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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. wow...sounds familiar though....oh yeah. its life! unfortunately i decided games were better than football the first time around guess ill just have to buy another game to relive that part.
  2. smoking affects people who dont smoke as well as those who do. i for one voted for the ban and i think life inside restaurants and bars is a lot nicer now that it is in effect. the helmet laws only affect those who ride the bikes, as cage drivers dont see a difference in their lives on the road whether or not weve got helmets on. totally different scenarios. also, laws come into effect because we vote for them. government doesnt intrude unless we allow it. theres no unstoppable snowball effect.
  3. yes and it will. http://ninja250.kingston.net/speed.html
  4. i didnt even know we had any courses around here...
  5. im down for a rebuild pending you guys arent completely fucking around. i think it would be straight comedy. im gonna have to wait on anything completely ridiculous until i get another bike though. i dont think its possible to do 100+ in the 1/4 mile with it. as soon as you change the sprocket the top speed is under 100. maybe ill just strap on another 2 cylinders, add another chain to the other side and throttle link them.
  6. i guess just try to be the first person to lay hands on the control and youll pull out ahead in the battle for johnny.
  7. yeah and about 800 people fighting...
  8. about the tax services...thats why we vote eh? about the involved comment...i meant instead of encouraging people to just vote, people should be encouraged to participate and pay attention to the issues and such...as you were saying but encouraging people to do that. you know, on the subject, why dont we get into an argument about peanut butter and jelly? that might liven things up...or kittens. i like those...some like puppies though.
  9. hmm...you missed the government surplus and strong currency...but whos counting? sometimes taxes are worth the services they provide.
  10. how about encouraging everyone to get involved. that covers both ends.
  11. hmmm... everything... interesting.... dont hate...interpolate!
  12. i cant call off this job. saturdays and sundays basically are the job. i suppose if i wanted to be unemployed again...but then id have to beg for gas money. no thanks.
  13. wella bike night spot is wherever people want to get together and gather and chill. just post up a thread on sat night or sunday asking who is going or who wants to come...say when you want to be there...and pray other people want to hang out with you.
  14. ****DONT READ THIS UNLESS YOURE REALLY BORED**** i dont know what this is in response to and i hate to burst bubbles, but independant candidates WILL NOT get elected president in this country for a long time to come. i dont particularly like political arguments but hey, its the internet. i forget who the last indy to get ANY electoral votes was, but i know it was pre-perot, and perot had one of the highest popular election numbers since a long time ago. somewhere around teddy roosevelt if i remember correctly. i think the best way to elect someone with views out of the mainstream is to find them in the primaries. this isnt true independant, but its really as close as we can come with the big business that politics is today. primaries are really up to anyone with the most charisma and the best ideas. and once you have the backing of the business known as a major party, youre well on the way to being elected. this isnt a true example, but take the current primary for the reps as an example. most flag wavers sit there and cheer on giuliani as he talks about running our nation further into the sand with more debt and such. then you get a candidate with true american ideas coming through like ron paul, who has generated a lot of buzz with even very liberal media sources and is rocking the boat with the classical american theory of isolationism. but dont listen to me. go check it out on you tube. just search ron paul. thats all i got for now. if you read this entire rant i applaud you.
  15. id like to ride but im afraid i might be working saturday and sunday. i should find out tomorrow.
  16. maybe a simple option card with the logo all across one side and the actual URL on the other side...big enough to read but not much larger. im into simple things...so this is just my opinion.
  17. i would like to take a second and recommend the MSF safety course. its how i got my endorsement and it really got me on my feet as far as riding goes. also welcome.
  18. this woman is ridiculous. in the article it even says that pelosi would rather focus on getting out of iraq than the ridiculous idea of impeaching the pres.
  19. what kind of bike do you have? im hoping its a ninja 250 like the avatar. if not, then ill be
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