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Posts posted by SJC1000rr

  1. I wouldn't wait until 8k miles to change your oil. Depending on how hard you use the bike and so on, I would change it between 3-5k miles. I run mine pretty hard and did about 8 trackdays last year, so I go with Full synthetic and changing every 3k miles.

    I also use engine ice in my 1krr and it has had no ill effects, and its whats preferred at most tracks if not distilled water/water wetter.

  2. That's the thing, Optimal was what was on my bike nate. There are chunks missing from the edge of the upper where it wraps over to the clip-ons and worn through with some parts having a single layer of fiberglass weave showing. The tail is probably salvageable, but got cracked and pushed in pretty well. The bodywork doesn't blowup or anything, but it just breaks and small chunks start coming out of it.

    Paul also said its not the easiest stuff to paint either and it does leave the fiberglass weave showing through the clearcoat.

    Total damage was Subframe tweaked, upper/tail, left peg+bracket, Left Clip-on. My helmet had 1 inch shaved on the clearcoat from a slide, so I just decided to replace rather then risk it and right boot had the slider ripped off.

  3. Yeah, the optimal won't hold up so well as I found out. I right hand lowsided and then the bike caught and flipped over onto the left side and drug itself off the track. The left tail is cracked and smashed. The upper wore through and has a lot of gaps and missing chunks in the fiberglass. :( On the positive side the leathers and helmet came out pretty well! :D

    Speed was about 50mph I'd guess, came in way to hot and tried to force it through.

  4. sjc1000rr i'm pretty sure i've met you once or twice but wouldn't want to put that responsibility on a stanger.


    Ya might have, IDK. I'm not good with names for the most part. As for responsibility on a stranger...its no issue with me. I pretty much just put out the offer if I have room and someone can take it. I picked up just about everyone but Whodey on the previous trips as its along the way for the most part.

    Sent you a PM on what days I'm looking at and let see if we can work something out.

  5. Finding someone that is going (friend) is always a good idea. I have taken several bikes(Whodey+wrecked return,Enenen,tomato racing, RFM) to trackdays and races if I am going there. Only makes sense to do it if someone has the space and ability to take a bike for you. Its less hassle then you think and safer then riding back after a track day. Worn out #1 or if you should wreck and then your stranded at the track making calls anyways.

    And they do make hitches for cars, I thought someone posted a few months back of a hitch on their sports car for just this purpose. Etrailer.com has about everything you need. My old truck's hitch and system came from there and I put it on myself in about an hour or so.

  6. When in doubt, format and reinstall! :D

    I use Malwarbytes and Microsoft Security Essentials. Two programs to cross check is the best way to go about it if your concerned. I've had my fair share of fixes lately from co-workers and friends/family. With variants of Vundo/Antivirus Virus etc. Last pc I cleared off almost 900 virus's from safe mode and cross HD scanning and it was still so F'ed I just saved the my documents and flattened the drive.

    Windows can get so screwed up, its not always worth the time and effort into trying to fix it.

  7. I might switch over to Amsoil in the 600rr, but not sure on the 1000rr. They don't make a 10w-50 which is what I like to use. But since oil changes are fewer for the big bike, I might stick with Repsol and use amsoil in the race bike and see how it goes.

  8. I'm considering one of these days. I'll be watching the forecasts and deciding last minute. I'd be interested in splitting a garage with someone.

    Right there with you! I'll probably make my decision around Tues-Weds based on weather forecast. If you make a garage rental before then let me know. I still have your cell # also if I get one before you let me know.

  9. Did you replace the Crush washers between the banjo bolts? Your suppose to use new ones everytime Crush/line/crush etc. I had no issues in doing this on several bikes on front and rear lines. I think I always filled master and then went to farthest line and started there. Hook up a clear tube, pump/open/close repeat till air gone, then move over to next line and master cylinder itself. But thats for a 2 line setup, not sure if your doing a cross-over system or if its really any different.

  10. License points count against you for 2 years. Most....Insurance agency's hold stuff against you for 3 years.

    Offenses/Accident records are logged so it does show a back dated record for LEO. But they don't count against your current status.

  11. I'm either going to the Mid Ohio 24/5 with a friend (His first trackday) or I am headed to Nashville with WERA. Depends on if my friend gets his suit's leg alterations done by then or not. Either way, I will be waiting for something! Headed to Summit Point on the 10/11 for race school and first sprints.

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