Other than yesterday with the group ride, all of my rides this year have been totally random... My general rule is get on bike and the the fuck out of dodge (town). Most times I try to get lost, which as made for some interesting stories (ask me sometime about Township Rd 36 in Athens)... Anyway, after EagleriderDRZ took me up Rt 60 yesterday, I had a hankerin' for some clean twisties... So today I headed out rt 62... Found that it was closed and I must of missed the detour sign... Thank god Hoggy's was there for me to cut through... Anyway, rolled out rt 62, which is straight and boring... Then hit rt 13 south. It starts off pretty straight and pretty boring, but livens up the further down you run it. I took it all the way to Athens... Stopped in Athens at some little bar place, don't recall the name... had a sandwhich... buffalo chicken and of course it fucked me up... Watched the last 10 laps of the GP race... Damn Fox coverage SUCKED!!! After eating I made my way back to rt 550 and took that all the way rt 7 in Marietta... Just turned around at that point and rode back. About 300 miles total over the course of 6.5 hours. Rt 13 is cleaner than I remember and 550 is a fucking dream! If it weren't for the questionable road surface in some areas that road would be perfect... I was getting MUCH faster as the day progressed, nearly to my detriment as my over-confidence and the evil bastard sun in my eyes caused me to run hot into a corner and totally jacked up my line... ran wide, but still had enough lean left to keep from testing my bike's off-road capabilities. A good reality check is needed every once in a while. Long story short, I highly recommend this route for anyone looking to rid themselves of their pesky chicken strips.... OH and I found out that the new Mustangs are not just cop cars in Transformers, but also somewhere near Marietta... I passed one right after I turned around at the end of rt 550. A little over 700 miles this weekend... Who's got me beat?