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Everything posted by xTHExBOSSx46

  1. the dimensions of the battery, voltage and everything are identicle to the battery for the r32 so i see no reason as to why it wouldnt. i tried to call ibms tech support to make sure and was on hold for 30 min. ha so i didnt get through.
  2. not off hand but i will check for you. thanks,
  3. i have a new Ibm lapto battery fits the R30 and the R31. works great. bought for 50 would like to see at least 40 for it.
  4. where are u located? would you take paypal and direct deposite in ur account?
  5. yea nothing is wrong with that cat. still funny non the less. every cat has a "spot" where they will go nuts when u pet them or sctratch them there. every cat reacts a lil differently. my friends brother in law has a cat that licks himself on the neck when you pet his spot and he does it till u stop petting him.
  6. alright i little while ago i had some guages installed in my 02 mustang gt. they are working and are installed ok but my autometer a/f ratio i know for a fact was hooked up wrong because i did one in my other car and it acted apropriatly and now in my mustang it stays in the red zone as if it was not getting a reading and does not fluxuate like it has on previous cars. this one i didnt install myself. i had it done when i got my headers installed cause i figured it was a good opertunity to get out of doing it myself. i know that it gets spliced into the o2 sensor in the h pipe but i installed a bbk x pipe with mil eliminaters. either when they wired that guage they wired it completly wrong or when they spliced into the eliminaters they thought it was the o2 sensor (which the eliminators replace) and didnt know any better. is there possibly a different wire map that should be used for this or is there no way to get a proper a/f reading? please help!!!!!!!!!
  7. it was kerosene for sure judging by the bottle. that was the funniest thing ive seen in a while.
  8. that has to be the dumbist thing i have ever seen in the entire world. clearly there is a easy way to do it and they figured it out later but why would any one have the desire to have that as an accesory? waste of time and money on the manufacturers part.
  9. what condition is the v in? any marks scratches? would like pics. very interested.
  10. i personally wouldnt install it on anything less than a 500mhz processor with 512 ram if u want it to run well. u can do it with 128 or 256 but for me it dogs out a lot cause xp itself is a dog for using so much mem.
  11. im looking for a laptop for school. just to do basic things on. office 2003 and xp compatible. i doesnt have to be anything super fast. maybe processor speed 800mhz or better, 20gb hdd or better, at least 256MB memory somthing decent and not junked up or broke. doesnt have to have a os on it but soimthing along the lines of what i stated above so i can run that OS and office. also would like a battery that holds a charge and a power cord with it. thanks guys
  12. i love fuckin volks wagons just gotta find one vdub baby
  13. if there are no nasty stains on it ill take it. let me know when i can come get it. thanks
  14. very interested. what is a sertapedic mattress?
  15. all prices are now best offer. someone HAS to want some of this crap haha
  16. the ring is a size 7 i believe. if u want a pic send me your email. i still have the controler and medal of honor so u have first dibs. lustalbert
  17. hey im moving and have some things i want to get rid of. i have more things to put up later but this is it for now. -medal of honer pacific assault pc gamedvd directers addition-SOLD -microsoft x box S controller black- SOLD -10k yellow gold ring -SOLD -game boy advance blue, ac and car adapter and viewing light. comes with rechargable battery pak. doesnt hold more thena hour of charge but if pluged in it works as long as u pay your electric bill i just use normal batterys with it-$10 for all of it. -airline tycoon pc game-$5 -sony style gift card with $10 balance-$5 -two pairs of xloop sunglasses brand new never worn one pair looks like okley juliets. other pair is identicle but with black frames and blue lenses. $7 a piece. -seven black ice hockey pucks. $6 for all i dont know what they would be worth. David- 614-314-6310
  18. d3dx9_29.dll is probably what the error was talking about. a lot of people are missing it from their system 32 files. its like a 2 mb file. find a friend thats running xp take a flash drive, copy and paste that specific file to the drive and place it in c:\windows\system32 on your comp. place it any where in that paramiter. im almost positive thats your problem. it was for me along with about 7 other people i know that downloaded the demo.
  19. rotflol haha that part was great
  20. "there is no such thing as too much power. its not enough traction". i would love to have that car stock. being what he is doing, i would drive that thing around with a huge boner and be proud of it.
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