i had a prior obligation that just reminded itself to me ontuesday. it did rain a bit in some parts of the city too, so maybe people stayed in because it was raining at their house.
theyre probably not getting their oil from us seeing as it is iran and theres all sorts of UN sanctions against them. that and we hardly get any oil from us, so i find it hard to believe were exporting anything. they prolly get it from the saudis if i know my oil right. i wish canada could find some cheap oil like that. i would go up there with a car full of gas cans and load up.
yeah...definitely looks like a ragdoll flying through the air. didnt believe it was real until he started moving again. i love how those guys walk around the car to look at something instead of tend to the motorcyclist.
the expensive part is outfitting the country with fiber optic cables large enough to carry the bandwidth. i think the big problem is the mass of land in the US. japan is so small they prolly completed that shit in a month.
well i was gonna wait to see if more showed up, but i met a nick there from here and we ended up going to triple sixteen on 161. that is of course after getting some food cause i thought kickstand was going to have some. nick made some calls and evidently a lot of the moderators on the forum were busy tonight. maybe ill see you on wednesday mrbret
my mom works at the polaris chase, shes a systems analyst. she works with a guy named dickhouse who rides a harley but hes out of comission due to recovery from a surgery. i keep asking her to find out when hes going to start riding...
whiskey dicks is harleys. they usually turn out a decent number of bikes, but again mostly old guys with wild things growing in their beards, i mean harley riders. never been to MOC for a bike night.