****DONT READ THIS UNLESS YOURE REALLY BORED**** i dont know what this is in response to and i hate to burst bubbles, but independant candidates WILL NOT get elected president in this country for a long time to come. i dont particularly like political arguments but hey, its the internet. i forget who the last indy to get ANY electoral votes was, but i know it was pre-perot, and perot had one of the highest popular election numbers since a long time ago. somewhere around teddy roosevelt if i remember correctly. i think the best way to elect someone with views out of the mainstream is to find them in the primaries. this isnt true independant, but its really as close as we can come with the big business that politics is today. primaries are really up to anyone with the most charisma and the best ideas. and once you have the backing of the business known as a major party, youre well on the way to being elected. this isnt a true example, but take the current primary for the reps as an example. most flag wavers sit there and cheer on giuliani as he talks about running our nation further into the sand with more debt and such. then you get a candidate with true american ideas coming through like ron paul, who has generated a lot of buzz with even very liberal media sources and is rocking the boat with the classical american theory of isolationism. but dont listen to me. go check it out on you tube. just search ron paul. thats all i got for now. if you read this entire rant i applaud you.