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Posts posted by gsxrnurse

  1. That is pretty sweet. Almost like the original Carroll Shelby ones. My brother has a Factory Five one that is almost done, but it's hard for him to finish it cause he lives in Alaska now and the car is here.

    Which makes me think that maybe taking out his '67 GT 500 that is also here in Columbus wouldn't be a bad idea.

  2. not sure yet...leaving that decision to the natives up here. i just prefer that there is easily accessible planted vegetation located inside of a public building for my late night vomiting pleasures...:puke::tree1:

    I think your new screen name should be Poinsettia Puker

  3. Amazing how little physicians know about nutrition. If we didn't need it - it wouldn't be there. Like the tonsils and the appendix.. commonly removed in the past as being of little worth. Proven to be incorrect.

    I agree. I can't count the number of times I've had to ask if someone could eat or drink something because physicians forget to feed them while in the hospital.

  4. Never been to Martini Park. I think it would be fun to do an experiment there though if there are indeed lots of cougars. Said experiment would be for research purposes only of course.

    Indeed, that place is chock full o' cougars. Drunk as f*ck cougars at that.

    a cruise is a captive audience that is out to have some fun for a week or so. I think this increases your odds of gettin laid in a matter of hours much more. When you are at a bar on Friday night there are a lot more variables, cock blocking friends who have to work in the morning, who's house are you gonna go back to and so on and so forth.

    Anyway, I just thought the cougar cruise was funny.

    :mad: I was being a smart ass. But now that I think about it, why pay $1200 or so dollars to be captive when you can go to Martini Park and take your chances for free?

  5. House for rent in Clintonville. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath approx 1100 sq. ft. with tile and hardwood floors, washer/dryer. Large yard, quiet street that is not a through street, located between Weber and N. Broadway. Great neighbors that keep to themselves. I used to live there before days of me and shitty. $850/month.


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