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Everything posted by XB12Ss
I agree. I'd never give up my cat even though he pisses me off 99.9% of the time... Place don't take pets? What they don't know, won't hurt me... If they find out... there's plenty of other places I could live... Meet a girl who's allergic... Here's some Benadryl, STFU.
Paint kinda sucks, but it's growing on me... I think that copper and black is sorta cool...
Why you sellin' it?
That's just sad man... sad.
Nope, no quotes... Straight text...
When two wheels are involved at age 27 it's hard to have control over my brain!
Good quote. I started on a 500 Ninja... I've actually toyed around with getting a 250 Ninja to commute with... They are great little bikes...
My bike sat in storage for around 9-10 months a couple of times... I never moved it at all... Another thing you want to make sure you don't do... Don't start it. If it's sitting, leave it sit... Starting it just allows condensation into the engine... Not to mention you invite air and water into the gas tank... Here's another source to note... One thing though, most of these websites you'll find have unnecessary steps in many instances... Like fogging the cylinders... totally unnecessary unless you're gonna store it in a real humid environment (unlike our winters here)...
http://ohio-riders.net/photoplog/index.php?n=49 I was wondering if anyone would notice the address bar...
Stabil ain't gonna do chit unless you run it... And in all honesty, gas doesn't start to break down for a few months, so you could realistically just do everything when you are home for the holidays.
That's why it's so much better than the other one... IMHO, the other one is not serious enough. Driving around with your head up your ass does more than put you in uncomfortable situations... it fucking kills people.
Myth is not the proper word, I apologize... It's more that newer tires are not as likely to develop flat spots. 20 years ago, that wasn't the case. The point these days of keeping your tires off the concrete is moisture. Moisture between the tire and concrete leads to premature tire rotting...
Like what's been said... flat spots are a myth. Get a couple scrap pieces of 2x6 or something to get the tires off the ground. Before you do anything clean it. Wash it, scrub the chain real well using Kerosene and clean up any gunk you find anywhere... Lube all your cables and chain real well. Put Stabil in the thing, and run it to make sure it gets through the system... Hit the gas station and top it off (as full as possible... the less air in the tank the better)... Air gaps pull condensation, causing rust... Pull the battery, check the water level, fill with distilled water if it's not nearly full, and keep it on a battery tender (trickle charger) for the winter. If possible, store the charging battery in a temperature controlled evironment... if that's impossible and you don't want to screw around with the tender, you can drain the battery and keep the electrolyte stored seperately... That's more of a pain in the azz though IMHO... The point of all this BTW is to avoid oxidation on the plates.... which ruin batteries. Depending on who you talk to, you'll want to drain the carbs. I've done it both ways, drain and no drain... never had any issues. When I had my bike stored for more than a winter, I've always drained the carbs... Without draining the carbs over a winter, it always fired right up and ran fine immediately at the beginning of the season. Cover it. Guessing you'll store it in a garage... You'd be amazed at how much grease and dust is in the air and will stick to your bike... If you're real paranoid, you can plug up some of the various orafices to ensure mice and chit don't crawl up in there and die...
IE... and I've commented on pics before... no problems.
commenting on pictures... No matter what I type, I get the following error:
That one is 10,000,000,000,000,000,000x better.
Bullets are cheaper for most of those wastes anyway... Fuck that bear... You don't know what he did to me... Obviously you didn't see that episode of Cheaters that I was on...
SV1k... shitty suspension from those I've talked to... I got a buddy that, depending on what day it is, is selling his 636... It's got a salvage title and looks like hell, but runs like the whip.
Your wife obviously hasn't fucked me then...
You get used to it. I've been riding for 6 years and still get it... even from those close to me... As far as the 'which bike' question... I don't know you so it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to recommend something to you. Hell, I don't even know what you are looking to get out of the riding experience... Here's my advice: If you want to go fast in a straight line, don't fuck around... buy a liter bike. If you want to carve the corners and are confident you can handle a race bike... buy a 600 supersport. If you want to stunt, find a ragged out 600. If you want to ease your way into sportbikes, buy a 250 or 500 Ninja... or even an SV650. The debate about buying a 250 as a first bike is pretty easy to solve... You buy a 250, ride the balls off it for a year, and sell it for what you paid for it the next year. Anybody that tells you that's impossible is either uninformed or a total moron. Check Cycle Trader... There's a bazillion 250 Ninjas sold every day... Don't matter if it's 15 or 2 years old, they all sell for around $500 or so of eachother... As far as capability goes, that shouldn't be a deciding factor at all. Unless you have amazing talent, you probably won't outride a 'beginner' bike within your first season. I guarantee that less than 5% of people on this board could push a 250 to it's limits... Not talkin' tachin' it out... I could train a monkey to max out a bike in a straight line... The boredom issue... If triple digits are your thing, then yes, the 250 will bore you to tears... Me, triple digits don't excite me... not one bit. Pushing myself through the twisties does... And for the record, I rode with a guy this year who was draggin' knees on a 250 Ninja... Plenty capable.
Regardless of what garbage people will try to feed you, HD's are great machines... Do actual research and don't rely on opinions on boards like these... All manfacturers have their shortcomings, including the Japs... If you are planning on buying a cruiser you plan on riding forever and don't care about silly social status crap, then the Jap cruisers are hard to beat... If you think you may want to get a different bike in a few years, you cannot touch HD. Yeah, you pay more up front, but NO other bike holds it's value better. Bigger displacement on the new HD's... From everything I've read, they're packin' on the yarbles... That being said, Rocket III's are CRAZY... I'd totally rock one... Your amazing intellect never fails to amaze me... All chaps are assless... Otherwise they'd be pants! If you want a sportbike, buy a sportbike. If you aren't an idiot starting off on a 600 isn't a terrible idea...
If this applied to ALL motor vehicles I'd have no problems with it.
I wonder how much that cost us, the tax payers. A single bullet costs what? $0.10?
I miss my jet ski... I'd never use it though... Good luck!