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Everything posted by coolblue

  1. coolblue

    No caption

    From the album: our dog

  2. coolblue

    No caption

    From the album: our dog

  3. coolblue

    our dog

  4. Let me know if you need help with getting the engine to the car, I will send help.
  5. So why is the engine outside, it was inside the last I saw. And no Bike Night phone call, what gives?
  6. I read this last year, very good. I have this book on reserve at the library No Angel: My harrowing undercover journey to the inner circle of the hells angels Here, from Jay Dobyns, the first federal agent to infiltrate the inner circle of the outlaw Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, is the inside story of the twenty-one-month operation that almost cost him his family, his sanity, and his life.
  7. Down killer , not everyone is perfect like you.
  8. I know that the words and pictures are subject to change on these which is good because enthusiasts is spelled wrong on the second one. My two cents (which is probably not worth two cents ) for the ones with multiple pictures definitely have a cruiser so we don't feel left out.
  9. Hey, isn't your other bike ratted out. Oh wait, that was mice in the airbox. My bad
  10. I was driving over to Easton from Reynoldsburg on 270 at lunch today. There was a box truck with a trailer about 1/4 mile ahead of me. I noticed stuff was coming off of his trailer onto 270. A van hit the stuff and it flew up in the air, almost looked like a large piece of paper. I then realized it was aluminum siding. He lost at least 10 pieces, not good. So I was weaving and trying to avoid getting hit with the siding. I had a semi beside me and cars around me. I was using all the lanes and speeding up and slowing down as needed so I wouldn't be beside a car or the semi when they hit the aluminum siding. It wasn't one of those things where you can avoid something by slowing down because the box truck was still driving and still spewing aluminum siding across the freeway. I would eventually have to drive around the stuff. I was trying to think of a way to get around him so he would be behind me. He finally realized he was losing stuff and pulled over. Not fun on a bike.
  11. And here I always thought that mice added horsepower.
  12. 4th street live is awesome. They shut the road down at night and there are quite a few bars in that area. I was at the Convention Center in August and stayed at a hotel right down the road from 4th street live. It is a lot cooler than anywhere in Columbus
  13. Granted, but you get to sleep with the fat smelly lady who hasnt shaved her arm pits or showered in month(as mentioned above) I wish I didn't have to go to the dentist this afternoon
  14. We keep it year round. Our plates are valid during the winter months (expires March). Our insurance agent told us that with valid plates you could get that random letter asking for verification of insurance from the state. +1 on riding during nice days also.
  15. So we are still pretty new to riding and still trying to figure stuff out. What does everyone do with their gear when out and about? We went to Easton today and debated about carrying the gear with us or leaving it with the bikes. Has anyone ever had anything stolen when left with the bike? And I guess this is only a valid question if you wear gear
  16. Yep, checked the weather yesterday morning. It said no rain till later in the evening. I left a little before 5, the sky kept getting darker and the closer to home I got the darker it got. I just kept thinking a little farther without rain makes me that much closer to home when it does rain. About 5 miles from home it started to lighting, I didn't think that was a good sign. It started raining right when I got home and it poured. Damn weather people.
  17. Slightly off topic rant: Over the weekend we went to Creekside in Gahanna. We went to park in the new garage which is underground down a steep ramp. We pull up to the gate and the attendant comes out and tells us we can't park in the garage because we can't trigger the sensor. I asked him what he wanted us to do, we had to somehow turn around. He said drive around the gate and do a u-turn and drive back around the gate on the other side. I was pissed, I asked why there were no signs saying no bikes. He said there is on the gate. But to get to the gate you have to enter the garage. And if they let you around the gate to turn around and leave, why not just let us park. Back on topic: I have had this happen to me while driving and I have wondered what to do. This would be interesting but will people abuse this privilege because they will not want to sit at a light.
  18. Took the MSF course. The first few drills sucks, powerwalking the bike. We had a few people in our group that couldn't get this so our instructor made us do this for ever. I learned a lot, good course.
  19. They coulda buffed that out. A little wax, good as new. Amazing that you walked away.
  20. He isn't lying when he says un-better, uglier half.
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