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Everything posted by mrbret

  1. Next you'll need to get 4wd put on it to keep it on the road.... well try to help keep it on the road. :burnout: :burnout: Get all 4 corners smoking
  2. I hope they have one of these there. Aston Martin Vantage with a twin supercharged V8 butting out 550bhp, stock . Not bad for a mid/late 90's British car I want one.
  3. I know that feeling Have you tried looking on e-bay. They sometimes have some pretty decent SandRails & some junkers to but we gotta start somewhere
  4. So we dont all have to read through 12 or so pages. Can we get an update on times etc for this gathering please?
  5. I think so. The frames are just a few grand if you shop around. Used WRX engine for about $1500+ then either a donor car or buying the running gear. I think under $9k is quite do-able. Give me $9k & i'll make one...... well have a bloody good go anyway
  6. I was thinking of making a street sand rail a while ago, the VW bug engine ones but with a Subaru WRX engine in it.
  7. We all get in the back row of seats when the lights go down
  8. If it were at the Columbus QS&L or where ever I'd be there.
  9. I wish. I think a Lotus Esprit is as close as it will get to one of them, Never know though
  10. There tends to be a lot of Jag's, MG's, Minis (even the new BMW ones ) & a few odd bits here & there. Sometimes even a Lotus or two
  11. Anyone into British Cars? There is a British car show on Sunday May 18th from 9am to 5pm at the Quaker, Steak & Lube on Polaris Parkway in Columbus (same place as bike night) Just off I-71. I'll be there at some point
  12. If there is an already large & established bike night why wouldn't OR.net want to be a part of it, get a bunch of people together to represent OR.net. Some have said about gaining new members etc... well what better place than at the largest bike night in the close area? Starting a new one is all good & i'm sure we all hope it does very well. Anyway, this thread was pretty pointless as the "against" argument has the backing of the mods & to be honest I think if it were to happen then it would just open flood gates for others to be want to be mods of all kinds of things etc. I think as I am one of the few that you can almost count on being at Shell/QS&L each & every (dry) week & being on a bike that is an easy reference point for new people to find in a crowd of chrome & plastic, the black naked bike with GOLD wheels it also makes it easy to put a screen name & bike to a face. I think with these details I make a good person/bike to be able to point out to people be able to find me & in turn the OR.net members that are able to make it to bike night. It's hard to tell a newb to the forum to go there & look for the red ZX10 or blue GSXR etc etc is kind of silly.
  13. Some times the time change. It's good to see who's coming so we get an idea of who else we may be waiting for, someone may post they'll be a few mins later etc. You should come to at least one Nick.
  14. Very true. They do go for stupid amount of money in England, not quite as much as above but a lot more than any plate should. When I got the plate on my car my friends in England thought I won the lotto or something. If you could get my plate over there is would cost a crap load.
  15. Ok so as the temp stand in mod to be I would like thank all of my very fine supporters (they are the better riders & all round better people you know ). I do feel the pressure from the powers that be may be to great to overcome at this time. I do fee that as a free country anyone should be able to start a QS&L thread at any time, I just feel I should be given the option of deleting any QS&L threads not started by me & the repost them as I see fit I would like to think that anyone that does start the QS&L thread does plan on going to Shell/QS&L on the day they are posting about, now this is not anything against any past QS&L thread starters but to all future QS&L thread starters, This is assuming the weather is good enough & no other issues of any kind arise causing the thread starter to not be able to make it. As it has been said, I do try to make it to as many of the QS&L bike nights as I can. It is always good to see new faces, old faces not seen in a while & the few regulars that also are able to make it to Shell very often. Pics are always cool to see on this (or any) site and if there are some OR.net cards someone can get to me I'll be fine with passing them out etc. As for the Lodge Bar bike night. I was not consulted on this gathering so I will be boycotting it & going to work, missing out on the cheap/good burgers, cheap drinks, dyno runs & general fun. Last of all I would like to say:
  16. mrbret

    Qs&l 5-7-08

    I think you just need to unclench dude. It may seem like a strange concept but really, you dont need to slam someone every time you make a comment. Just because not everyone on here is one of the original club does not mean the rest of us cant still have some fun.
  17. That bike would look cool with the HJC Crypt helmet.... just dont order it from MOC..... It's more elusive than the bike...... cough wheresmyfuckinghelmet cough. Anyway, very cool looking bike. Cooler for the fact that there are not a load of them about.
  18. mrbret

    Qs&l 5-7-08

    Now I dont want to point any fingers or lay any blame BUT............. Doesn't it seem a little odd that the first time this season some else feels the need to start my QS&L.... sorry, THE qs&l thread & the weather is going to be all crap: as per weather.com 7pm T-Showers 72°F 60% chance of rain I think someone upset the Shell/QS&L weather gods. To the people that DO come to Shell/QS&L i will try to smooth things over with the Shell/QS&L weather gods & try to get some good weather back for next week. As for the comment about staying on topic, There are a LOT more that are move deserving than me.
  19. mrbret

    Qs&l 5-7-08

    The people speak and you dont listen to the people Dont worry everyone, I'm sure the above offenders will grace us with their company at least once at bike night this year.....maybe.....perhaps..........yeah right
  20. I think he is inhaling to many fumes.
  21. mrbret

    Qs&l 5-7-08

    Dont click on, I bet it's some fat old granny taking a dump or something
  22. mrbret

    Qs&l 5-7-08

    here is a clip of the band
  23. mrbret

    Qs&l 5-7-08

    Ok, as I can not see Youtube at work I now find out that this band may not be there after all so 7pm at Shell as normal
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