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Everything posted by JZig06

  1. I will be sending you a resume tonight.
  2. I already have it listed for a great price I don't need people being greedy with even lower offers doc I'll get these pics sent out to you here shortly
  3. Lol not desperate enough to take 400 yet. And it is a legitmatr question. I do more reading than posting. If you talk yo anyone who had dealt with me I am sure they will give me a good rep. The gun isn't hot. I still have the original receipt for it and I have never shot at somebody in this country. I just have been out of a job for six month's and have a mortgage due.
  4. Need to sell my Glock 23 Gen 3 .40 cal. Bought it brand new comes with two mags and case it came in. Has had about 300-400 rounds through it. Need 450 for it. For 500 I will throw in the black hawk holster, a in the pants cc holster and 25 hollow points and 25 reg rounds. PM your phone number if your interested/ want pictures.
  5. I am seeing what just straight cash offers I get Dover and depending on that and if My Kenwood car stereo sells is dependent on if I can make the trade with you. Your still in consideration dont worry I really want that XD
  6. I am not really sure what a fair price point would be 750 obo
  7. So since I got a bunch of PM's about the ACOG here is an official thread for it. Willing to consider some trades on it but am really looking for cash for another project so a trade with some cash involved would be ideal but might be willing to sell outright. Pictures are in my album here on CR.
  8. Back on the market for the first person who comes and gets it
  9. Where were all you guys when I had this thing up for 350 lol. I sent fire my wrong phone number so im still waiting to hear from him. my bad. But i'll let you guys know if it falls through
  10. Still have this? I have an ACOG I might be willing to part with for it plus a little cash. Edit: It is a Trijicon by the way
  11. Just what the title says. Must be 21 obviously to buy. Only mods to it is an extra finger grip that slides on to the original grip. I can send you pictures upon request but it looks brand new probably only had 300 rounds through it. Always cleaned and taken care of. Here is a link with info and picture. http://www.cabelas.com/semiautomatic-pistols-smith-wesson-sigma-series-pistols-3.shtml Price is $220
  12. Yes it charges the ipod while connected to the unit. As far as cage It filled my cars double din without a cage just had the plastic that went around the outside to close the gap. And yes I have everything to connect the ipod.
  13. Ok so I have posted this a couple of times and am sick of looking at it so someone please buy it this time. I spent over $1200 on it. I am only asking $250 to get rid of it. It is a Kenwood DNX5120. It has navigation, dvd player, cd, mp3, Ipod hookup. I had my Ipod mounted out of sight in my glovebox because you controll it from the touch screen. Also has the bluetooth attatchment that you can call/text all from the touch screen. Still have original box for it if you want it. Getting ready to add some pictures of it right now. Pictures are in my only album here on CR.
  14. Are you still looking for someone if so My buddy's dad would be perfect. He is one of the few left that still takes pride in his work and wont rape your wallet.
  15. I was on the bridge as well. It was rather entertaining to see the crowd of everybody running back and fourth depending where the action was.
  16. 350 if you get it today or tomorrow and I will post some pictures tonight
  17. Selling my Kenwood DNX5120. Again hopefully it actually sells this time. Doesn't fit in the new car. It is in perfect shape, put it in myself, took it out myself so I know all wires are still with it. I also paid the extra $150 for the bluetooth hook up. So you can make, answer, and text all from the dash. I am asking $600. I can get you pictures if you want. I am pretty sure I still have the original box too if that is something important to you. Would consider a trade for just about any gun that strikes my interest.
  18. I have a remington 870 expresss magnum if your interested. comes with the slug barrel.
  19. Thank you Pete this is still availible. This thing is way too nice to just be sitting in my basement.
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