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Everything posted by mseebs

  1. fuck man. we get one nice night to go play around. and we lose 2 mustangs in the process.
  2. wasnt me. i was just cruising next to an evo and slowly accelerating up to highway speeds.
  3. alright. sounds good. anyone else is welcome to come on out also. probably gonna look at leaving hooters around 9pm
  4. roger. i can meet ya out there
  5. idc. pick a spot. i dont know the east side that well
  6. idk. maybe 8, 8:30. or even later. really i dont care. i just want out
  7. more then likely ill get super bored and just go cruising in a little bit. but im up for looking/talking cars with people if anyone wants to meet up. i usually cruise sawmill for the most part. so if i dont respond. im out there. white accord with the huge can
  8. I dont know about you guys. But my 'easter celebrations' ended 2 hours ago and now I am bored as hell. I've spent the whole day sitting around the house or outside doing lawn work. Considering the gorgeous weather. Wondering if anyone is up for meeting up or doing a little cruise. Anything to get out of the house.
  9. Its something I would defiantly consider if I turboed a car that isnt turboed stock. More so for just shits and giggles. Who doesn't enjoy thoroughly destroying someone who thinks they are gonna whup your ass? Something like an STI and so on where people know its turboed, its kind of pointless.
  10. mseebs


    South Park Quote- "You don't see the missteps in logic with that? Look, I'm just saying that somewhere between Jesus dying on the cross and a giant bunny hiding eggs there seems to be a... a gap of information." My family just does a 'nicer' dinner. Thats about it
  11. awesome. though the fat chick getting eaten was more entertaining in a beautifully sick sadistic way.
  12. just helped friends with cars and went from there. i still dont know a ton. but im getting better
  13. yup i knew i had no chance. but hey. i was bored. sounded mean as hell man
  14. was a fun time. defiantly gotta do it again, cept without the dumbass waitress
  15. i might come down for a little bit. im in the loud ricey accord
  16. Hand raise. Considering I am an owner of a car that wasn't released as a manual.
  17. clean. looks like the GT that kicked my ass last night
  18. As it says. A generic golf stand bag. Gently used. I got a new one to match my clubs and don't need it anymore. http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m61/mseebs/golfbag.jpg $20 pick up
  19. I hate truman. That road was actually the reason I ended up buying my radar detector.
  20. wasnt as bad. but still sad regardless.
  21. Maybe if it had an extra 60hp or something. Then it'd be as cool as the Integra Type R was. But an extra 20k for a body kit, some wheels, and rims? Fuck that.
  22. Just a fyi, my high school taught about credit during math classes. Though Sex ED is a joke. The abstinence only education does not work.
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