricer

    Actually. The majority of modded accords have duel cans. My piping was custom done for the single cause I wanted to do something a little different then the typical duel cans. Hell. I have a friend who lives down the street with a modded V6 accord with a duel catback with 2 huge cans. The old can that was on the piping was rusting out. So I replaced it with the current one because I got a good deal. With full custom catback that I paid for, I saw no reason to throw a stock muffler back on. Wish it was that easy. 1. As state before. My type of accord only comes in automatic. So your point there sucks. 2. That has absolutely nothing to do with anything. I know a guy with a twin turbo 350-Z thats in a fraternity. On top of being a good guy.
  16. Civics are ideal daily drivers. Reliable, cheap to fix, and great gas mileage.
  17. mseebs

    The Term Ricer

    Ah. my bad then. I just get annoyed of dumb people who post shit they don't know anything about. The transmission is known for being a complete failure, honda actually got sued over how much they suck. The 6th gen accords v6s (98-02) all came with the automatic only. Swaps that work. The token swap usually is a J32 swap (Acura CL Type S engine) but its an expensive engine usually. And personally. I'd rather not run spray cause I know it would rape the hell out of my already crap tranny. Well my friend has a 350whp civic. but its just a civic? I mean. I really don't care what other people think, I made the thread out of curiosity for the most part, plus being a little pissed off at the time. I like my car and I did what I felt like doing. Theirs so many things I'd love to do to make it a real beast but between paying for college and Obama's grace of raising cigarrete taxes, I can't. You are welcome to your opinions. I'm just defending mine.
  18. mseebs

    The Term Ricer

    You're fuckin point? OC is a good group of people who equally love cars as much as the CR guys. Except for the occasional guy. I have yet to find anyone on OC who is a dick in anyway possible. They're a damn good group of people. Don't bash shit you don't know a fucking thing about. I can take that. Hell thats all the accord forums are for the most part. Considering how ridiculously expensive any major performance mods are for our car. (swap, s/c)
  19. werd. ive been inside all day. wouldnt mind getting out for a bit during the day
  20. its something im trying to start to pick up.
  21. ill try to come out. spending a little time watching the draft
  22. mseebs

    The Term Ricer

    ok. true. more of what i meant. was they do so very little performance wise. if i put on every bolt on possible made for the car. it would do very little actual power. and the cost of these bolt ons against the lack of power they provide. just not worth it.
  23. mseebs

    The Term Ricer

    Performance wise. Pretty much nothing. AEM V2 CAI and a custom piping single exhaust to a megan can. some crappy ass strut bar. the v6 accord has very few available performance mods. i do want to swap the engine out and throw a s/c on. but money wise, its pretty much not happening anytime soon. Visual. Tockio HP Shocks, Neuspeed Sport springs, blackhoused headlights, tinted taillights, 6500k Hids, tint, black chrome emblems, interior leds, debadged emblems and vinyl stripe, a really sweet dent, upgraded speakers, 16' bbs rims-painted black after that. i started college. so obviously nothing else happened from there.
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