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Everything posted by XB12Ss

  1. XB12Ss

    My Rant

    Thanks guys... My buddy told me I couldn't make Best of Craigslist... So far, he was right.
  2. I'm pretty sure nobody wants to see my ugly ass... or even my face for that matter... I did enjoy the pics of some of the ladies.. Especially the sweet perfection knee dragger chick... holy cow.
  3. XB12Ss

    My Rant

    Here's my addition... http://columbus.craigslist.org/rnr/366200334.html
  4. I saw your tire on the group ride... It didn't look terrible. I'd start with the easiest of things, tire pressure. I have my tires at 36PSI hot. If they are lower the ass end wallows under me in the turns... If they are higher I don't get the same feel on the road and the tail wants to slide. From there I'd look at suspension. You're a big guy, having your suspension properly dialed in will make an AMAZING difference... I know from experience. Start with the manual and adjust your suspension according to it's recommendations.
  5. Glad to hear he's gonna be ok. AGATT! You just never know! No shit!!!
  6. I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the people who were WTF'ing and talking about fighting real crime... whatever... Those who were aware of the law, but still bitch like it's the cops fault for doing their job. And, I've never had negative feelings towards a cop when I've got a ticket... I've never dealt with an asshole cop though either... I show respect, sir/maam 'em the entire time, and with the 10 or so tickets I've got, they've always reciprocated the respect I've shown. If anything I am pissed at myself for getting caught, but not at the guy just doing his job.
  7. Wasn't speaking directly at you... Just making a general statement.
  8. :lol:I just heard a couple people that work in my building bitching about how the Dispatch was a liberal rag... And generally, for the record, Reps are generally against helmet laws.
  9. Ok, honestly... Would I put up with that? I guess that depends on how hot she was and how long it took me to get her in the sack.
  10. Got one. However if you're down to just chopping deckboards, circular saw is a much better option.
  11. Easy. Don't work there... Don't patronize that establishment.
  12. I started to respond to multiple posts, but realized this thread is going nowhere… If I am a zombie for respecting the law and not crying like a baby when I am held accountable to it, then fuck it… “MMmmmm…. BRAINS.â€
  13. I think you all are wrong. The errosion of our personal freedoms is scary... Smoking bans, helmet laws, trans fats, etc, etc... It's frightening.
  14. Holy crap they do!!! http://www.planet99.com/chicago/bars/9977x.html - Some of the comments are... umm... disturbing... http://www.thetoolboxnyc.com/ - This looks to be the Cheers of gay bars...
  15. Best gay bar names ever: The Toolbox The Manhole I wonder if they exist?
  16. I break the law on a daily basis... I am just not going to bitch and moan about it when I get caught... I'll be a man and pay the ticket... Not going to say I'll be happy about it, but I am mature enough to say, "I broke the law and I got caught." That's it... it's that simple. It's like people I work with... They do something wrong and get pissed at me for writing them up. It's even worse when I have to can them. Like it's my fault they fucked up. Bottom line: You break the law and get caught... It's your fault. YOU BROKE THE LAW. You don't want to get pulled over... Don't break the law. I don't even understand why this is up for debate... It's cut and dry.
  17. I think he forgot to mention that the ten large included a half key of yay and a toothless hooker that lives in the trunk.
  18. Enforcing some laws over others... Retarded indeed.
  19. Yes. Driving with your window down is no comparison to eye protection on a motorcycle. Ride for 10 minutes and look at your visor, any one of those bugs could have been in your eye... And while you are rubbing it out, you are running a red light or rear ending someone... I know this from experience... Once with my visor up I caught a bug in the eye and nearly got myself splattered. Cop didn't see it, it didn't happen. And as far as fighting real crime... What's the point of laws if they aren't going to be enforced? Might as well abolish all the laws except for the really juicy ones I guess...
  20. I can help you build that deck... Built many of them... Will work for stands.
  21. I don't get it... Breaking the law, getting held accountable for it... There's something wrong with that? Sounds like the guy was pretty cool for just giving a warning when he could have issued a citation.
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