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Posts posted by tomin40

  1. Cool! let me know. I work till 5pm on saturday, but anytime after that, we can head down

    Id like to head down Sat with you guys too. That would be sweet not to have to worry about riding down sunday and get a little :cheers: with you guys on sat.

  2. so I propose a pig roast / camp fire / party at my place saturday night. Bring some drinks with you. I live 20 minutes from the start of the NKY ride and I have plenty of room for people to stay over night. 01929rr and I are going to find a good pig to roast.

    PM me if you plan on coming to this saturday night.


    There is nothing wrong with a pig roast, fire, and some boozin.:burnout:

  3. Damn $170 for too bottles, that does seem pretty expensive. From what Flounder and OG said, just make sure you use sugar with it. When ive had it in europe they would caramelize the sugar by burning it before they mixed it with the absinthe.

    A bartender in russia lit the absinthe on fire then poured it from one glass to another mixing it with the camerlized sugar, crazy russians.

    Good stuff, just watch for those fairies!

  4. Love the pics. Went up there Saturday but forgot the camera. :mad:

    The red flags were making the race a little slow... but always good to see.

    BTW, I don't know if anyone else saw the guy with the new Desmo with temp tags still on?? We walked up to the Ducati tent right as he was about to leave. Bike looked very small and compact, IMO. He revved it a few times and it sounded so sweet, you could just hear the power of that engine.

  5. I hate to say this but I saw it coming. I saw soooo many douche bags this weekend it wasnt even funny! I called it as I was leaving the track on Saturday, I said there would be at least one death this weekend. I was

    surprised at how stupid people are and how many of them there were.

    Yeah, the girlfriend kept on commenting on how many riders she saw on Saturday wearing no helmets, sleeveless shirts, and even sandals. People just being retarded and not protecting themselves in some way.

    It sucks anytime we hear anything like this. My thoughts go out to their family and friends. RIP.

  6. :lol: :lol:

    yes, it's going to be Courtney unless you can find hot twins

    Might join up with you guys Saturday morning with 3 hot triplets, 1 on the passenger seat and 2 in the side car.

    Oh wait, Dammit, that's just my imagination. :(

    Doubling up with the gf for the ride up, so if I can wake up that early, then we should be game.

  7. Same here....finishing up my second year here and never thought it was that bad. I had it parked right next to OsuMj's bike in a parking spot.

    I usually have it parked between the dumpster and trailer with a cover on it...last night was the first night I have left it in a regular parking spot. I am 2-3 weeks away from moving into a condo with garage, too. :(

    I always tried to keep mine "hidden" between cars. And if I was going to be away for a few days, I would roll it onto the patio, even if my roommates were going to be there. It sucks this shit always has to happen right before you wouldn't have to worry about it anymore with a garage. Effin' thieves.

  8. when you feel that good, take a sick day, 'cuz you'd have to be sick to get off the bike and go to work.


    That's when you ride right past work and stop at some point to call into work and do the ole

    " I'm *cough* not going to be able *cough* to make it in today, *cough* *cough* not feeling well."

    Just like when you were 12yrs old and trying to make your parents call you in sick at school

  9. Don't know if you have tried this yet, but it sounds like your DNS servers are manually configured on the computer.

    Type "cmd" from "Start" -> "Run" and type " ipconfig /all"

    It should have 1 or 2 address were it says DNS Servers......

    Make sure that these are the same on the computer that can't connect to the internet and others that can.

    If you haven't tried this, hopefully it helps.

  10. I wouldn't say that's being "safe". That's why I go with the flow of traffic. Kinda like that asshole cager going 55. That's not safe. Low speed does not mean safe by any means. Hell, one of the reasons I feel so safe on a bike is because of the acceleration it has to get the fuck out of the way quickly.

    :plus1: Whenever I am riding on the highway, I always go a little faster or accelerate out of traffic to stay away from them. Why?, because I don't know what the hell that cager next to me is thinking. I have seen too many close calls were someone will just merge into the next lane or hell even turn their "right" turn signal on and then merge left. The reason I think lane splitting at these speeds are ridiculous is because you are putting your life into someone else's hands. You don't know what they are going to do. For those that took the MSF course that is the one thing I can remember them repeating over and over.

    Yes, I do push myself and my bike in the twisties around blind curves, over hills. But, I am doing it in an environment where I don't have to have the added thought of what someone else is going to do. At that point I know my life is in my hands, not in someone else's.

    Just my 2cents.

  11. Who cares if you ride a sportbike or a cruiser. What matters is that you do ride and not what you ride. What pisses me off is the people that think they are the shit just because they own a motorcycle. And there will always be a few from sportbikes to cruisers to scooters.

  12. Thanks to everyone for putting their time and effort into this and to HNW for letting us meet there and for the free donuts/coffee. Even though we got our a$$ kicked, it was a lot of fun and looking forward to it next year. Glad no one got seriously hurt, except for a few bruises. Here are some pics from the Yellow Group.

    Cleaner getting in a workout


    Tolli, enjoying a few minutes on the road with some roadkill





    The little girl in the cart starting balling her eyes out when I tried to help load the groceries





    Tolli's first scooter


    Cleaner is the next life vest model



    Jay looks like he has no idea what these are :)


    Got a little Captain in us



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