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Everything posted by XB12Ss

  1. XB12Ss

    Ride! 9/2/07

    I swear I was just reading your shirt... :wink:
  2. the children are our future... teach them well and let them lead the way... Now give me another fucking rock Bobby!
  3. Just go to a bunch of websites and check their closeouts... I got stuff crazy cheap that way...
  4. XB12Ss

    Ride! 9/2/07

    I think we saw you guys... We were at some rinky dink gas station on 377... There was about 12 of us...
  5. Say hi to Dean Kamen for me... He's a total prick.
  6. I'm interested.. as long as everyone knows where to stop and it's fair...
  7. Because of all the DUMBASSES VOTING!!!
  8. I agree with this statement... I hate how everyone screams "No WMD's" as the end all, be all argument... Saddam was saying he had them... then when inspectors came he denied having them... and the Blix inspections were pathetic... "no, you cannot enter today, come back next week..." ... ' ok.' Give me a break.
  9. I rode 350 or something last weekend... it's near the Dayton/Cincy area... It's a fun little stretch... and there's this KILLER turn on it... Steep as can be, off camber, major pucker factor... We rode it like three times...
  10. Anyone and everyone is welcome, but understand what everyone is expecting in terms of behavior and proper gear... So between three forums we have like 25 people showing interest and/or confirmed... WAY TOO MUCH IMHO... There are like three groups all trying to converge together and I think it might be logistically impossible to work well, if at all. I am separating up the groups to knock down the size to something more managable... We might even knock it down further into a couple groups within the group to ensure everyone is put in a comfortable position. My proposed route is to meet at AD, *vomit* slab it to 256 and 70... Pick up EagleDRZ, then take 256 to 664 and rock Hocking Hills... Probably end up 256, 664, 56, loop 327 back to 664 to 56 (cause it's short and fun)... 56, Athens, 550, 377 so on and so forth...
  11. XB12Ss

    Ride! 9/2/07

    I wonder who started that thread... Oooo... The gurgle at 70mph in the twisties... Rut-Roh...
  12. My offer stands for the stands... I don't want the cover.
  13. If that is really true, and there are no surrounding circumstances, you may have a lawsuit on your hands... Otherwise, I call BS on the fact that your boss fired you because you simply asked for a promotion...
  14. The only thing that makes me want to tell her to fuck off is the fact that she tried to make up some bullshit to justify her remarks... She didn't say anything that was inaccurate, but she folded when the fire got hot.
  15. I've met lots of Dems turned Republican, but never a Rep turned Democrat... I've always found that interesting...
  16. I got a little interest from this forum, but tons of interest from other forums... Loud and Low is the only confirmed Ohio-Rider.net guy, but a number of others have expressed interest...
  17. I set mine based off factory recommendations, but it would be nice to have it set up by a pro...
  18. The girl I was refering to is in the slow group... Why is this even a discussion? Let's wash the sand out of our crevases and heed gsxr750girl's own advice, even if she isn't... Let's talk about the ride...
  19. AD Farrow Harley Davidson (Sunbury) @ 10am. It's exit 131 on I-71 (SR-37)... About 20 miles north of Columbus... When you get off the exit head East and turn at the right light just past the Pilot gas station... Go straight back until you see the entrance to AD Farrow... it's slightly confusing, but if you keep going straight after turning right at the light, you'll hit the entrance... We'll meet at the west end of the parking lot where there's usually not much traffic. Here is the worst map ever:
  20. Why are you still arguing this? It's ok to be wrong you know.
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