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Posts posted by tomin40

  1. LOL,

    "come and get YOUR love, chad"

    Haha, I hate those damn commericials. I can't believe the government is allowing this many cell phone carries to merge, with the recent AT&T/Cingular.

    Pretty soon, we will have 2 choices: ATT & Verizon. Then they will do a hostile takeover of Washington, and we will hail our new Mobile Overlords.

  2. I wore a HJC for a while but didn't like the fit or weight to it, so I ended up getting a Scorpion which has a better fit and is more comfortable, IMO. But if you are stuck on HJC Id go with the carbon, that looks pretty badass.

  3. Congrats! Such a sexy bike, your pics defiantly look better than the cheesy ones on the Honda website. I have been thinking about upgrading to either the 600rr or 1000 this fall and those pics for sure sway my decision. Post your opinions once you get a few miles on it.


  4. I had the same problem last year when I had a bad battery. Bought a new one and it worked for 2 or 3 starts before it went dead. Battery tender said it was charged but kept on dying.

    Charge it in the batter tender then take a multimeter to check the voltage, it should be around 12v. If it slowly discharges(like mine) or is less than 12v, its a bad battery.

  5. Great ride fellas. Too bad 104 was closed. That road is pretty fun. Glad everyone made it back safe.

    I was kinda pissed too that 104 was closed but it was still a great ride. I will have to go and find that guy in the blue truck so he can tell me how us riders will end up in a coffin, as statistic, etc, etc... And I think it was Zorro who had his rear seat fly off. I am glad someone behind you saw it go into the tall grass or it would have been long gone.

  6. Start the "project" after you do a few track days.. then you will know what you really should be putting the money into for a decent track bike

    Good call, I didn't even think about that. I'd rather save the $$$ and do it right the first time than deplete the bank account/not buy the correct parts.

  7. or...keep the f4i as a track bike. i like that idea a lot better.

    Yeah, I could do that but I'd like to buy a salvaged bike and turn it into a "project" track bike. Also, I have been trying to get Michele to come out on one of the group rides, but she is afraid to bring the 250. So I figured I'd let her ride it too, but I told both of them you break it, you buy it. Plus, 3 bikes would look damn sexy in the garage.

  8. yeah man. Made my claim to a good amount of space in the garage and I'm about ready to tear the bike down. I got a laundry list of mods and upgrades for this winter along with a possible addition (SV1k...RC51...monsterSR4 :dunno:?) to the stable.

    I think you join the Honda side of things and get the RC51. :honda: I also put the f4i up for the winter and started my list of mods and updates for the winter. The list is currently at 15. I am thinking about purchasing a 600rr(possibly 1000rr) and letting my bro ride the f4i after he takes the class and gets his endorsement in the spring. After riding for over 2 years I need something with a little more juice.

  9. whaddup buddy.... the sv was suckin in your rear wheel on a couple of those straights too. were you riding very hard? you gonna be around this weekend?

    Haha, I wasn't riding the straights very hard because I couldn't see crap from all of the bugs on the visor. I think its time for some tear away lenses.

  10. Hey, what's up everyone? I just wanted to finally introduce myself since I registered on this site a long time ago and read it on a daily(sometimes hourly) basis as a means to get through the workday. I've ridden a red/black 02' f4i for the past 2 years and will ride it any time I get. I have been on a couple of group rides with a few of you, recently Cleaner(whose 1000rr made my 600 look puny) and Tolli. Just wanted to say Hello and that I am usually always up for a group ride for some speed and twisties. Also, if anyone wants to kick my butt in some Halo 3, my XBLA is Clown40.

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