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Everything posted by XB12Ss

  1. I love how the tail corresponds to the engine sounds... LOL
  2. I saw that on the news last night... Nothing new... I am excited they spoke about tail-gaters specifically.
  3. It did say that they dropped all charges against the cop... I agree, the taser would have been a much better way to resolve the situation.
  4. LOL!!! I use any number of random bug and tar removers, quality car wash soap, and lotsa soft cloths. Engine degreaser is money for goo on metal parts.
  5. Do something? Like what? Bitch and moan on the internet? Possibly. In reality though, my SO/sister/mom would not be total mongoloids like this chick. Rule number one of life in modern society... 'Don't fight the cops... You'll lose.' EVERY TIME.
  6. Thank you. Totally agree. BWAHAHAHA!!! For real now... Dude you are in the 30's.... Not 20... douche. Yeah it would be funny... a douche is a douche, regardless of what vehicle they own. Oh PLEASE tell me you have a link for this... I want to print it out and stuff it under the wiper of every pretentious asshat that I see sporting one of these things with "save the environment" stickers all over...
  7. Satan told me about it... On another MC forum I frequent...
  8. I think I am going to move back in with my mom so I can afford a $38k vehicle... Neighbors are morons, but this guy's mom is the real treat. What a loser.
  9. She was driving... as you can see in the video.
  10. LOL.. Probably true... I have argued many times that alcohol is a much more dangerous substance than pot... I mean, you hear about people getting drunk and killing other people... The only thing ever to be killed by someone who's stoned is a bag of Doritos.
  11. I love those Anny R6's... Totally not my style, but they are undeniably hot. I was thinking about commenting on the garden tool when I saw the first pic.
  12. I probably could make a better decision on what he did wrong if that video didn't fracture my eyeball cause it's so small... It was pretty obvious though that she was resisting arrest...
  13. Chase have their own call centers?
  14. Well said. Now please invest in some punctuation... My eyes hurt looking at the screen anyway...
  15. Apologists love for cops? Bwahahahah!!! Not hardly. I just think they get shit too often... I hear people complain about hour wait times for 911 calls and other bullshit... nobody can ever seem to substantiate those claims though... But they sure sound damn good.
  16. BHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Wait a second... My bikes looks like that...
  17. My point is, you don't know the whole story and make assumptions based off of your feelings towards police as a whole. This may not be you, but MANY people just WANT cops to be doing a shitty job so they can bitch about it. I mean, do you know if this biker might have been a murder suspect? Then they catch him and it was mistaken identity... but he ran, so he's gotta go to jail. You don't know, you just assume. As far as speeders on the highway, I don't think they are as dangerous as the people going slow... but you know what? If you are going more than 65mph on the highway, you are breaking the law. Period. So what do you want cops to do, only focus on violent crimes? Then when your bike comes up missing one day, "nope, we are focusing on murders and rapes today, sorry." 911 response times more than an hour? I would like to see sources of this. I live on OSU campus and can tell you, that has not been my experience. I was at a party a number of years back on 14th and Summit (I think) and some dude started freaking out with a bigass knife. Cops were there in less than 10 minutes. Further, I came home one night a couple years ago and my apartment was broken into. I didn't call 911, just the regular non-emergancy number... Within 20 minutes there was an officer there. Or how about the time I had these crazy idiots on my front porch at 3am because they thought I was their drug dealer (wrong street morons)... My neighbor called 911 while I was outside trying to explain to them what street they were on. Under 5 minutes (according to my neighbor) there were two cruisers there. The bottom line is, cops have an enormously difficult job and get shit on every time they try to do it. They have no choice, but to enforce the law. You don't like radar guns on 270? Call your representative and tell him/her you want to change speed limits. Sure there are bad cops, but they are the vast minority... Just like all professions. Cops are people, not super heros and cannot be in all places at all times... Their job is never-ending and nearly impossible... Yet people shit on them because of the 1% of cops who are corrupt... or because they broke the law and got busted (speeding for example). $0.02
  18. I am surprised that didn't sell for a whole lot more... I think it would have sold better if it were turned sideways. For the bling bling crowd to use it as is, they'd have to wear the helmet. If it were sideways, it would work perfectly attached to the side of their bikes!
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