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Posts posted by dorifto240

  1. Man I wish I didnt have all of my christmas shopping to do. I wanna do a cafe project.

    It would be a great bike for that. It's a pretty neutral platform as far as styling goes, it would be cool as a bobber, or chopper, or a brat style cruiser, or anything else you can think of.

  2. You forgot the top prize of "Biggest FOOL in Ohio" for building a beater to take to Columbus just for there to be no such "show". Or is this being held on April Fool's Day just a coincidence?:dunno:

    It is just a coincidence, hopefully there won't be too many beaters, unless they're the well loved, well ridden kind.

  3. Love the idea. I have 2 clear titled frames. Stay under $500? That's the tough one. I have an 82 Honda FT500 motor, turns with the starter, good compression with no wiring harness if anybody needs it. I'll be on the lookout for a paralel twin or old air cooled inline 4 bike aslong as al the parts are there, if I can find one, I'm in. What's the end date for this deal?

    April First (Yes, it is April Fool's no this is not a joke) is the day of the show. That's when the bike has to be done. We're nailing down the final schedule but it's going to be: Bikes show up for judging, everything is looked over, builders vote on the best bike, show starts, drinks are enjoyed, fun is had, awards are given, the party doesn't stop until the sun comes up.


    The date is changed to April 16th!

    2pm Entries Arrive

    3pm Judging Begins

    4pm Opens To Public

    6pm Awards

    9pm Ends

    Please email: somethingcreativecolumbus@gmail.com to register BY APRIL 2ND!

    We hatched this idea after one too many cups of coffee, and a serious lack of sleep.

    The Econo-Chop Challenge.

    April 1st is the day of the show. I'll be posting updates as we hammer out the final details, it's basically a show up on Friday with your build, have fun, make friends, influence people event. The show is in Columbus, but it's open to anyone.

    Here are the rules:

    Rule #1

    The total cost, including the bike is $500.00. Yes that reads “including the bike.” This is an ECONO-chop Challenge.

    Rule #2

    The bike must run. Not “almost run,” or “sort of run,” or “it turns over, but something’s wrong with the carbs” run. Run. As in start, idle, rev, move forward, etc etc etc.

    Rule #3

    You must show a bill of sale and the accompanying advertisement (craigslist, ebay, etc) of the bike to verify the price you paid. I’m not going to believe you if you show up with a brand new ZX-14 and say you paid $100 for it.

    Rule #4

    One item per bike is allowed to be donated. A motor is comprised of many different items, and as such is not an individual item in and of itself.

    Rule #5

    Creativity reigns supreme.

    Rule #6

    The judges reserve the right to check and/or re-value any part they believe to have been misreported. Ebay will be the final source of information regarding a parts value. (Come on, it’s called the ECONO-chop Challenge)

    Rule #7

    Bribery of the judges is encouraged. Budget for “beer money” accordingly.

    Awards will be given:

    Best In Show - Overall winner

    People’s Choice - Voted on by the attendees

    Cheap as S*%T - Least amount of money spent

    Cool as F%&K - Determined entirely by the judges

    The Sweetawesome Award - The bike voted the best by the builders themselves.

    Think of it as an invitation to get crazy this winter, and teams are allowed to compete as well.

    Any questions, don't hesitate to ask here or message.

    The Blog: News, Updates, Photos, And More!

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  5. Apparently in New Jersey, and in regards to guns, you're guilty unless proven innocent.

    Didn't we fight the King of England over things like that? Or was my history education tainted by some biased opinion?

    Why would he comply with a search of his vehicle? If I have done nothing, you see nothing.... without a warrant.

    It's New Jersey. They'll make up a reason real fast.

  6. supplements aren't a waste of money for people who truly are serious and are trying to increase calories/protein intake without eating a shit ton. They are easy and convenient for some.

    Basically any combination of lifting and cardio will benefit the beginner. Just use proper form and your good to go.

    The majority of our diets are protein rich anyways, and the body can only absorb/use so much protein. The rest eventually gets flushed away.

    Most supplements have had none of their claims proven or tested by the FDA. It's a placebo effect. That can be beneficial, but not worth the $40-$200 price tag on most supplements at GNC

  7. How about the owner? Where was the owner- and why was the dog in the road?

    I wounder how you would feel if you had hit that dog on your 1987 Kawasaki. Just sayin.

    In all honesty, I'd probably never ride again. Riding a motorcycle is such a tactile and intense experience as it is, with almost every sense taking in as much as possible. That would overwhelm me.

    Running over a dog (or anything other than the road) on my bike with every sound, scent, sight and feel magnified by the adrenaline? Unless there was some serious extraneous circumstances that forced me to choose between hitting the dog or a serious wreck, I doubt I would be able to get back on a bike.

  8. What I also enjoy is listening to the common theme of "we need to change the way Washington does things". Apparently, that means with exception to negative ad campaigns...

    One of my friends worked in the East Wing of the White House, and he laughs every time he hears that phrase. Here's why: 90% of Government jobs aren't elected, and are so protected by red tape and bureaucratic garbage that it's impossible to change.

    The lines at the BMV are just as long under Obama as Bush. You get denied disability pay as quickly under a Democrat as a Republican, and the Post Office still loses your mail regardless of who's in charge.

    If some politician really wanted to "change" Washington, they'd start by firing people in guvment jobs. Except they don't really have the power to do that. So it's an empty promise, like lowering taxes.

    Actually the constitution doesn't guarantee the right to vote; in fact the electoral college was created explicitly to PREVENT the masses from deciding who governs.

    voting is something the government allows to create the appearance of giving a shit about what we think.

    the only constitutional stipulation on voting is that IF the gov't chooses to allow it, they have to enforce equal protection of voting 'rights.'

    I'll take the heat for this but, do you really want the ass-tards we all deal with voting on something really important, like the person who takes us into war? Or negotiates treaties? Or makes decisions that affect all of America in very real ways?

  9. I saw a dog get run over on my way home tonight. The driver didn't hit the brakes, didn't swerve around the dog, didn't even stop to see if the dog was okay.

    They had plenty of room to maneuver, or stop or do anything... But they didn't. Just hit the dog straight on.

    I get not being able to stop on the freeway or in another situation where it would cause an accident, but doing 35 with no cars around you? Come on. I don't get it. It's a living thing, what does that say about a person when they treat life with such disdain?

    (note: I stopped and moved the dog out of the street. There was no tag, so I couldn't take it to the owners. It was a little jack russell looking dog, so if anyone hears a friend or co-worker or whoever wondering what happened to their dog: it's dead, but it didn't look like it suffered. Sorry.)

    Rant over. I had to vent, and no one in the house is awake.

  10. I've got a bag, and having spent a few summers teaching basic survival; I know what I need. It wouldn't take me long to pack up a bug out bag.

    Of course, "I just need five minutes" ensures death in any movie as quickly as losing your virginity.

  11. I second the stator check as well.

    Run the voltmeter to the battery terminals, and check the reading. Then rev the engine, above 3000rpm you should see the voltage increase. If not, your stator needs replaced. You can also check the resistance of all the wires involved in the charging system too. Check them to each other, and check them to ground as well.

    Also, I heard from a reliable source that every battery maker a few years ago, had trouble with their manufacturers in China. The QC was awful I guess, and batteries from that time might be suspect. I don't know if it's improved or not in recent years.

  12. Bread and cancer is kinda silly is it not. The fact that certain ingredients could have carcinogenic properties does in effect demonstrate that bread causes cancer.

    I really love when the gun nuts pull out things like cars kill people, they should be outlawed too. Blah, blah, blah. The fact is that if were were to "outlaw" vehicles our economy would completely collapse. Banning all firearms would not. So your point is somewhat silly.

    The gun lobby cannot say the issue is Black & White in one statement and in another say it's all shades of gray. That's probably why they are lumped in with the religious right. If you are going to interpret a, article or book you have to include all parts. Not cherry pick the things you like.

    If I taught debate and philosophy I would use this as a textbook example of poor debate skills. You didn't actually engage/refute any of the claims I made, but merely dismissed them as silly without providing any proof to support your counter argument.

    Secondly, attacking the illustration of a point, and not the point itself is akin to a "slippery slope" or "straw man" argument. The bread/cancer statement was an illustration to show the poor statistics used to support overturning conceal and carry. Instead of engaging the actual argument by providing better facts, you attacked the example.

    You might have had better luck using "I know you are, but what am I."

    I think ^ he fell hook line and sinker, nice bait John. :)

    I haven't had a good OR knock down, drag out in awhile. I figured this would be a good one.

  13. Thank you John for the websters dictionary entry...

    Whatever the definition, Corollary does not equal cause.

    Case in point:

    Everyone with cancer has eaten bread.

    Bread causes cancer.

    Is bread a corollary factor to cancer? On paper, yes. Does bread cause cancer? Not likely.

    Have gun owners killed people? Yes. But owning a gun does not cause you to kill people. I could kill a man with a pen, are we going to start tracking pens as well? I could flip out at work and just start stabbing away with a ball point.

    Should we make a Chuck Norris round house kick illegal? It could kill people, and Chuck Norris might freak out one day and start round housing everything.

    If you're really concerned about personal safety, then outlaw driving. According to the DOT, 33,963 people died on US roads in 2009. That's just fatalities, that doesn't include accidents with no injuries, or debilitating injuries. Driving to and from work is the most dangerous thing you can do. And you want me to be concerned about a few hundred gun related deaths? From a piss poor statistical survey? Not buying it.

    There. I took the liberal bait.

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