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Posts posted by dorifto240

  1. Hey! Thanks for not reading the thread and then contributing nothing. :cheers:

    If you don't like being disagreed with, then keep your political thoughts to yourself.

    News flash sparky, not everyone is exactly like you and not everyone agrees with you. If you don't like that, then maybe this whole posting into the public arena isn't for you.

    I'll remember this though, and stop using reason and facts when I respond to you. My fault thinking you could handle a mature conversation that involves reason, logic and intelligence.

  2. Who knows if it's really politically motivated... but

    Sarah Palin's PAC Puts Gun Sights On Democrats She's Targeting In 2010

    Interesting coincidence eh?

    Yes it is a coincidence and nothing more.

    Unless you don't like Palin: at which point stringing together half-truths, opinions, and unrelated facts to somehow implicate an individual who is in no way responsible for the actions of a crazed man makes it a


    Palin probably gave the gun to the guy if she wasn't there pulling the trigger herself. And Glenn Beck played the fiddle whilst this all occurred.

    There's also a UFO in Area 51, Kennedy was killed by Castro/The Mob/Aliens, and 9/11 was a plan put in place by Bush.

  3. Oh, the peices are starting to fall into place on my entry. Still gotta pick up the old girl next week or so. Good thing the wife and kids got Dad a new SawzAll for christmas. (as well as a new set of Perelli Angel ST's for the FZ1)

    Alright! Can't wait to see it!

  4. I went for a quick one on Christmas day. And then I just added some stabilizer, drained the carbs (I had just changed the oil and filter), and charged the battery. If the mood strikes me, it won't take long to fire the bike back up.

  5. There is a difference when you have a business. Like I said, I wasnt trying to be a dick but its something to think about when your income may be affected by what you do / have done. Its just something to consider and be ready to deal with if that time ever comes, which I hope it doesnt.

    I hope his business takes off and I wish him the best.

    That might be beneficial. If they've got a solid reputation with that crowd, then they've got a ready market waiting to be tapped.

  6. I'll think about it. May do a deal on somethin' else.

    Question: If you buy a bike for $400 but sell $200 worth of parts off of it, does that give you $300 to spend on the modification. Basically as long as the Net expense is still $500, is it ok?

    I think that's fair, as long as it's within reason.

  7. hey dorifto, sell me your yamahammer for $200 and I'll participate.

    I've dropped the price already on craigslist(cheap bastards), $400 and a case of beer and (maybe, depends on the beer) you've got a deal.

    It's a shoe-in winner already man, I can't just give it away!

  8. The XS400 has a new selling point:

    IDIOT RESISTANT. Here's the story:

    So had somebody come by today to look at the bike. It was going well, and then his UNCLE SHOWED UP...

    It's 19 degrees out, the 400cc engine is small and cold blooded, and this motorcycle guru tries to get on the throttle immediately after the bike starts. Overwhelms the engine, and it dies. Of course.

    He tries this three times.

    Then he steps back, shakes his head and says:

    "Something's wrong with the engine."

    Okay Sparky, let me tell you what's wrong with the "engine." You we're pawing at the throttle of an air-cooled parallel twin on a cold night, like it was a prom date. They leave.

    I come back outside, check to make sure Johnny Grabass hadn't screwed anything up too much, fire the bike up, and after a minute of warming up, she comes to life. Revs fine, no unusual rattles, clanks, vibrations, etc. Revs up fine, pops a bit like normal, etc etc etc.

    Something wrong with the engine indeed.

  9. What I really like is how much they're tying this season into the first season where everything was almost individual episodes. It's been accelerating ever since the first episode, and things have started to come together.

  10. Haynes: Now carefully...

    Translation: Put back together, pray the car starts. If not, call a wrecker and take it over to your mechanic.

    Seriously though, there's definitely a market for a real life car repair manual. Let's see how simple it is for Haynes to tear down and rebuild a car after it's had a few winters wreak havoc on it.

  11. This looks like my bike is a shoe in for :lol:

    Bring a few cases of beer to sway the judges and you could win something!

    question on the 500 bucks thing, i have a 78 cb750 that was a gift will they come up with a price on it or are they only figuring actual out of pocket? Is this a any type of bike build, or just choppers and cruisers?

    Actual out of pocket expense. Just bring something that can show it was a gift (letter, a photo of the bike with a bow on it, etc. Nothing crazy) and you're set.

    It's any type of bike, I think two guys are going to build a drag scooter.

    Didnt know if there was a limited timeframe for the build.

    Nope! Bring it down and see if you win!

    sounds similiar to the dirtbag challenge, but their limit is 1000 bucks AND there is only a one month build time


    some sweet bikes in their gallery

    Thanks, I'll have to check them out. The time limit might be something to consider for next year.

  12. does it do 140+?

    Currently? Only if it's going down the side of a mountain with a 50mph tailwind.

    It's top speed is around the 85-90 mark I believe, I've never been on a road where I feel comfortable enough to run it out.

    Speed is a simple equation though:

    Money = speed.

  13. Of course it also helps to be genetically predisposed to putting on muscle mass. Arnold looks the way he does because he's Arnold.

    Honestly, the only time I put on mass was my freshman year of college, and I was on the all you can eat buffet plus pizza at 1am work out three to four days a week plan. I weighed 180 and could rep 220, and my max bench was 250.

    And yes I've taken similar items to NO Xplode and busted my ass in the gym and didn't really see a difference between my workout on that, or the time I decided to lift after a few Sam Adams on an empty stomach, or the time I lifted with a few buddies, or the time I had a great play list on my MP3 player.

    My take on it all is this:

    You'll get bigger or stronger, it all depends on genetics. Whatever works for you, works for you.

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