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Everything posted by rockybalboa

  1. I like to pace the car until they shift in to second or maybe even third.Then when they think are going to keep up I pull a wheelie and leave them sitting there wondering what just happened.
  2. Waving is a mid west thing! You won't see it down south.There are to many bikes down there.You would spend most of the ride with your left hand stuck out.
  3. I agree.if you can get on your bike and not have a good time you need to sell your sh!t and buy a mini van.Every time I start my bike I am going to have a good time.Bike night or not!
  4. No you called it a lid. I was not aware you were a biker boy!
  5. I think Matt Damon and James Toseland might be the same person.
  6. Sorry but due to this comment you have been added to my ignore list.
  7. In europe Rossi is a god.Those two could have been on the bike naked together and people there wouldn't care.
  8. You guys need to learn to make your surroundings fun. Nnick you should give "bike nights" a chance.You need to ignore the rev master,loud mouths,braggers and loser and find the quality riders that you can learn from.Then again maybe dayton doesn't have any good riders...I don't know.
  9. I have tried multiple times to take a pic of mine but I can't get the bike in the pic.Its kinda like when a vampire looks in the mirror. It must just be to stealth!
  10. Do you have anymore info or a link?
  11. Don't worry Nnick you wouldn't win anyways!
  12. NO! Basically everything but the road. Well maybe my crotch, but only every once in a while.
  13. I cold never have that. If other people found out what I was looking at while I'm on a motorcycle I would get flammed for sure.
  14. I hope you didn't think they would fix that?
  15. www.columbusspeedway.com Events start at 7pm! Here are a few of the events taking place at this years crash-a-rama Skid Car Race Figure 8 school bus Flag Pole Race Boat Trailer (on oval) Compact Demo Derby Enduro I will be racing in 3 of the races everyone should come out to watch it will be a great time! Here are some pics from last years events! Those are a few pics from some events we did last year! It is going to be a much larger event this year so hope you all can make it out! You will laugh your asses off!
  16. +1 I hate people that do that shit! There is no need for senseless revving!
  17. All I'm going to say is. Its a good thing that the picture wasn't taken 10 seconds sooner!
  18. I'll race you anytime anyplace.You can't beat me.Douche
  19. If you go back to the pics from the drag strip rental and look real close I'm wearing airwalks over my a-star boots to just get that areo advantage!
  20. I'll see you guys there. Its not cola yet, but its getting there.
  21. I went back and check all the time slips from that day. I was disappointed to see my best 60ft. time was a 1.79 that sucks.I guess I know where I need to improve! HaHa double post.
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