I will make it my goal to visit the memorial one day in nyc.
As a youngin, I was in 8th grade when it happened and remember watching it on tv. I was one of the few kids that kinda understood something big was going on, I spent my recess in a class room just watching it.
I don't know why, but the whole event always hit me very hard. Just made me want to be a better person and not take my life for granted. I know it sounds lame to some people and cliche, but when I turned 19, I got a 9/11 never forget tattoo on my wrist so that I could make sure I never forget those who lost their lives.
Ive never really taken it lightly. A couple years ago at Halloween in ou. I had a guy bump into me dressed as one of the towers, complete with people dangling off of him. I lost it, I started yelling at him about it, he laughed it off and then I laid him on his ass. And for those who know me, I'm not a very violent person..Just some things aren't right. I defiantly won't forget 9/11