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Everything posted by HybridMT
We also need help passing out fliers. If anyone would like to help, please email your name and mailing address to hybridentertainment78@yahoo.com. Promoters are assigned a number and are paid on commission, $2 for every flier that comes in with your number on it. Spectators bring in the fliers because of the $2 off admission coupon. Checks are mailed out within a week after the event. The program pays out well if you get the flyers out. There are successful, repeat IFO promoters every year at every location. Here is what the flier looks like... http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l25/HybridMT/IFOColumbus2007frontFINALJPG50.jpg http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l25/HybridMT/IFOColumbus2007backFINALJPG50.jpg
Hopefully the import racers with serious cars will actually COMPETE this time instead of pussing out to run TnT... it's so annoying to see chicken shit drivers running 11s and 12s, only to run Test and Tune. Any imports running low 12s or faster, ENTER ONE OF THE HEADS UP CLASSES. Winners are always paid in CASH at the end of the show.
OhioHondas.com members have organized a D-Series Quick 8 class for Import Face-Off on August 26th at National Trail Raceway. This class will have a "Jackpot" prize, meaning 100% of the entry fees for the D-Series class will go to payouts for 1st and 2nd place. If any other groups would like to organize a specific class (ex. 4g63 class, VW class, etc), please email hybridentertainment78@yahoo.com for suggestions. COMPETITION DRAG CLASSES AND PAYOUTS so far... FWD Quick 8 $1000 (FWD 4 cyl only, slicks and open exhaust OK) Street Class Quick 8 $800 (4/6 cyl, or rotary only, DOT tires and muffler required) All Motor Quick 4 $400 (4/6 cyl or rotary, n/a engines only, slicks & open exhaust OK) D-Series Quick 8 "jackpot" (FWD 4 cyl D-series Hondas only, DOT tires, open exhaust OK) Bracket 14.99 and Faster $200 (any import or sport compact) Bracket 15.00 and Slower $200 (any import or sport compact) Motorcycle Bracket $100 (any motorcycle of import origin) *full fields required for full payout. Full = 8 cars for Quick 8 classes, 4 cars for Quick 4 classes. Prices for the event are $20 for test and tune racer (open to any make/model), $30 for competition racer, and $15 for spectators ($13 with flier coupon). It's an Import event and racers get tons of passes. Even after eliminated, you can still run test and tune. Info on http://www.ImportFaceOff.net *to be updated with the Columbus specifics soon.
*bump with updated info added to the first post /\ We will need help passing out fliers. If anyone would like to help, please email your name and mailing address to hybridentertainment78@yahoo.com. Promoters are assigned a number and are paid on commission, $2 for every flier that comes in with your number on it. Spectators bring in the fliers because of the $2 off admission coupon. Checks are mailed out within a week after the event.
Again, if anyone has any LEGITIMATE questions, suggestions, whatever, email hybridentertainment78@yahoo.com Sometimes clubs, forums, or shops like to add their own class (DSM Quick 8, VW Pro stock, etc)... it's nothing to organize what ever you all want, just speak up!
/\that's right and that's all it includes now, so what are you complaining about? AGAIN, the dates/locations and website address with all the info were and still are clearly posted. The rules were posted on # 6 to clear up the confusion. Nothing was deleted. "you all need to learn how to read" - I honestly don't think I posted that, even if did, what's the big deal? He obviously misread, misunderstood, whatever. I think he and everyone else understands now that I posted the actual rules instead of how someone chooses to interpret them.
so what about the post is confusing you? The dates/locations and website address with all the info were and still are clearly posted. I'm bored at work too, lol.
Never posted that. If did, it would have been more along the lines of... reading comprehension > you... but again, didn't post that, lol. exactly, don't mind though, lol. Thanks Cliff
Rotarded, will you be racing in the Street Quick 8 heads up class, or one of the bracket classes?
/\ Mike? What are you confused about? Again, email us at hybridentertainment78@yahoo.com if you have any questions, suggestions, etc.
what has been edited to make you confused? The only thing edited was ADDING the real rules to clear up the confusion Rotarded started when he posted the wrong rules. Nothing was deleted or changed.
This is the only import money race in the Columbus area with legitimate classes and rules, yet all the bitching... ?? Again, if anyone has any suggestions/opinions, or legitimate complaints, email IFO at hybridentertainment78@yahoo.com So far the complaints are edited posts to help the confused, and that brackets are paid less than heads up. Sorry, but that's not going to change. It's like that at every race at every track in the world.
$600 payout to Street Class winner too. The heads up classes ALWAYS pay higher than the bracket classes at EVERY event, not just this one. The bracket classes are for kids in their mom's accords. Heads up are the real classes. Anyone running 12s or faster should race heads up.
The rules are clearly stated on the website and haven't been edited. If anyone doesn't understand them or has opinions/suggestions, email IFO instead of bitching on a public forum and causing everyone else to get confused.
Rotarded, apparently you are having trouble understanding the race rules. Rotaries are allowed, just not in the FWD (FRONT WHEEL DRIVE) class. There are 5 other classes beside FWD Quick 8. Here's a summary of the rules from the website. Hopefully they are not too complicated to understand this time. If anyone has any questions, just ask. FWD QUICK 8 HEADS UP - payout = 1st $600, R/U $200, 2nd R/U $100, 3rd R/U $100 Heads-Up, Pro-tree (.400) class for FWD only, import or domestic sport compact unibody chassis vehicles with functional doors. Tube chassis prohibited. Slicks allowed. Only 4-cylinder entries allowed. No air-cooled or rotary entries permitted. No restriction on power adder type or combination thereof. *Must have 8 qualifiers for full payout. Less than eight will receive half the normal payout. Qualifiers must run 13.49 or faster. STREET CLASS QUICK 8 HEADS UP - payout = 1st $600, R/U $200 Heads –Up Pro-tree (.400) class for Unibody vehicles with functional doors. Tube chassis prohibited. D.O.T tires allowed. Racing slicks are prohibited. Muffler required. Any 4 and 6 cylinder, 2 rotor and 3 rotor entries allowed. No air-cooled entries permitted. No restriction on power adder type or combination thereof. Any transmission allowed. *Must have 8 qualifiers for full payout. Less than eight will receive half the normal payout. Qualifiers must run 13.49 or faster. ALL MOTOR QUICK 8 HEADS UP - payout = 1st $300, 2nd $100 Heads-Up, Pro-tree (.400) class for naturally aspirated stock import chassis FWD vehicles and/or FWD and RWD vehicles from any other manufacturer allowed. Slicks allowed for FWD only. RWD limited to DOT approved tires. No power adders allowed. Import vehicles may run 4, 5, & 6 cyclinder motors, as well as 2, 3, and 4 rotor motors. Domestic manufactured vehicles are limited to 4 cylinder engines. *Must have 4 qualifiers for full payout. Less than four cars will receive half the normal payout. Qualifiers must run 14.49 or faster. BRACKET CLASSES Bracket class is for any import or FWD domestic sport compact vehicle. Any 4, 5, 6, 8 cylinder and 2 or 3 Rotor import manufacturer engine allowed. Air-cooled entries allowed. No restriction on power adder type or combination thereof. Any transmission allowed. Slicks or DOT tires allowed. Any type of exhaust allowed. Motorcycles must be of import origin. RWD Domestic V8s prohibited. BRACKET ET1: ET-Handicapped eliminator (dial-in) using a Sportsman-Tree (.500) for cars running 15.00 & slower. Payout = $150 1st, $50 R/U BRACKET ET2: ET-Handicapped eliminator (dial-in) using a Sportsman-Tree (.500) for cars 14.99 and faster. Payout = $150, $50 R/U BRACKET ET3: ET-Handicapped eliminator (dial-in) using a Sportsman-Tree (.500) for motorcycles. Payout = $100 - Less than 10 bikes will receive half the payout BURNOUT CONTEST - Open to any cars or bikes, import or domestic. Listen to track announcer for entry instructions. Payout = $100, judged on crowd applause.
*Edited post with updated info 2007 schedule and coupon flier below (can be printed off computer and used at show)... http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l25/HybridMT/SchedulepostcardJPGhalf.jpg Here's some tentative info on the Ohio event, more to be added later... IMPORT FACE-OFF: Sunday, August 26th at National Trail Raceway ( http://www.NationalTrailRaceway.com ) from 12 pm to 7 pm. EVENT ACTIVITIES: Car/truck/bike show, $400 hot body contest (call to register), 1/4 mile drag racing, burnout contest, stereo crank it up contest (Usaci double points), vendors, raffles and giveaways, professional midget wrestling (http://www.Bloodymidgets.com), Mixed Martial Arts exhibition (open submission grappling competition), DJs, auto cross, plus much more. SHOW CLASSES: Best Interior, Best Paint/Finish, Best Engine Bay, Best Display, Best Mitsubishi, Best Toyota, Best Scion, Best Nissan, Best Mazda, Best Euro, Best Civic (mild), Best Civic (wild), Best Other Honda (mild), Best Other Honda (wild), Best Acura (mild), Best Acura (wild), Best Other Import (Subaru, Hyundai, etc.), Best Domestic Sports Compact, Best Domestic Car, Best Domestic Truck/SUV, Best Import Truck/SUV, Best Luxury, Best Exotic, Best Underconstruction, Best Club Participation, Best Club Representation $200, Best of Show $300. Additional classes and/or places to be added on day of event depending on participation. DRAG CLASSES AND PAYOUTS FWD Quick 8 $1000 (FWD 4 cyl only, slicks and open exhaust OK) Street Class Quick 8 $800 (4/6 cyl, or rotary only, DOT tires and muffler required) All Motor Quick 4 $400 (4/6 cyl or rotary, n/a engines only, slicks & open exhaust OK) Bracket 14.99 and Faster $200 (any import or sport compact) Bracket 15.00 and Slower $200 (any import or sport compact) Motorcycle Bracket $100 (any motorcycle of import origin) *full fields required for full payout SHOW PRICES: Spectator $13 with flyer (regular $15) Test and Tune Drag racer $20 - open to any make/model Competition Drag racer $30 - imports or sport compacts only Car Show Entry $25 - Burn out contest FREE Stereo Crank It Up Info: http://www.SoundOff.org Event info: http://www.ImportFaceOff.net We will need help passing out fliers. If anyone would like to help, please email your name and mailing address to hybridentertainment78@yahoo.com. Promoters are assigned a number and are paid on commission, $2 for every flier that comes in with your number on it. Spectators bring in the fliers because of the $2 off admission coupon. Checks are mailed out within a week after the event.
/\ 11 am
bump for the face-off!
two more weeks!
Just spreading the news again... IMPORT FACE-OFF: Sunday, September 10th at Kil-Kare Raceway in Xenia, Ohio. Car show and racer registration at 11 am, judging begins at 1:00. Heads up qualifying at 12:00, 1:00, and 2:00. Heads up eliminations at 3:30, 5:00, and 6:30. RACE CLASSES AND PAYOUTS FWD Quick 8 $1000 Street Class Quick 8 $800 All Motor Quick 4 $400 14.99 and Faster Bracket $100 15.00 and Slower Bracket $100 Motorcycle Bracket $100 SHOW CLASSES: Best Interior, Best Paint/Finish, Best Engine Bay, Best Display, Best Mitsubishi, Best Toyota, Best Scion, Best Nissan, Best Mazda, Best Euro, Best Civic (mild), Best Civic (wild), Best Other Honda (mild), Best Other Honda (wild), Best Acura (mild), Best Acura (wild), Best Other Import (Subaru, Hyundai, etc.), Best Domestic Sports Compact, Best Domestic Car, Best Domestic Truck/SUV, Best Import Truck/SUV, Best Luxury, Best Exotic, Best Underconstruction, Best Club Participation, Best Club Representation $200, Best of Show $300. *Additional classes to be added on day of event depending on participation (minimum 4 cars to make a class). EVENT ACTIVITIES: 1/4 mile drag racig, car/truck/bike show, burnout contest, stereo crank it up contest (Usaci double points), bikini contest, drift competition, Professional Midget Wrestling (http://www.bloodymidgets.com), vendors, etc. SHOW PRICES: Spectator $15 with flyer (regular $17) *flyers printed off computer ok use - right click on image below, print. Car Show Entry $25 Bracket Racer Entry / test & tune $20 Heads Up Racer Entry $35 Stereo Crank It Up Info: http://www.SoundOff.org We need help passing out flyers. If anyone would like to help, please email your name and mailing address to hybridentertainment78@yahoo.com. Promoters are assigned a number and are paid on commission, $2 for every flyer that comes in with your number on it. If 50 of your flyers come in, you will receive a check for $100. Spectators bring in the flyers because of the $2 off admission coupon. Please do not sign up for the program if you do not plan on passing out the flyers. The prints aren't cheap. Here is what the coupon looks like... http://www.kelliephan.com/ad/IFODaytonFront.gif http://www.kelliephan.com/ad/IFODaytonBack.gif
...still need two helpers. Please call asap, 225-247-7223. I need to know before Friday afternoon.
I need to hire two people for event staffing at the Street Battle car show this Sunday, July 16th at National Trail Raceway. Staff will only work 4 hours (10:30 am to 2:30 pm) and payment for each person is $50 cash, drinks, and two free passes to the show. Most of the work will envolve parking show cars. Staff is free to watch the show or do what they want after 2:30. If anyone would like to help, please call me at 225-247-RACE (7223), or email at hybridentertainment78@yahoo.com Thanks in advance, Cliff Wallace
bump - one more week! This is about 2.5 hours from Columbus ( http://www.QuakerCityRaceway.com ). Anyone from here going?
STREET BATTLE: Import vs Domestic race and show - 7/16 at NTR
HybridMT replied to HybridMT's topic in Track is Crack
rules are posted above... answer to your questions. -
/\ lol ...so how is the traction at NTR? This is the first event we've hosted there.