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Everything posted by mseebs

  1. SeebsLSJ if anyone wants to add me but I'm taking a break till they fix it. Had my character revert back to rank 6 multiple times already. My brother's character was completely deleted. Both new characters after the patch. It's fun but not worth the frustration with losing everything constantly. All they need to do is make it so saves are local instead of this cloud bull shit. Can't wait to see how next gen consoles 'work', especially with them being so cloud based.
  2. Dexter, Ray Donovan, Sopranos, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Chicago Fire, Archer, Flashpoint, Strikeback, Sons of Anarchy, Spartacus, and Southland. Dexter as my favorite of all time, rest in no particular order.
  3. You can get a spectator ticket for watching street racing. Think it's $100 or so.
  4. Did all the stops have a marked police car initiate the stop? Didn't think unmarked could stop cars in Ohio.
  5. With some of the Cobalt guys I've met throughout their forums, this doesn't surprise me one bit.
  6. I think it's cause the lot we used opened a new restaurant there and the restaurant wanted us gone cause we were taking all the parking spots. We started home depot about five years ago and never had any problems until now. General thought is maybe in a few weeks we can just start going back.
  7. Just looking for a Nintendo DSi/DS/3DS. Rather deal with you guys then craigslist. Inclusion of an R4 card would be a definite plus, If someone is interested in a trade, I'd be willing to trade this laptop for one also. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=110581
  8. For those interested. We are doing another Premeet/Cruise at Best Buy off Morse Rd. All are welcome. You can PM me for info if you don't have facebook. https://www.facebook.com/events/532218240158590/?fref=ts
  9. Is the OP about Rob? I've personally never had a problem with him myself. Though just had exhaust work from him. When I was having my other problems and such, I went to IPS. They took good care of me and got everything working great. Only downside to them is as they are such a big shop, can take a while for your car to get done. But it will get done right, plus they warranty their work.
  10. mseebs

    XBOX One

    Exactly. If Microsoft wanted to do the DRM bs or even the used game banning thing. The only way to do it and make people happy would be to dramatically lower game cost.
  11. mseebs

    XBOX One

    Holding back the console gaming by fucking half their customers? Do you work for Microsoft or something? How is alienating a ton of people from your console the future? Their idea was retarded. And the majority of people said fuck you we will go ps4, which is still cheaper and still has better hardware. Between getting destroyed on pre orders and probably publishers backing away from them, Microsoft made a save their ass move. Best part, their are quite a few interviews from E3 with Microsoft execs saying they wouldn't back down from the drm and used game thing. Now, they do a big 180. Pretty difficult to make me trust them. Regardless, I'm holding off till the prices drop and glitches are taking care of. Not dealing with another red ring fiasco. Though I am leaning more ps4 due to how great ps3s exclusives were and the fact the company seems to give a shit about their customers and not just money.
  12. mseebs

    XBOX One

    Apparently Sony is winning preorders by about 20:1 right now. Probably helped Microsoft wake up.
  13. I use a shitty Cobra. Never had a problem with it not picking up K/X/Ka, though pretty useless on laser. Always wanted to upgrade to a better one, but don't got $500 to throw out there.
  14. I'm using v2 right now. As far as the 'cigarette' type of ecigs, they're one of the highest rated. Juice wise when I'm not lazy and fill. I use v2 juice or Johnsons creek. I have a blu kit as a back up for when I'm waiting for juice in mail. Blus flavor is phenomenal but the battery is pathetic. It's worked pretty well for me. While I haven't completely quit, I have cut down a whole hell of a lot. From maybe two packs a day to around 3 a day.
  15. mseebs

    XBOX One

    As far as the 'apps' go. I have a smart phone and a computer. I don't need apps on my TV too. I'm not that desperate to know what my friend ate for dinner. My internet connection sucks, I live in the middle of the country and I get kicked off xbox usually within 5 minutes of connect. So I don't play online, doesn't bother me. I do not want to be forced online by a console so I can play a game I paid for. Seriously, just look at the massive failure SimCity was just because of DRM. But really. All I look at is PS4 is more 'gamer-friendly', is $100 cheaper, and has better hardware. Not to mention PS3s Console exclusives have been 100 times better then 360s. I have no doubt PS4 will continue this. Especially if Naughty Dog stays with Sony. As far as their E3 show. TB did it best...
  16. mseebs

    XBOX One

    This made me chuckle The 24 hour drm is enough for me. I'll be going PS4 this time around. Honestly, with the exclusives the PS3 has had over 360, I'm annoyed I never went PS3 in the first place.
  17. Anyone else notice the runway was like 30 miles long? All in all, it wasn't a terrible movie. Was nice to see a little more 'cars' to it, returning to their roots a bit.
  18. Fee for used games. Check Require internet connection once a day. Check Underpowered hardware. Check Mandatory installation to harddrive. Check. Focus on everything but games. Check All this reveal did was assert that I'm buying a PS4 this time around. Any Angry Joe fans, he did a pretty good rant on the reveal.
  19. Well he backed out after I showed him what they run. So that's good. He's still looking though, if anyone has any other luxury type car ideas that'd help too. Not something I know too much about. I know he wants a coupe, automatic, full options, leather and really would like awd. 20k limit. He's 27 if it makes a difference. Closer to him would be a plus as he lives in Cincinnati. The 328xi seems to fit this well but other options would be nice.
  20. The car has 70k miles and is 20k from Carmax. I'm not saying a brand new toyota or something, just something sub 10k miles. I'm always iffy personally when it comes to spending big money (imo) on a car with higher mileage.
  21. So my brother is looking into getting a new car. He seems pretty dead set on a BMW 328xi. He found a 07 with about 70k miles for 20k. Personally, I told him to just pick up a new camry or something. But he's pretty stubborn. Anyone have any experience with these? Common problems, negatives, and so on?
  22. Terraria is a really fun game. Similar to minecraft in a way but little more to it. Has a hell of a learning curve though. Other option would be deleting all the mods and just get a big 'mod pack' for minecraft from one of the reputable sites.
  23. Oddly enough. The whole ride there and back I did not see one cop on the highway. Was a fun meet. Tons of cars and definitely some pretty sweet ones out there. Great the weather cooperated with us too, didn't see a raindrop the whole time.
  24. What a piece of shit daughter. You see the amount of the money the guys already raised with this story? Go strangers. http://www.gofundme.com/GrandpaJohnJPotter
  25. Anyone interested in convoying from cbus, we got a group meeting at best buy off Morse Rd around 8pm. Probably leaving round 8:30ish. Hoping weather cooperates, every weather thing I check is different.
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