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Everything posted by xTHExBOSSx46
about the whole camera thing its a good idea, but you might want to concider the possibility that this dude is psycho. if he sees them take a picture of him he might actually come through and come after your son. which would make thigns a lot worse. i would say follow your son sometime and you take the picture foir saftys sake cause you never know with people these days
Check this thing out 8 TURBOS!!!
xTHExBOSSx46 replied to Jelloman4571647545499's topic in Passing Lane
yea it was in a magizine cant honestly tell you which one but ive seen it before. deffinitly a great looking show car -
drove 150 in a 01 saleen. so far the ride of my life
no.... no more leak. thanks guys i apriciate it. just a bone head move on my part.
+1000000...................im retarded
honestly a lot of times the barton chips are not compatable with the asus mother boards. might wanna do a search on your specific problem and or mother board and chip and there are millions of forums dedicated to asus mother boards and problems with the barton chips. might want to see if ur set up has a problem with it in that aspect. just a thought
ok i turned the knob to let gas in the engine instead of being cut off and i let it set for a few hours. i came back to it after class today and there was no more puddle. im asuming since the tank was off the vapers had no where to go and were comming out the vpor hose out the bottom. so as of now it doesnt leak anymore. and i cut the fuel off again and its fine. maybe i filled the tank too high and there wasnt room for the vapors and pressure and it leaked out or something i dont know.
my 94 katana is leaking gas all over my drivway. its a relitivly slow leak and has never done this before to my knowlege. what all could be causeing the leak and or is it a commen problem? any help would be great. thanks
possibly some of the funniest shit ive ever read lol
ILSHICMP hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
i need a saleen size snout for my eaton charger to get it to work on my gt. the one on it is way too long. anyone with information on it or if anyone owns one i would like to know the snout length. saleen wont help me and neither will roush. thanks
picky picky.
ok just to clear up what i said earlier. i in no way shape or form said i dont feel sorry for them. if u were to read what i write clearly u would see that i said black or white i feel sorry for the ppl who lost their homes. that includes everyone who lost their home. be it they stayed there or not. BUT where there is a will there is a way. 90 %of the people who stayed thought they could tough it threw. not knowing what exactly they were in for. i actually work at ocharleys and there was a family that came in that was poor as dirt and they found their way up north and are curently staying with some ppl who have their welcome mats out. and we fed them for free. all im saying is where there is a will there is a way. there is no denying that. and it was a family of 8. 8 freaking people. mother father and 6 kids younger then 10 years old. and they made it up here with no money. so dont just go calling people u think are uneducated about the situation idiots. unlike most people i follow politics and issues that concern our country. and ive donated $ 40. of my own for the relief fund. i feel for everyone who lost their homes.
wow. some of the things that people say are absolutly unreal. west is a asshole. he said they were aloud to open fire on "his" people. kanye hopefully will kill his own carreer after his comments. the reason for all of it was retaliation. those idiots shot first. i am in no way racist. i feel sorry for all those people who lost their proproty. BUT they were told to leave and staying there was their own fault. so in that aspect i dont feel sorry that they are living right now in water. im not saying what party i am. because it doesnt matter. BUT both parties make mistakes. those people down there and up here in the north are blaming the federal gov for their poverty and right now its run by republicans. why? there is no reason to blame them. that state is widly ruled democraticly. it took them more then maybe 48 hours i think to make it a federal issue?!?!?!?!?!?!? i mean seriously. there gov sat on her ass till the federal government stepped in. also as stated in the dispatch bush of all people is setting up a investigation as to why it took the STATE so long to make it a federal issue while not helping their states cities in the mean time. so if u wanna blame political parties or individuals for the poverty in new orleans......... the democratic govenor. so kanye is a complete tool for blaming anyone else but the gov of luisiana. actually his a tool for opening his mouth and not reading the teleprompter
also too I am a friend on the person who registered this name, he doesn't want a bunch of PMs but I will be checkin the replies here or call me if you're interested, my number is 614-570-3235
Ok I have a brand new LG VX8000 phone I wanna get rid of for the money b/c honestly I am broke, I think I am just gonna activate an older phone of mine. I think regular retail of this phone is in the mid $300 range, promotional price (which you're only eligable for if your contract is up) is 200 bucks. I need to get $190 for mine. This is a good oportunity to get this phone for a little under the promotional price plus you won't have the tax to pay. This is good esp. if you want a new phone and are not eligable to get the promotional price because your contract isn't up yet. I promise this is BRAND new, I got a replacement, so the battery case has a few scratches b/c they make you use the old battery when they send you a replacement phone and my case had a few scratches, the whole rest of the phone is flawless. I also have a USB cable and i used it to put ringtones on, so it is mp3 quality ringtones w/ singing and all on there, you can keep them if you choose, it's all punk rock liek Taking Back Sunday, Fallout Boy, and others. That may not interest you but if you like that music it could be a plus so that is that. Here is a link that has the phone on it. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,1750840,00.asp
that is possibly the coolist thing that i have ever seen
lol. yea the main purpose of building it is for schooling. im going to be a networking tech. that and im building it with a guy whose teaching me how do do everything also. its kinda like hes mentoring me. its for working online, gaming and working from home. him and i are pricing some things out suday morning so we can build it form scratch. when i have it all priced out to a price i can afford ill give u a call or pm you and see how comparable your computer is and price. thanks for the response
im selling a 2 1/16 lunar series guage. its a oil pressure guage 0-100. never used. bought a month ago. comes with all instalation hardware and the new oil sensor . not sure what to ask i payed 70 for it. make me a offer so long as its reasonable. sub and amp *****sold*****
just wandering if anyone else saw this http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6448213/did/8888579/ 50 hours of computer games cause heart failure from exaustion. those crazy asians.
best thing to do is change your diet a little bit add the protien anywhere u can. without sucking dick. haha j/k. but seriously. take vitamins. b complex, c, and e, and some amino acids. protien shakes are good too. this is what i do and ive gained about ten lbs of muscle in about a year or a lil more. im 5'7 160lbs. vertualy no fat on my body. like dude said squats is the number one to add mass. it works your whole body not just your legs. if you do these make sure your thighs are at least parallel with the ground then extend back up. here is my routine. monday tuesday thursday friday. wednesday and weekend off. monday i do legs back and bicepts. as well as thursday but thursday is heavy day. i do squats. two warm up sets litly increasing the weight with 8 reps. then i do three heavy sets of 6 of what i can do cleanly without cheating. if you have to cheat to get it up your doing it wrong and cheating yourself. for bac i do lat pull downs. one warm up set of my body weight or more eight reps. then 3 heavy clean sets of what i can do. lower back is also a good one. bent over rows. keep your uper body as parallel with the ground as possible and lift with your arms whatever weight u do to your belly button. then bicepts. one warm up set of 8 3 heavy sets of 6. on light days do a lil less then what ur heavy day is. for chest shoulders and tricepts. i do tuesday and friday. tuesday light friday heavy. start with bench. one to two lights sets of eight to get the motion right and warm up then 3 heavy sets of 6. same with incline. you can throw in decline if u want but ive never got into it. military press is great. wear a belt!!!!!!! one light three heavy. i also ater military like to throw in shrugs or dead lift. either or are great for your traps and thickining your neck. tricepts are the easyist to cheat with and lift incorectly. if your doing extention meaning pushing down. do the sets same as others. but keep your elbows as close to your body as possible and let it lift your arms a lil past 90 degrees but not much .weighted dips are my favorite though. on any given day if you do this work out right it should take you a while. light days a lil over a hour heavy days close to two hours. this was my dads routine when he was a profesional body builder and its now mine and it works. EAT LOTS OF TUNA.
thanks ill get the pics tonite
they are cracked all the way through and there is a chunk out also. thanks for the help.