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Everything posted by HybridMT

  1. I can't speak for other events like Import life, but if you promote for us and do it right, it WILL pay off. We pay twice the amount of other car show promoter programs and there are ALWAYS return promoters from previous years. I'm sure there are even some CR members who can vouch for us. We hosted Import Face-Off in Dayton last year and some of the same promoters from that event are doing it for this one too.
  2. SHOW CLASSES - Best Lowrider, Best Mini Truck (mild), Best Mini Truck (mild), Best Mini Truck (wild), Best Full Size Truck (mild), Best Full Size Truck (wild), Lowest Ride, Highest Ride, Best 4 X 4, Best SUV (mild), Best SUV (wild), Best Domestic Car (mild), Best Domestic Car (wild), Best Civic, Best Other Honda, Best Acura (mild), Best Acura (wild), Best Mitsubishi, Best Nissan, Best Toyota, Best Other Import (Subaru, Hyundai, Mazda, etc.), Best Domestic Sport Compact, Best Euro Car, Best JDM, Best Interior, Best Paint/Finish, Best Engine Bay, Best Under Construction, Best Exotic, Best Luxury, Best Sport Bike, Best Club Representation, Best Club Participation, Best of Show Import, Best of Show Domestic, Best of Show Overall $300 *Additional classes and/or places to be added on day of event depending on participation. Car show entry free is $25 and all registration is from 11 am to 1 pm on the day of the show at the front gate. Judging begins at 1:30, awards ceremony at 6. That's pretty much all you need to know to enter, but in case anyone needs more info, visit http://www.StreetBattle.net The Columbus specifics will be updated soon.
  3. Ok, some of you all want info, so here it is. There's more info on http://www.StreetBattle.net Gates will open at 11 am with 1st round qualifying at noon. RACE CLASSES AND PAYOUTS Import Heads Up Quick 16 $1200 -Domestic Heads Up Quick 16 $1200 --Heads Up winners (Import vs Domestic) $400 Bonus Import Bracket $200 -Domestic Bracket $200 --Bracket winners (Import vs Domestic) $100 Bonus Motorcycle Bracket $200 IMPORT HEADS UP QUICK 16 - payout = 1st $600, R/U $200, Semi 1 $150, Semi 2 $150, Quarter 1 $50, Quarter 2 $50. Heads-Up, Pro-tree (.400) class for FWD, RWD, or AWD import or domestic sport compact unibody chassis vehicles with functional doors. Tube chassis prohibited. Any 4, 5, or 6 cylinder, 2 or 3 rotor engine allowed. No air-cooled engines permitted. Slicks allowed for FWD vehicles only. No restriction on power adder type or combination thereof. Open exhaust, wheelie bars and one piece front ends allowed. Must have 16 qualifiers for full payout. Less than 16 cars will receive half the normal payout. DOMESTIC HEADS UP QUICK 16 - payout = 1st $600, R/U $200, Semi 1 $150, Semi 2 $150, Quarter 1 $50, Quarter 2 $50. Heads-Up, Pro-tree (.400) class for unibody chassis domestic vehicles with functional doors. D.O.T. tires allowed, slicks prohibited. Any 4, 5, 6, and 8 cylinder entries allowed. Air-cooled engines prohibited. No restriction on power adder type or combination thereof. Open exhaust, wheelie bars and one piece front ends prohibited. Vehicle must have current inspection sticker. Must have 16 qualifiers for full payout. Less than 16 cars will receive half the normal payout.
  4. Hope it's ok to post this in here. It's sort of a Help Wanted ad... We need help passing out flyers for Street Battle. If you would like to help, please email your name and mailing address to hybridentertainment78@yahoo.com Promoters are assigned a number and are paid on commission, $2 for every flyer that comes in with their number on it. Spectators bring in the flyer because of the discount coupon. Checks are mailed out to promoters within one week after the event. The flyers looks like this... http://www.kelliephan.com/ad/StreetBattlefrontColumbus.gif http://www.kelliephan.com/ad/StreetBattlebackColumbus.gif
  5. Just spreading the news again. Here's the info... STREET BATTLE Import VS Domestic car show and race: 7/16/06 at National Trail Raceway - 12pm to 7pm. Gates will open at 11 am with 1st round qualifying at noon. RACE CLASSES AND PAYOUTS Import Heads Up Quick 16 $1200 -Domestic Heads Up Quick 16 $1200 --Heads Up winners (Import vs Domestic) $400 Bonus Import Bracket $200 -Domestic Bracket $200 --Bracket winners (Import vs Domestic) $100 Bonus Motorcycle Bracket $200 IMPORT HEADS UP QUICK 16 - payout = 1st $600, R/U $200, Semi 1 $150, Semi 2 $150, Quarter 1 $50, Quarter 2 $50. Heads-Up, Pro-tree (.400) class for FWD, RWD, or AWD import or domestic sport compact unibody chassis vehicles with functional doors. Tube chassis prohibited. Any 4, 5, or 6 cylinder, 2 or 3 rotor engine allowed. No air-cooled engines permitted. Slicks allowed for FWD vehicles only. No restriction on power adder type or combination thereof. Open exhaust, wheelie bars and one piece front ends allowed. Must have 16 qualifiers for full payout. Less than 16 cars will receive half the normal payout. DOMESTIC HEADS UP QUICK 16 - payout = 1st $600, R/U $200, Semi 1 $150, Semi 2 $150, Quarter 1 $50, Quarter 2 $50. Heads-Up, Pro-tree (.400) class for unibody chassis domestic vehicles with functional doors. D.O.T. tires allowed, slicks prohibited. Any 4, 5, 6, and 8 cylinder entries allowed. Air-cooled engines prohibited. No restriction on power adder type or combination thereof. Open exhaust, wheelie bars and one piece front ends prohibited. Vehicle must have current inspection sticker. Must have 16 qualifiers for full payout. Less than 16 cars will receive half the normal payout. *More info on the flyer below, or visit http://www.StreetBattle.net If anyone would like to help pass out flyers, please email your name and mailing address to hybridentertainment78@yahoo.com Promoters are assigned a number and are paid on commission, $2 for every flyer that comes in with their number on it. Spectators bring in the flyer because of the discount coupon. Checks are mailed out to promoters within one week after the event. The flyers looks like this... http://www.kelliephan.com/ad/StreetBattlefrontColumbus.gif http://www.kelliephan.com/ad/StreetBattlebackColumbus.gif
  6. Just spreading the news, here's the info... STREET BATTLE Import vs Domestic car show and race: 7/16/06 at National Trail Raceway - 12pm to 7pm SHOW CLASSES - Best Lowrider, Best Mini Truck (mild), Best Mini Truck (mild), Best Mini Truck (wild), Best Full Size Truck (mild), Best Full Size Truck (wild), Lowest Ride, Highest Ride, Best 4 X 4, Best SUV (mild), Best SUV (wild), Best Domestic Car (mild), Best Domestic Car (wild), Best Civic, Best Other Honda, Best Acura (mild), Best Acura (wild), Best Mitsubishi, Best Nissan, Best Toyota, Best Other Import (Subaru, Hyundai, Mazda, etc.), Best Domestic Sport Compact, Best Euro Car, Best JDM, Best Interior, Best Paint/Finish, Best Engine Bay, Best Under Construction, Best Exotic, Best Luxury, Best Sport Bike, Best Club Representation, Best Club Participation, Best of Show Import, Best of Show Domestic, Best of Show Overall $300 *Additional classes and/or places to be added on day of event depending on participation. Car show entry free is $25 and all registration is from 11 am to 1 pm on the day of the show at the front gate. Judging begins at 1:30, awards ceremony at 6. That's pretty much all you need to know to enter, but in case anyone needs more info, visit http://www.StreetBattle.net The Columbus specifics will be updated soon. If anyone would like to help pass out flyers, please email your name and mailing address to hybridentertainment78@yahoo.com Promoters are assigned a number and are paid on commission, $2 for every flyer that comes in with their number on it. Spectators bring in the flyer because of the discount coupon. Checks are mailed out to promoters within one week after the event. The flyers looks like this... http://www.kelliephan.com/ad/StreetBattlefrontColumbus.gif http://www.kelliephan.com/ad/StreetBattlebackColumbus.gif
  7. Sup, everyone. Just spreading the news again... ImportFaceOff.net is not yet updated with the Salem specifics, so here's some of the info... IMPORT FACE-OFF: Sunday, July 2nd at Quaker City Raceway in Salem, Ohio. Gates open at 12 pm. Heads up qualifying at 1:00, 2:00, and 3:00. Heads up eliminations at 4:30, 5:00, and 6:00. RACE CLASSES AND PAYOUTS FWD Quick 8 $1000 Street Class Quick 8 $800 All Motor Quick 4 $400 14.99 and Faster Bracket $100 15.00 and Slower Bracket $100 Motorcycle Bracket $100 SHOW CLASSES: Best Interior, Best Paint/Finish, Best Engine Bay, Best Display, Best Mitsubishi, Best Toyota, Best Scion, Best Nissan, Best Mazda, Best Euro, Best Civic (mild), Best Civic (wild), Best Other Honda (mild), Best Other Honda (wild), Best Acura (mild), Best Acura (wild), Best Other Import (Subaru, Hyundai, etc.), Best Domestic Sports Compact, Best Domestic Car, Best Domestic Truck/SUV, Best Import Truck/SUV, Best Luxury, Best Exotic, Best Underconstruction, Best Club Participation, Best Club Representation $200, Best of Show $300. *Additional classes to be added on day of event depending on participation (minimum 4 cars to make a class). EVENT ACTIVITIES: 1/4 mile drag racig, car/truck/bike show, burnout contest, stereo crank it up contest (Usaci double points), DJs, Professional Midget Wrestling, etc. SHOW PRICES: Spectator $13 with flyer (regular $15) Car Show Entry $25 Bracket Racer Entry $20 Heads Up Racer Entry $35 Stereo Crank It Up Info: http://www.SoundOff.org We need help passing out flyers. If anyone would like to help, please email me your name and mailing address - hybridentertainment78@yahoo.com. Promoters are assigned a number and are paid on commission, $2 for every flyer that comes in with your number on it. If 50 of your flyers come in, you will receive a check for $100. Spectators bring in the flyers because of the $2 off admission coupon. Here is what the coupon looks like... http://www.kelliephan.com/ad/IFOSalem2000_Front.gif http://www.kelliephan.com/ad/IFOSalem2006_Back.gif
  8. You mean the classes, not rules, are not close to NHRA format, and you’re right about that. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough “no-holds barred” (full drag, tube chassis, non-street) imports around here to make a class for them. This event is for the local guys and the heads up classes (FWD, Street, and All Motor) are for the faster of them. There’s no point in having a Pro class with only one or two cars and it’s not fair to let a full race car compete with the street cars. < If that were allowed, the fast street cars DEFINITELY wouldn't come then. A post was made weeks ago asking if there were enough non-street imports in this area to make a class for them. Not a single racer has contacted us wanting that class, so there isn’t one. As for more payouts in FWD than Street.... After two years of having twice as many FWD racers than Street class racers, we moved a little more of the payouts to FWD, being it was the more competitive of the two.
  9. *Note - those rules are for the competition classes only. ANY make/model (RWD Domestic V8s included) may race during time trials and even test and tune between elimination rounds.
  10. Guys, the rules on body are very simple... "IMPORT or DOMESTIC SPORT COMPACT bodies allowed." Import = Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi, etc. Domestic sport compact bodies = Cavalier, Neon, focus, etc. /\ The rules are just like any other Import drag racing event (NHRA, IDRC, NDRA, etc.).
  11. http://www.sportsnimports.com/sni/doh.gif
  12. If there's ever a legit suggestion or complaint, we'll gladly consider making changes. Just saying, "gay" or "lame" is nothing for us to act on. As for allowing V6 and V8 Domestic RWDs in the all motor class at a sport compact event?... Thank you for the suggestion, we'll consider it for future events.
  13. /\ You need to do some research on drag competition. This event and ALL other Import/Sport Compact events do not restrict cars on make and model. GM, Ford, Dodge... all can compete in these races as long as their engine, drivetrain, etc are within the proper guide lines. Read the rules on these events or experience them first hand before jumping on the "this is gay" Eracer bandwagon.
  14. Someone fill this guy in on the fact that ALL racing events (import or domestic) have rules in order to level playing fields and keep competitions close... Nevermind, I pretty much just explained it right there. Hopefully he'll understand.
  15. I know, steve. Btw, domestics are more than welcome to attend, show the ricers some REAL power, lol. Any make/model can race during time trials and even test and tune between elimination rounds.
  16. The race rules for this event are similar to EVERY other santioned Import event (NHRA, NDRA, BOTI, IDRC, etc.). This is time to put up or shut up. Every shop and everybody that has a fast import needs to show up and support this race so we can have more Ohio races in the future. It doesn't matter if your car runs 10's or it runs 19's, there is a class to race in and win money or a trophy, but most of all support import racing. Not showing up because of the ricers or because you think the rules are unfair is not a valid excuse.
  17. /\ ??? All the rules and safety regulations (NHRA compliant) are on www.ImportFaceOff.com In addition to NHRA safety standards, the race director of Kil-Kare will have the ultimate ruling on what is considered unsafe.
  18. Is Kil-Kare strict with safety rules?
  19. Too bad they're ineligable for competition at Import/Sport compact events.
  20. Cool, I didn't know GPs were FWD. [ 23. July 2005, 10:18 PM: Message edited by: HybridMT ]
  21. Are there any Street legal FWDs running 10s with slicks in the area?
  22. /\ Unfortunately, the only masses. There just aren't enough die hard race fans to support an import event alone. It's a tough markert and import events with only racing and no other "extra" activities do not bring in enough people to pay for expensis, whatless provide payouts for the racers. Racers, all the extra activities (bikinis, DJs, show cars, etc.) are just that, "extras". You don't have to watch or even be around those activities if you don't want. The extra activities are going on during the drag competition and the racing does not stop any time during the day.
  23. Guys, all the flashy show cars, midgets, bikini girls, bright flyers, etc are just to bring in the masses. Without the spectator support there would be no payouts for racers to compete for. Sure, there will be ricers present, but there will be several skilled drivers and high powered fast cars there too. You’ve got to take the bad with the good. Auto enthusiasts can either complain and act like they’re too good to show up, or they can come out and support these events, especially ones that have racing, legit classes, rules, and organization. Give the “ricer” fans something to look up to. The more support for race events now, the lower entry fees and higher the payouts later.
  24. Some of them are, but that still does not make them eligable for competition at an Import/Sport compact event. Any make/mode, however, can race during time trials, even test and tune between elimination rounds.
  25. Why would these cars not show up? Apparently some are not aware of how easy it will be to win cash at this event. DRAG CLASSES AND PAYOUTS FWD Quick 8 $1000 Street Class Quick 8 $800 All Motor Quick 4 $400 Bracket ET 1 $100 Bracket ET2 $100 Motorcycle Bracket $100 All rules/regs are on www.ImportFaceOff.com General event info... http://www.streettrends.net/ifosmall1.jpg http://www.streettrends.net/ifosmall2.jpg
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