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Everything posted by mseebs

  1. quote for truth. no reason for violence. even if he had 'hit them' as they claimed, thats not an excuse to beat the living shit out of the kid. aren't bodyguards just supposed to restrain people till authorities arrive?
  2. I watched my grandmom suffer and die when she came at our house to 'live her life out' after being discharged from the Hospital. She was suffering. She had lived through all her friends dying, 2 husbands dying, and much more. If their was a way we could of pulled the plug to make her go faster and with more peace, we would of done it. Instead we watched her cry and moan her last days on Earth. She was 95, she had more then lived her life, more so then most people do these days. But those last few hours were the worst thing I had ever seen. I don't wish that on anyone. I wish we could have ended it.
  3. mseebs

    Drink of Choice?

    Mixed - Vodka Redbull Beer - Stella Shot - Sake bomb or a Cherry Bomb when I'm being cheap
  4. Selling my copy of Brink. I like the game but I'm looking for something different. Kind of tired of FPS. Selling for $40 or will trade for L.A. Noire and I'll throw $10 in. (360 only)
  5. 10pm at Home Depot off Sawmill Road Friday and Saturday night. That's one of the bigger general meets. Though there are others around.
  6. That I know of, the owner said he had no problem that the group was there as long as we didn't fuck around in the parking lot or trash it. I feel if we talked to him about the 'issues', he'd probably just kick everyone out.
  7. an unfortunate avoidable loss. RIP to Ryan. be careful on your bikes guys. as i told my buddy, the reason I won't get a bike is not that I don't trust myself, its that I don't trust others.
  8. i've said this before. we actually have the owners permission to be at home depot. hence why the cops leave us alone. but of course, the more people think its cool to blast bass and drive through the parking lot like idiots (and the bikes too), the bigger chance we are going to lose this spot. its disappointing considering how its been a relatively solid spot this year, but i believe its going to be at the end of its leg soon. friday night i watched multiple cars haul ass through the parking lot. some that stuck out were a white sti, a stock accord with a turbo badge, and a couple bikes that thought wheelies increase their penis size. there were more but those were the few that stuck out. while i believe the majority of the people there just want to hang out and bullshit about cars, theirs always that few that fuck it up. Unfortunately, no matter where we go this will continue to happen. Thats why we lost Kroger, QSL, Circut City, and multiple others. Only thing we can do is enforce the 'rules' ourselves.
  9. great idea doc. curious though. if this got used for a 'cr meet', would you then open the area up or would it be a members only type of thing.
  10. i'll play devil's advocate here. many people mentioned that when the swat team was there they had many squad cars and swat trucks all with lights on surrounding the place. enough that if you just glanced at your window you'd see the blue and red. i know whenever a cop passes by with lights on half my apartment lights up. so why would you grab an assault rifle and stand near the door? but i still think theirs 'more' to this. the wife had also stated that her husband was pointing his gun at the officers which could be why he shot. regardless, i stand by my initial assessment that Arizona SWAT sucks.
  11. Of course, if you consider redneck dude in truck. Good chance he might have a gun in the cab too. If you had drawn, theirs always potential that it could of turned into a gun battle. Which would be even worse then what originally happened. Especially considering the guy kept his distance. I think the guy pulled the weapon out cause he had two guys on both sides of him. A gun probably would have made it worse. Not defending the dude, he was in the major wrong. Though the bike shouldn't have passed anyway.
  12. beat me to it. :fuuuu: looks good Steve. Sucks ya had to get rid of the Camaro though.
  13. bf3 for the win. its amazing how vehicles and destructibility make a game so much better.
  14. one the other night knocked a tree over and split a car in half. that was kind of interesting. not a fan of hail though.
  15. nah. i had to switch springs to something that didn't lower as much. went from a 2.2 inch drop to a 1.75.
  16. if you ain't looking brand new. the miata/mazda forums would be a good shot on getting something cheaper (and maybe with tires also). i got mine via discount tire and have had good luck with them overall. only downside was i had to raise the car to stop rubbing.
  17. hope it gets better man. prayers heading your family's way.
  18. Story just doesn't make sense to me. While SWAT isn't no uber amazing bad ass unit. They are highly trained and one of the things they're trained for is not shooting unless absolutely necessary. One gun shot should of not made the team unload into a house. Especially a house where they are unaware of the current occupants. I would think with a gunshot they would have backed up and phoned into the house and attempted to resolve the situation that way. Or they would have flash banged and entered. They should not have just unloaded into the house. So either, there is actually more to this story. Or Arizona fucking sucks at training SWAT officers. And for the record, the Osama reference was fucking retarded.
  19. i've never cared for lambos.
  20. mseebs

    Thank you cpd

    Sams Club is who called the police, have fun.
  21. mseebs

    Thank you cpd

    Just so people know. We actually have permission by the owner to be at that lot. The owner said as long as people don't do anything stupid or trash the lot he don't care. I talked to one of the cops who showed up and explained that. He said he knew and honestly didn't care that we were there. What happened is a call came through that '50 street racers were hanging in a parking lot' and CPD has to respond. He was actually one of the officers who occasionally sits and watches us. The chopper showing up was just because it was right down the street. As for the Bikers. It is possible to park in the lot without doing wheelies and accelerating like mad. That does nothing but get us kicked out. I'm starting to think Home Depot might be on its last leg, so I just ask people baby their cars in the lot. I don't care if you fuck around on 270 or whatever. But some us just want to hang out and we're tired of having to go from one place to another.
  22. I agree. Going out on a limb here, I'm going to assume some of these people lost their jobs after they got their loans and thats how they fucked it up.
  23. ya just read the foodstamp article. fucking stupid
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