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Everything posted by mrbret

  1. .... also, when you try to turn it on with the power button you can here the normal noise at the back of the monitor (not a flat panel) but you don't hear any of the static noise from the screen it's self. Cant remember the make but it's not a dell & not a flat panel type.
  2. I think my monitor may have packed up. The green power light comes on but only blinks like it's on stand-by/power save mode but will not come on. Any ideas? I have tried turning it on & off & unplugging it etc but still just the blinking green light.
  3. I just North of of Polaris Parkway/Westerville Rd area. I'm normally at bike nights on Wednesday to, Most of the time I meet at the Shell just our side of I-71 about 7pm if you happen to out & about around then.
  4. Welcome fellow naked rider & fellow westerville'ian. Good call on wanting a Z1000 (I have an 03) I say go for the black one or look on the UK site & import one of the many other colors they do there.
  5. mrbret

    Damn cagers!!!

    Are you fucking kidding? Do you drive that silver Chevy Trailblazer? I can only assume you are VERY new to riding or are the most defensive rider on the planet who never rides anywhere that cars go or you are the said Chevy driver For all the CCW & bat carring people, I will be more than happy to proved an address. From what I can gather I can publish his info and as long as I am not saying this person did this that & the other the law can not do anything. Look out for some up coming info.............
  6. mrbret

    Damn cagers!!!

    The stupid claims I tried to attack him through his window while still moving I think, clever trick if you ask me but anyway, the police were not able to decide who started it so it's basicly down to me or the to file a report for assult etc. Shocker of the day, the kids is the SUV with him agreed with what he said so he has the kids as witnesses which is crap but the police seemed fine with it. Dont you just love the police? They are so helpful. So either I can file the assult charge & just for a he said she said deal or do nothing about it & let him get away with it.
  7. mrbret

    Damn cagers!!!

    How does the law stand on publishing a full name & address etc & stating the person there is a huge ? Not telling anyone to do anything to the said person, as I know that would be wrong, just publishing the info so people know to be aware of that persons lack of driving ability & lack of respect for drivers.... well riders
  8. mrbret

    Qsl 7/23

    Come on ladies, stop messing about with you're hair & make-up and get you're ride on.
  9. mrbret

    Qsl 7/23

    We are normally at the Shell (west of I-71) at about 7pm then roll over to QS&L about 7:20-7:30 for a while then either go for a ride or head down to Taco Bell downtown & park there & talk some more shit for another hour or so. I should be able to meet you at the Pony too. Shoot me a text when you know when you'll be there. I'm only about 20 mins away from it.
  10. mrbret

    Qsl 7/23

    Ok cool. I'll be on here till 1am. If later than that shoot me a text (PM sent) with times etc.
  11. mrbret

    Qsl 7/23

    I'm off all day so i'll be around. When were you planning to go to Pony?
  12. An utterly pointless post that was started by someone who is a Satan follower & the post doest NOT get moved like the ones Ben says are pointless. What a fucking shock. At least try to be consistant with you reasons Ben.
  13. I'm at fucking work, got a fucking problem with that? You would not know that though because you are clearly the kind of person who does not care about things like facts you just like . You'll be on the BP side me thinks.
  14. Damit dude, you know if there were pics they would have been posted right away.
  15. I guess the small point I was getting across is not that everyone must meet at the same place BUT if we are all in the same big group (ohio-riders) It does seem just a little silly to have a meeting place right over the road from the other meeting place, but as it has been pointed out (and I am not disputing) everyone is free to do so. I just feel it would be nice to at least get some kind of nod or something when we pass each other & not just a look in the other direction but whatever, each to their own. I'll see some of you at Shell/QS&L next week. Everyone is welcome at my meeting place. ( no I know it's not mine in any way, it just made me chuckle to myself at the thought of them all freaking out at that commet "how dare he", "it's not his meeting place" gotta love it when they get all bent out of shape about stupid crap like that).
  16. Wow, what a who load of crap going on. Who'd of thought it would cause so much sillyness..... oh wait, this is OR.net, we all new it would. Anyway, I will not upset the BP crew by invading their OR.net (+1) group with anyone that wants to meet with myself & any other at the Shell.... meybe we'll be just as grown up & meet at the McDonalds behind the BP There is one person in that group is is quite vocal about all kinds of crap who I really could not give two fucks what he has to say ever about anything at all, I will not name any names because I cant be bothed with reading more pages of his pointless babbling. Anyone who would like to meet with the BP guys can, anyone who wants to meet at Shell can and anyone who wants to meet anywhere else also can. To all those that cant make it for any reason, sorry you could not make it but if or when you can you are also able to meet at any place you feel like meeting to. (i think that covers everyone)
  17. I could not give two fucks if you park on the other side of the same Shell station. Just seems a bit childish to me. I am not saying we all HAVE TO meet anywhere or at any time so flounder can carry on sucking the dicks he so much likes to suck, Pedro I cant even remember the last time you were there which is perfectly fine & 100% upto you & Satan, I really thought as this is your site you may give a little of of a fuck about it but I guess not, but then I think we all know which of the two gas stations you'd be at anyway. Even when we were at QS&L & at Taco Bell only one of the BP grould even made a point of saying hello, so to her, Hello Robin, good to see you out.
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