Like my earlier thread I am wanting to get into riding street this year. Ridden dirt bikes my whole life. My question is I don't get my license until mid-late July unless I get lucky with finding a walk in spot for the basic rider course earlier in the year. Well I want to use my tax return to get a bike. Do I have to have my license and proof of insurance to buy a bike from a dealer, or private owner. Or can I pay cash put it on a trailer and take it away with me. It looks like I am going to have a bout $3000 total that includes tax and title. Looking for a 600 CBR, R6, some Ninja not many. I would love a 750 but they seem to be more pricey. Bike doesn't have to be perfect can have scratches just needs to be mechanically sound. I am also not opposed to a bigger cc cruiser. But it has to be black and loud. Any help on any of this would be great thanks.