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Posts posted by 1fast5gp

  1. So I was drunk all weekend and wasn't able to follow along with the thread during the game. If you watched Gameday, my crew was the Captain Barrett (Captain Morgan 'shop) and "Jordan Belfort wouldn't do a line off an MSU girl" sign. We got there around 4:30 and left at about 10. We're in every single shot with Kirk Herbstreit for the first hour.


    Regarding the game, I 100% echo the previous comments. MSU is a solid defense, we knew the game was going to be close. Our playcalling was abysmal though. The one 3 and out that REALLY stuck with me though was after a HUGE stop by our D as MSU was driving, when we had the ball at around our 6 or something, and we're calling a fucking sweep shovel pass after a QB draw. Did Beck not want to win the game or something? QB runs are more effective with someone like JT when they're not designed, this isn't middle school pee-wee football here. Our defense played lights out. This game very well could have been a 21 point victory for the Spartans and our offense is solely to blame. I'm also a little upset at Urban not calling a timeout on Sparty's last drive. We absolutely should have called one when we had them at 3rd and 8 around the middle of the field, we desperately needed a stop and some time on the clock and that was our chance to regroup and focus. Sure enough, we get an offsides penalty and MSU gets a first down.


    Anyway, Monday morning rambling. We're not completely out of playoff contention yet, but we need help now, so it's not looking good. I'll be cheering on the Hawkeyes for the rest of the year.


    LOL.... I guess people are pissed at Tim Beck.... I don't know what the answer is. I just don't see how do you have this much talent and experience on offense and can't do shit with it.



  2. I don't like to generalize, but this is hard to argue with!?


    The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim

    The Beltway Snipers were Muslims

    The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim

    The underwear Bomber was a Muslim

    The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims

    The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims

    The Bali Nightclub Bombers were Muslims

    The London Subway Bombers were Muslims

    The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims

    The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims

    The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims

    The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims

    The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims

    The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims

    The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims

    The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims

    The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims

    The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims

    The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims

    The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims

    The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims

    The first World Trade Centre Bombers were Muslims

    The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims

    The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims

    The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims


    Think of it:


    Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem

    Hindus living with Christians = No Problem

    Hindus living with Jews = No Problem

    Christians living with Shintos = No Problem

    Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem

    Confucians living with Baha'is = No Problem

    Baha'is living with Jews = No Problem

    Jews living with Atheists = No Problem

    Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem

    Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem

    Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem

    Hindus living with Baha'is = No Problem

    Baha'is living with Christians = No Problem

    Christians living with Jews = No Problem

    Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem

    Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem

    Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem

    Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem

    Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem


    Muslims living with Hindus = Problem

    Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem

    Muslims living with Christians = Problem

    Muslims living with Jews = Problem

    Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem

    Muslims living with Baha'is = Problem

    Muslims living with Shintos = Problem

    Muslims living with Atheists = Problem



    **********SO THIS LEADS TO *****************


    They're not happy in Gaza

    They're not happy in Egypt

    They're not happy in Libya

    They're not happy in Morocco

    They're not happy in Iran

    They're not happy in Iraq

    They're not happy in Yemen

    They're not happy in Afghanistan

    They're not happy in Pakistan

    They're not happy in Syria

    They're not happy in Lebanon

    They're not happy in Nigeria

    They're not happy in Kenya

    They're not happy in Sudan


    ******** So, where are they happy? **********


    They're happy in Australia

    They're happy in England

    They're happy in Belgium

    They're happy in France

    They're happy in Italy

    They're happy in Germany

    They're happy in Sweden

    They're happy in the USA & Canada

    They're happy in Norway & India

    They're happy in almost every country that is not Islamic! And who do they blame?

    Not Islam... Not their leadership... Not themselves,


    And they want to change the countries they're happy in,

    to be like the countries they came from where they were unhappy and finally they will get hammered!














    Palestine Liberation Front: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION






    And We just can’t figure out who's causing the problem.

    We Can't Seem to Pinpoint The Problem !


    Not completely True


    2008 Tibetan Unrest, Buddhist monks in Tibetan rioted. Violence was directed against the Hui (Muslims) and Han (Atheists).


    2013 Myanmar anti-Muslim Riots. Buddhist monks went and killed over 40 Muslims and injured over 60.


    There are extremists everywhere, just a lot more extremists in the Muslim population. Doesn't mean Muslims in all is bad, they just need to get rid of the extremists. You want someone to blame, blame religious extremism. It is in every religion, if you really look at history, Christians has been pretty violent as well. The crusades, the dark ages, colonizing the Americas, and many many many more acts of violence. People say the Quran promotes violence, but it is all taken out of context. If the same arguments were made, we can apply that to the bible as well. The problem are these extremist/fundamentalists have distorted Islam for political purposes, to gain power. Basically what they do is they take verses out of context and then use that to justify these egregious actions. It is really easy for these extremists to recruit out of really religious countries in the Islamic world. How do we stop it? I don't know. I can tell you the easiest way to stop it... but isn't very ethical or PC. lol

  3. However, if things play out the way you just described:


    -Baylor isn't hanging around in the rankings after two consecutive loses. Hell, they are undefeated and beating everyone by 100 and the committee doesn't even have them top 5. First chance the committee gets, Baylor is getting tossed. Thus, anyone beating Baylor is automatically devalued.


    -when Oklahoma beats TCU, that's the second loss in three weeks for TCU. Guess what happens to TCU? The committee - which already kind of hates them and all the B12 - banishes them as well. Byeeeeeeeeee horned froggieeeeeeesssssss


    -then when Oklahoma losses to Ok State, guess who has two losses? Yup, Oklahoma. With the other loss being to a dismal Texas team.


    So, you have the undefeated champion Oklahoma State, but all other teams with at least two losses in B12. I don't see how that resume bumps Oklahoma up over that 6th spot ranking. I think they just languish there, a victim of the B12's mediocrity.


    Again, I hope I'm wrong and they leapfrog ND. But I don't think I will be.


    If ND wins out, they will have quality wins over Navy, Temple, pitt and top 10 win over stanford, but not a conference champ and have 1 loss.


    If Oklahoma state wins out, they will have quality wins over TCU, Baylor and top 10 Oklahoma, they will be out right conference champion and have an unblemished schedule.


    ND will get the nod because of 1 thing.... $$$$$$$$$

  4. Have a feeling Oklahoma goes into Waco and lays down the law next weekend. They dropped that bad game to Texas but have been on a warpath since. They win out and they would probably slide into the playoffs.


    I won't be surprised is Baylor Drops 3 in a row. But I think not having a CCG will hurt any team in the big 12. Especially one that loss to a Texas team that probably will no go to a bowl game this year.

  5. Yup exactly that's why I have zero tolerance for it. I have also seen way to many tragic stories.


    Geno Matias-Smith, Starting DB for Alabama. He was arrested for his 2nd DUI in March of this year. He wasn't dismissed from the team or suspended for any games.


    Lets hear you denounce Alabama as your team since you have a zero tolerance policy...

  6. You guys are forgetting he was a MINOR under the influence. There is no legal limit for him. The fact he was drinking and then chose to drive is enough. He is already guilty.


    Now OSU star quarterback who was underage was driving and got caught. Makes the university look bad and makes Urban look bad.


    I have zero tolerance for drinking and driving if you do not punish him and send a message to everyone( that includes all the youngsters who look up at him as their idol) you are not helping the problem but saying its ok to drive drunk. 1 game isn't enough and that isn't me being a hater on the Buckeyes. When you get an OVI you instantly lose your license until it goes through the courts and then it's a minimum 6 months suspension. He should be sentanced the same way through the team.


    I am pretty sure it is.

  7. I wouldn't delay the trip over it. If you have a good insurance agent, they should be doing all of the leg work and fighting with the other insurance company. You would not get a subpoenas for the preliminary hearing. Subpoenas are only sent out for the officer that wrote the ticket. If it goes to trail, then expect to receive a subpoena. In franklin county, MM traffic violations almost never go to trial. First time he went to court was arraignment court, where made the plea of not guilty. Then it goes a preliminary hearing, where the prosecutor will try to settle it there. Usually, it ends in a plea of no-contest if an accident was involved, where he neither admits or disputes the charge and judge will find him guilty. But because he plead to no contest, the case can't be used in civil trial in the future. It also seems like his insurance company is probably going to fight you tooth and nail. Go on your vacation, go have fun. If you want your car fixed fast, file a claim with your insurance company and have your insurance company go after his. You might have to pay your deductible up front, but if they win the case and get the money, then you will get that back.
  8. The upset potential this weekend is crazy


    Arizona st has a real shot at upsetting Utah

    Louisville over Florida st

    Wv over Baylor

    Florida over LSU

    Michigan over Sparty

    Bama over tamu

    Bc over Clemson

    Penn st over OSU


    This is going to be a defining week. I cannot wait. I think most of all I would like to see Baylor lose.


    Bama is the favorite over TAMU, TTUN is the Favorite over MSU

  9. I finally figured out what I don't like about OSU vs other teams. Watch any other team play and it's a collective team effort. Michigan is a great example of that. They don't have any real super stars per se but the entire team is great as a unit.


    The Buckeyes for example is filled with a bunch of Kobe's. Always want the ball and make a big play to get attention and up their draft stock. It isn't a team effort. It's a one man show every down. The arrogance that comes from it posses me off.


    Coming from an Alabama Fan.... LOLOLOLOLOL!

  10. How would you guys compare the B1G's top 6 over the other conferences top 6? I'd put it above the ACC and the Pac 12, tied with the Big 12 and right behind the SEC. Overall the B1G is having a pretty solid year, at least towards the top.


    i think the B1G is tied with the SEC if we are talking about top 5...

  11. Broken leg for Corey Smith. It seemed like he was starting to get the ball in the Indiana game too.


    I saw, that sucks.. he was starting to get some good blocks in too. I just hope that Jalin learns to tuck the ball and stop fumbling. He runs good rounds, gets open, just can't hold on to the ball. Stop turning the ball over and we would of blew out Indiana. The turnovers is what killing what gains the offense had made.

  12. Great play calling at 2nd and 3.


    Let's hurry up and have Elliot get stuffed. Good.


    Now let's just zing it into double coverage.


    I think Ohio State only needs like 7 guys on offense. The other 4 are just fillers. Let them rest on sideline


    Triple coverage..

  13. The OL hasn't been beast like though. That's been a big part of the problem. Price and Boren have struggled. Makes it hard to run between the tackles when 2 of the 3 linemen between the tackles aren't playing well.


    That's why I think they've gotta get the OL and Zeke going early this week. WMU has been run on and this OL needs to use that to build some momentum.


    They had the same problem last year, it seems like the O-line regressed. So they need to start running outside instead of going straight down the middle. Cardale also doesn't handle pressure well.. unlike JT or Miller. So I don't like Cardale starting, we will see what he does this sat.

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