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Everything posted by mrbret

  1. Something funny happened on the way home last night. Here is the quick version with the aide of smilies: So, last night myself, Karla & Victor pulled up at the lights on Polaris / Cleveland Ave (heading East) & 3 pull up alond side us, I & nod to be polite then Karla see's the turn green and must see a that the rest off us dont and off the line (a good 8"+) leaving the and plus myself and Victor and but she manages to stay & when we got back home all 3 of us as it was some . Just incase any of you are unsure, Yes this is the same Karla that does ride & was at the time riding the 250 Ninja ...... and people say mine is the hooligan bike
  2. There was a preety good turn out of Ohio Riders last night (6-11-08) for bike night, Just a shame that a bunch of them for some reason met at the BP gas station just over the road from the Shell station, may just be childish, maybey they dont like someone at the Shell, maybe they prefer BP to Shell who knows, Just seems a bit f'ing stupid to me but I dont know why they do that so thats just my uneducated opinion. Not much of a way to represent the group to newcomers though & from what I could tell everyone in the BP meeting group is a member (and maybe one former memeber). So whoever posts for next weekd bike night ast QS&L weather it is me or someone else, be sure to list both meeting places so no one gets the wrong one, dont want to be mixing groups now do we, that would be silly
  3. mrbret

    Q S & L - 6-11-08

    Oh yeah, I just checked on the weather, better wrap up everyone it's going to be a very chilly 82 at 7pm & dropping to an almost arctic 75 by 10pm. For all the hard core rider that can cope with the 80 degree cold, i'll see you at Shell.
  4. mrbret

    Q S & L - 6-11-08

    The weather is looking good so far for bike night, Lets have a nice big turn out this week people.
  5. How new are the tires dude? (year not use)
  6. Well Satan????? Have you come up with the top 5 or so yet? I still think BigBen is the best
  7. I think I tried it with the rear up on the track stand & it still did it.
  8. I have one of the black/red Z1000's at work on my PC
  9. Ok, So when I am moving my bike around in the garage etc there is a kind of clicking sound when going backwards only, not forwards. It sounds like the chain catching on the plastic chain guard but it does seem to be that. It is more than one click per wheel rotation though & it does it with the engine running or not. I think it is chain related but not 100%....... Any ideas
  10. It's thats time of the week again, time to start thinking about QS&L bike night. So, as usual, if the weather is good who's gonna be at the Shell (link to map below) at 7pm then roll over to QS&L about 7:20pm. >>> Map of the SHELL <<<
  11. Sorry, I was meaning more of links to your fav game or two not just a site with games.
  12. So for eveyone that is bored at work & can get away with playing the odd online game now & then, What good ones do you have? Post up some links of your fav's so we can all indulge............ Bloons Tower Defense Bloons Tower Defense 2
  13. Glad you are ok most of all but it is a nice bonus that the insurance was taken care of pretty quick & with minimal hassle. Cant wait to see the new & improved Mandie..... Sorry Gixxer
  14. Mine: Decepticon without a doubt The main one for the post: Autobot, way to much chrome to be evil
  15. Do you mean LED tail lights or LED accent lights for behind the fairing etc?
  16. mrbret

    1356 members!

    Do you have any way of finding out how many are still active. Logged on in the last 6 months etc?
  17. I think it's meant to rain for the next month of some shit. Although We may get lucky for bike night
  18. Hope you all had a good & safe ride.
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