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Posts posted by JohnG

  1. "If we look at the act in more detail (skip this parag if you can’t take it), PIV is a man mounting on a woman to thrust a large member of himself into her most intimate parts, often forcing her to be entirely naked, banging himself against her with the whole weight of his body and hips, shaking her like he would stuff a corpse, then using her insides as a receptacle for his penile dejection. How is this a normal civilised, respectful way to treat anyone? Sorry for the explicit picture, but this is what it is and it’s absolutely revolting and violating."


    Wow...  I had no idea that there were "women" in the world that actually think like this...  Could this person possibly be anymore fucked-up-in-the-head?  How sad.

  2. Hoyo de Monterrey Excalibur - Churchill length, 54 ring gauge, Connecticut Shade wrapper.  Prepare to spend a couple hours smoking it... With a premium single malt scotch -  Orgasmic.



    So I opened the box and they appear bug and mold free. I was able to fit half in my humidor and left the other half in the box, put in one of the gel tube things in to the box and put it in a ziplock bag


    Best thing you could've done.

  3. ... they believe that their skills are beyond what the course can offer. They also each highsided their bikes last year.  :facepalm:


    :wreck: I'll bet the instructors see the same expressions at the beginning and end of each class.  At the beginning, they see guys looking like, ho hum, this is such a waste of my time.  And by the end of the class its more like, wow - I can't believe I enjoyed this class so much...

  4. I'm planning on doing the course this year with my father who owns a Burgman 400. He needs a little confidence booster and is ready for the extra challenge. I do have to say except for the acceleration lacking due to the CVT, that scooter can corner like a mo-fo. 


    We had a Burgman 400 in our class.  The only trouble he had was with the clutch on the scooter.  I guess you're recommended to keep the rpm's up to a certain point on starts to keep from glazing the clutch disk.  Other than that, he was cornering like a boss by the end of the class.

  5. Sunday afternoon I went up 79 into the Woodbury area.  The new pavement on the first part of 79 is nice.  East on 541 to 17 north to 60 south to 541 again and home.  Nice little jaunt and there weren't any issues to report.

  6. Did you ever feel like you were going to drop your bike :)? In the beginning courses you use their bikes unless you have a good reason to use your bike. I saw people drop their bike a few times in the beginner course. I imagine nobody wants to drop their bike in the advanced...


    Nobody ever "wants" to drop their bike, but if you're going to find out where your limits are, a course like this is the place to do that.  Like anything else, you decide what level you want to take it to.  You are restricted from operating unsafely by the instructors.


    That being said, did I ever feel like I was going to drop my bike?  Well, honestly, I was testing the limits of my braking, since the VFR has linked front and rear brakes, and got a little squirrelly during a quick stop drill.  Felt my back wheel lock and start to come around on me.  Made the mistake of releasing my brakes when the back wheel was not lined up with the front and I was still skidding.  Doing this at sufficient speed will cause a high side.  I wasn't going that fast, but I felt it.  Did I think even for a minute that I would drop the bike?  No, but it got my attention and I learned from it.

  7. Finished the ARC this past Saturday, and I have to say it was well worth the time spent and the $50.  Classroom time on Tuesday night was not the greatest, but there was some lively discussion and worthwhile information to be had.  Our class was made up of the whole range of personalities and rides, from guys older than me to college aged girl and guys.  From sport bikes to HD cruisers and even a Burgman scooter.


    Saturday was the day I was really looking forward to and I was not disappointed.  From 8 a.m. till 1 p.m. with short breaks between drills, it was a full day of riding and even the more experienced among us started to feel it in the arms and back.  Cornering, decreasing radii drills, avoidance maneuvering and some stopping drills all helped to either teach the skills or reinforce what we already knew.  Make no mistake, this was no basic rider course.  The drills were run at street speed and I was running the cornering drills quickly enough to wear my chicken strips down to under 1/2".  Not that that was my intention, as a matter of fact I was quite surprised when I looked at the back tire...


    For me, it wasn't so much about learning anything new.  What I went for and what I accomplished was the opportunity to rehearse riding skills in a controlled environment with qualified instructors giving me feedback.


    Highly recommend the course, no matter where you feel you're at in your riding ability.



  8. We ran the same kind of set up on our pool. This is Cadillac much better than the junk filters they come with. Maintenance dropped to zero and water stayed crystal clear. If you have one of the store bought pools snatch this up.


    Thanks, Anden.  Yeah, it didn't take long to figure out that the little junk pump and the paper filter cartridges were totally inadequate for a 3000 gallon pool.


    Interested. If compatible w mine . Can u text or call tomorrow?


    9 zero three


    "I miss America"


    Will give you a shout over lunch.  Will text first.  Be happy to share any info I have on how this all developed and how it's set up.

  9. So, the pool is not going up this year.  We had an 18 round Intek that I retrofitted with a real pump and filter system and after five years the vinyl was weathered and became structurally suspect.  So last year I cut it up and put it out at the curb.  As a result, I've got stuff that I just don't need anymore.  I've got a pump and older Hayward hi flow sand filter, two ladders ( the standard flimsy one and a much sturdier one), hoses, valves and some misc. stuff like pool noodles and such.  I'm also including the original Intek filter/pump combo.  I'm sure I could part it all out for more, but if you want it all the first $200 takes it.  I'll even give you the giant plastic storage tub that I stored the stuff in.  Come on, it's Memorial Day weekend and you know you need another project...


  10. We didn't have any crap beer to boil the brats in tonight, so we used Fat Tire. I'm never using Bud or Miller again. These were the best brats I've ever had. Figured I'd share. Happy grilling.


    Bought my first sixer Sunday...  Thanks to you, sir.

  11. Take your ass to the hardware store and buy a cheap micrometer


    Got one.  Figured while someone was checking how true the rotor is they could verify my measurements.


    Already took the rotor off the rim.  Rim needs lots of TLC to clean it up and its going to be much easier without the rotor in the way.  Might make a decision to powder coat while I'm at it...

  12. So, I'd like to take the front rotor off the Buell to someone who can check it out for me as far as in or out of specs and whether or not its true.  Had a bit of minor pulsation on heavy braking and I figure its either mildly warped or the mounting hardware hasn't been changed by the PO in too long.


    Any recommendations on where I might take the rotor in the Columbus area?

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