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Everything posted by JZig06

  1. Yeah crutchfield said it wouldn't fit my aura either but it did just had to hide the wires in the back very carefully. Im not saying it would work with all cars but I did get lucky with mine.
  2. Selling my Kenwood DNX5120 that I took out of my Acura that is now totalled. Doesn't fit in the new car. It is in perfect shape, put it in myself took it out myself so I know all wires are still with it. I also paid the extra $150 for the bluetooth hook up. So you can make, answer, and text all from the dash. This thing is awesome I wish honda was dumb and made their dash's so retarded so I could put it in my new car. I bought it in 2010 for around $1300 for everything. They still sell on amazon for $950 without the bluetooth. I am asking $600. I can get you pictures if you want but they are not going to look any different than just looking one up onine. I am pretty sure I still have the original box too if that is something important to you. edit: The only trade I will consider is a AT&T Galaxy s2 plus some cash.
  3. Title says it all but I will be in the market for buying an engagement ring here very soon so I was looking for some past experiences on where to go and not go. Please hold all dumb comments about not getting married until the end.
  4. Free Bump: That phone is freaking sweet.
  5. I work for att nd we will give you 100 off the price of your upgrade if that is all gazell is going to give you. Might be an option u
  6. How classic are we talking. what year did you get it? or what generation? How does it work? (meaning does everything on it work) and How is the battery Life?
  7. 200 if you pick it up by thursday
  8. lol see the plan worked got a free bump out of it. But the craigslist add doesn't really say any additional information. Other than my phone number which if you want it just inbox me.
  9. It was used for two months. Always had a case and screen protector on it. Below is the craigslist add. CR price is $300. Which is what I paid for it with a new two year contract. I now work for AT&T so no longer use verizon. I absolutely loved this phone and if you have never seen verizon 4G you are missing out.
  10. My co-worker is the one in need for his 97 katana. I think he needs transmission work not to sure. I know he called a couple of the suggestions mentioned up today. Thanks guys.
  11. Looking for a good sport bike mechanic. Anybody have someone they can recommend?
  12. JZig06

    Iphone 3Gs

    Had the phone for a week and realized I didn't need all the fancy features that were making my bill so high so I went back to a standard handset. Comes with Box, Headphones and Car Charger. $200 cash if I have to meet you anywhere besides hilliard or Gahanna while i'm at work. $180 if we can meet in Hilliard or Gahanna (while i'm working) Can meet anywhere around the 270 loop. 614-595-8566 Call/Text. Texting will get a faster response. Here is the craigs list add if you want pics. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mob/2418574095.html
  13. You still have anything in the 1500 or less price range?
  14. hahaha But Already made my deal. Thank Phil. You can lock this thread up.
  15. All Pm's replied to and I was just saying I like R1's not that I plan on getting one for 2000
  16. Like the title says. Cash sitting in my account just waiting to go into your pocket. I really like R6, R1, CBR's, and some GSXR's but am not set on anything. Let me know what you got. Willing to put this cash in your pocket as soon as it is nice enough to ride it home so if you need cash and have a nice bike let me know.
  17. If you still have these when I get my next paycheck consider them sold. I will let you know via PM if I don't see them sold.
  18. Voting on this for worst for sale tread EVER. But I'm interested I need to get my little brother something for his birthday. What color is it. What condition is it in? Esp. tires and chain. Is it just standard size. Are there pegs on it or was it for dirt? Any upgrades? Any pictures?
  19. What kind of condition is it in. A picture would help but At least s honest self review might get me out your way.
  20. JZig06

    Valentines Day..

    Hey phil post a review of that jazz place after you check it out. After reading the reviews on yelp it got great reviews in past dates but all the more present dates gave it terrible reviews so I am intrigued to as if those few people just were in a pissy mood. As far as what I am doing for valentines day. Giving her a table and chairs set that she found somebody throwing out that I sanded wood burned a willow tree in with a heart in the tree with our initials and the re-stained. As for dinner she said she wants to make dinner together. Then you know where we go from there.
  21. Great looking weapon. How powerful is that scope. With a little bit of time and the right coaching you can get point target 10 out of 10 accurate out to 600 yards easily with that bad boy. If your gonna get a bi-pod get the kind that is a gangsta grip that has a bi-pod that comes out of the bottom of it. That way your not adding pointless weight to the thing with out having a secondary use for it when standing and shooting. Even though if you talk to anyone who knows what their shit you shouldn't use a gangsta grip ever when shooting.
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