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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. +1, that def looks cool. I'm not sure if that would look good on a fully faired bike.
  2. Not to ruin the fun but it woulda been my bike that she can ride once in a while.
  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh......she was the one responsible for all the lulz from last summer! And now more lulz...
  4. You've never watched preggers vids?
  5. idk but can we get some nudez?
  6. Well I would have to agree with you that my right hand knows what I like :D:D
  7. Yeah well it's cheering me up a little. I have nothing but time to sit around and think about it, sucks. I'm sure there's more woman-hating to be had.
  8. At one point I probably considered it. It was my first "long" term relationship and I was always skeptical, but what we had felt good so I went with it and fell for her pretty hard while I've been over here. Obviously not now... Our MRAPs have all been turned in due to the draw down, I am literally doing nothing while I wait to leave.
  9. I just want everyone to know she lies and cheats...I don't need childish things like photoshop. Not to mention that I really really don't need to be thinking of what some other dude is doing to her right now...
  10. In one word, yes. http://www.ohio-riders.com/member.php?u=3201 When she remembers it'll probably get deleted.
  11. lulz. I don't feel like typing the whole story, but she was "in a relationship" with another guy on fbook (didn't show it on her profile) almost a month ago. I found out because he tagged her in his profile pic of them hugging closely and then I checked out his profile. She had even commented on the fact that he was a lucky guy. Someone else commented that they thought the dude's sex drought would last forever. We had talked about trying to work stuff out once I got back just the previous day to me finding out, which was yesterday. Liar and a cheater. Done son.
  12. 9/11 pussy is harder and harder to come by these days
  13. This is all truth. This is all even worse when you're not there to do anything about it, to make her feel the feelings you have for her. In addition to that, all you have is her spoken or written word to trust her, so it takes a lot of trust to continue a relationship through a deployment. When you find out that trust has been breached, it feels like the whole deployment has been a lie.
  14. That's fucked up. And people wonder why the suicide rate in the military is so high...not only do we have to deal with the fucked up shit that happens every day here, but then we go home and have to deal with the fucked up shit there. It is hard for loved ones back home, we know that. Sometimes soldiers don't always treat our loved ones as well as we should, but it is no excuse. If I was that guy, they would need to put me on lock down too.
  15. scratch off one of my tickets and one of the people for my hotel reservations pls.
  16. I used to have an awesome video of the you know what, but my computer crashed and I lost it :mad::mad:
  17. Ladies, when service members ask you if you're willing to wait through a deployment for them, you better take a hard f#cking look at what that is going to mean for your life. Cheating on a guy who is overseas is definitely unpatriotic. And yes, I'm a little bitter.
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